Our conscious intelligence is as much of Life as we understand. We have stopped looking for the Spirit, because we have found It; It is what you are and It is what I am; we could not be anything else if we tried. The thing that we look with is the thing that we have been looking for. That is why ... Views: 2168
When we are dealing with Causation, we are dealing with that which has involved within Itself all effect, as it unfolds. We may leave it to the Law to compel right action. With this in mind, let us go on to treatment.
Suppose we wish to attract friends. We must begin to image ideal ... Views: 2537
Limitation and poverty are not things but are the results of restricted ways of thinking. We are surrounded by a Subjective Intelligence which receives the impress of our thought and acts upon it. This Intelligence is a natural Law in the Mental World, and consequently It is neither good nor ... Views: 2256
That quality in an animal which directs its action and tells it where to go to find food and shelter, we call instinct. It is, really, Omniscience in the animal. The same quality, more highly developed, makes its appearance in man; and is what we call intuition. Intuition is God in man, ... Views: 2824
We should turn within, then, as have all of those great souls who have blessed the world with their presence; we should turn within and FIND GOD. It should seem natural to turn to the Great Power back of everything; it should seem normal to believe in this Power; and we should have a sense of a ... Views: 1540
The only instrument of Mind is idea. See with perfect clearness and never become discouraged nor overcome by a sense of limitation.
Know this:—that the Truth with which you are dealing is absolute. All of God, all of Truth, all there is, is at the point of man’s recognition; and every time ... Views: 1246
In taking up this subject, let us very clearly understand that we do not differentiate between Conscious Mind and Spirit; there is no difference, for they are One.
The Spirit of Intelligence, which is God, in order to do something for us must do that thing through us, and what It is to do ... Views: 2961
The limit of our ability to demonstrate depends on our ability to provide a mental equivalent of our desire; for the law of correspondences works from the belief to the thing. But we can provide a greater mental equivalent through the unfolding of consciousness; and this growth from within will ... Views: 1813
No matter how great a responsibility may rest in that which must be done, never let one minute’s responsibility rest in your own thought about it, because that to which the mind gives birth is, and EVERY IDEA IS BOUND TO PRODUCE AN EFFECT EXACTLY LIKE ITS CAUSE.
When we make a demonstration ... Views: 2662
We are surrounded by a Universal Subjectivity, a Subjective, Creative Consciousness, which isv receptive, neutral, impersonal, always receiving the impress of our thought, and which has no alternative other than to operate directly upon it, thus creating the things which we think.
Each one ... Views: 1801
Never look at that which you do not wish to experience. No matter what the false condition may
be, it must be refuted.
The proper kind of a denial is based upon the recognition that, in reality, there is no limitation; for mind can as easily make a planet as anything else. The Infinite knows ... Views: 1834
Cause and effect are but two sides of thought; and Spirit is both Cause and Effect. Prayer is its own answer. Now, if the one who prays only partly believes, then there is a tendency to set an idea in motion; if the next day he wholly doubts, this idea must be wiped out. In dealing with Mind, we ... Views: 2133
Every one automatically attracts to himself just what he is, and you may set it down that wherever you are, however intolerable the situation may be, it is just where you belong. There is no power in the Universe but yourself that can get you out of it. Some one may help you on the road to ... Views: 2963
These quotations will strengthen your faith.
Smith Wigglesworth - “I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe.”
Kenneth E. Hagin Sr. – “Faith begins where the will of God is known.”
Joni Erickson Tada - “Faith isn’t the ability to ... Views: 3456
These quotations will give you hope and build your faith.
Hope is the road, Faith is the victory.
Martin Luther – “Everything that is done in the world is done by hope.”
Unknown – Don’t worry, the fog will lift.
Me – “Hope is the raw material from which faith builds the ... Views: 2473
Fear can have both positive and negative effects in our lives. Suppose, for example, that you were called upon right now to justify your life before God. How would you feel? Most people, would feel some degree of fear.
What does your fear tell you? What is the real meaning of your fear? ... Views: 2002
Forgiveness is a concept rooted within faith. In the Bible forgiveness is the most crucial concept, the basis for relational healing within community and with God. Lives are transformed as hope takes the place of guilt, anger, loneliness, and fear, as relationships are restored, and the love of ... Views: 1824
Science is knowledge of facts built around some proven principle. All that we know about any science is that certain things happen under certain conditions. Take electricity as an example; we know that there is such a thing as electricity; we have never seen it, but we know that it ... Views: 2056
No one has ever seen Mind or Spirit, but who could possibly doubt their existence? Nothing is more self- evident than that we live; and since we live, we must have life; yet who has ever seen this life? The only proof of life we have is that we live; and the only proof we have of Mind is that we ... Views: 2108
It has been observed that suggestions, planted in the subconscious, become memories, and eventually tend to externalize in the body. From this, it has been deduced that the sub-conscious mind is the builder of the body and is the creative factor in man. It has also been proven that certain types ... Views: 1828
The masculine sees from above to below - the feminine from below to above.
When God created the world, He did so with two minds, two states of consciousness. One mind sees from Above to Below - and so, all is insignificant before it. From Above to Below, there is no world, only One.
From ... Views: 1915
Since man has a self-conscious mind, a subconscious mind and a body, we know that he is threefold in his nature. First, he is conscious mind or spirit; next, he is subconscious mind or mental law; and then, he is body.
The conscious mind controls the subconscious; and in its turn, the ... Views: 2906
The belief in duality has robbed theology of power and has polluted philosophy with untruths; it has divided science against itself and has made countless thousands go through life with saddened hearts.
The belief in duality has given rise in theology to the idea of a ... Views: 2157
The argument has been something after this manner: The Ultimate Cause back of all things must be One, since Life cannot be divided against Itself; the Infinite must be One, for there could not be two Infinites. Whatever change takes place must take place within the One; but the One must be ... Views: 1384
Next, we come to the forms of Spirit, which forms we call matter. But what is matter? Science tells us that matter is eternal and indestructible; that, at first, it is an invisible cosmic stuff; and that it gradually takes form through some law working within it. The worlds were formed by ... Views: 1494
The aim of evolution is to produce a man who, at the point of his objective thought, may completely manifest the whole idea of life—i.e., bring the concept of Unity to the point of particularization, finding nothing in the Law to oppose it.
The reason Jesus was able to become the Christ was, ... Views: 1299
We treat of Spirit as the Active and the only Self-Conscious Principle. We define Spirit as the First Cause or God; the Absolute Essence of all that is. It is also called the great, or the Universal, I AM. When Moses asked God who he should tell the Children of Israel had sent him, the ... Views: 1640
The world is beginning to realize that it has learned all it can through suffering and pain.
Perhaps they were good in their place, but surely there can be no power in the Universe which wishes man
to be sick, to suffer pain, to be unhappy and end up in the grave. Surely God could not ... Views: 1694
There is no such thing as your mind, my mind, his mind, her mind and God’s Mind; there is just Mind in which we all live, move and have our being. There is Mind and nothing but Mind. We think of Conscious Mind and Spirit as One and the Same.
Things are ideas. What else could they be? There is ... Views: 1500
Nothing in the Universe happens by chance. All is in accordance with Law, and the Law of God
is as Omnipresent as is the Spirit of God. This Law is a Law of Mind, but back of the Law is the
“All things were made by Him and without Him was not anything made that was made.”
Back of our ... Views: 1779
We will say, then, that in Spirit man is One with God. But what of the great Law of the Universe?
If we are really One with the Whole we must be One with the Law of the Whole, as well as One with the Spirit. Again psychology has determined the fact to be more than a fancy. The ... Views: 1196
Spirit.—That part of man which enables him to be self-conscious. That which he really is. We do
not see the spirit of man any more than we see the Spirit of God. We see what man does; but we
do not see the doer.
Christ, Logos.—The Word of God manifest in and through man. In ... Views: 1303
Whatever is true of the Universe as a Whole must also be true of the individual as some part of this Whole. Man is evolved from the Universe, and is a self-conscious, thinking center of Living Spirit, and, as such, he must, in his nature and being, reproduce the Universe.
This is what ... Views: 1739
When we realize that as we deal with our own individuality we are dealing with Self-Conscious Mind, and when we realize that as we deal with subjective mind we are dealing with the Universal Subjectivity, we see at once that we have at our disposal a Power compared to which the united ... Views: 1202
The Spirit of Christ means that mentality which recognizes the Law and uses It for constructive purposes only. The spirit of Antichrist is the spirit of the individual, or class of individuals who, understanding the Law, use It destructively. The meaning of the Flood or Deluge (which is ... Views: 1143
Man reenacts the Divine Nature on all three planes; he is self- knowing in his conscious mind, creative through his subconscious mind, and has a body. He reenacts the Trinity of Being.
Man is in perfect unity with the Whole. His conscious mind is his understanding of God; his subjective mind ... Views: 1190
We know that thoughts are things. We know that thought is intelligent and has power within itself to objectify itself. We know that belief makes thought very powerful. We know that our thought lays hold of Causation and manipulates real Substance. We know that the word of man is the law of his ... Views: 1003
Mental treatment recognizes that each individual has his identity in mind and is known in Mind by the name he bears. This Subjective Law knows there is a John Smith and a Mary Jones. Why?
Because John Smith and Mary Jones know that there is a John Smith and a Mary Jones. But It only knows ... Views: 2643
Thought force is the movement of consciousness which sets law in operation. The movement of
consciousness upon itself creates a motion or vibration in Intelligence and upon Substance, the
force of which is equal to the reality of the thought set in motion.
For everything that happens in the ... Views: 1558
Sickness is an experience but not an Ultimate Reality; it is an effect and not a cause. The body, devoid of mentality, could neither know nor have sensation; it is entirely an effect. The body is made of the same unthinking stuff from which all Creation is formed.
Instinctive Man is Perfect, ... Views: 1245
Healing, then, takes place to the degree that we send down the right kind of thoughts into subjectivity.
This does not mean that we must sit around holding thoughts. We do not hold a seed in our hand when we wish to plant it, and it is the same in healing; we do not hold the thought but ... Views: 1904
When Jesus said to the man, “Stretch forth thine hand,” He undoubtedly saw a perfect hand. Did he see the without or the within as being perfect? If everything is mental, and if he saw an imperfect hand instead of a perfect one, no good result could have come through His seeing, according to the ... Views: 1415
Suppose one is constantly saying: “Everything is all wrong in the world; people are wrong; things are wrong; conditions are wrong; every one is sick; every one is unhappy; nothing is worth while.”
You, as a practitioner, must remove this complex; for these inner emotions create outer ... Views: 1248
While man must be, and is, a Divine Image or a Perfect Idea, yet he suffers and is sick. The answer to this is the same answer which can be given, philosophically, to the whole problem of evil—that man is an individual and does with himself what he wills. The Scriptures say, “God hath made man ... Views: 1989
As Mind, or Soul, accepts these images of thought, It operates upon unformed substance and causes it to take definite form as body, which is unconscious form. It becomes definite form, but the form itself is unconscious, because it is made of immaterial substance.
Body of itself, ... Views: 1564
When we know of our Oneness with God and Law, what a great burden will be removed which otherwise would cause us to struggle in making a demonstration! The sense of opposition must forever be removed from the consciousness which perceives Unity.
Instead of saying, “Here is a sick man to heal ... Views: 1099