“Step into Your Greatness” is a simple — yet profound and often forgotten — spiritual imperative. Stepping into your greatness is waking up to and living from the deepest truth and authenticity of who you really are. It is the loving transformation from being at the effect of the world around you to being the conscious creator of your experience to experiencing “heaven on earth.” These Ten Commandments guide you!

1. You shall remember who you are. You are Spirit experiencing through and as your humanity. Your Spiritual essence is uniquely expressed through an exquisite tapestry of gifts & talents, dreams & desires, purpose, personality and physicality.

2. You shall let go of anything that stands between you and your greatness. Especially disempowering beliefs. These are behind everything that distracts you from your joy and purpose and does not support your greatness. Your present life experience reflects your beliefs.

3. You shall take the high road in everyday thoughts, words and acts whether anyone is looking or not. Your every thought, word and action no matter how seemingly small or inconsequential impacts you and all of life. Each one of these either increases or decreases a sense of trust, abundance, connection and aliveness.

4. You shall Say “Yes” to the Spirit within without reservation. Say “Yes” to your callings, your dreams & heart’s desires and your inner knowing. These call you forth to your Soul Purpose, your own best interests and full aliveness. The “hows” will be revealed.

5. You shall act in Faith. Faith is the Spiritual Power within you that transforms your potential, your purpose, your dreams and your desires into reality. Believe in who you are, trust the Divine and act boldly with faith.

6. You shall fully express your purpose, innate gifts and talents. You are blessed with gifts & talents for your own joy and freedom, and to fulfill your Soul Purpose. Your Soul Purpose is your Life assignment and serves the Divine Purpose of an increasingly abundant life.

7. You shall live from your highest vision and manifest a life that is worthy of you. The reality you experience is your choice and is created first in heart and mind. Step fully into your highest vision — live from there, follow inspired guidance, act in faith and allow the reality to manifest.

8. You shall Love, be Love and be “in Love!” Love is the “being” of your humanity; the alchemy of your life on earth; the energy that creates heaven on earth; and the infinite supply from which all your desires manifest. Love creates life abundant.

9. You shall allow yourself to stand out naturally.
Only you can be who you are, do what you do the way you do it and have the impact you are meant to have. Let your beautiful light shine and be a light for others who need to see and hear your message.

10. You shall assist others in remembering who they are and stepping into their greatness. This is the essence of joyful service.

"Playing small is not what I had in mind for you." —The Divine

Author's Bio: 

Reggie Odom CPCC, PCC, founder of Inspired Works, is a professional coach, intuitive consultant, hand analyst, spiritual teacher and speaker. She is also on the faculty of the National Institute of Whole Health where she teaches a coaching series. Reggie is a master teacher and unforgettable speaker. She inspires and empowers spiritually oriented women entrepreneurs to step into their greatness. She can be contacted at reggie@reggieodom.com.