Christ and andtichrist The Spirit of Christ means that mentality which recognizes the Law and uses It for constructive purposes only. The spirit of Antichrist is the spirit of the individual, or class of individuals who, understanding the Law, use It destructively. The meaning of the Flood or Deluge (which is recorded in every sacred scripture we have read or heard of) is that a race of people were upon the earth who came to understand psychic, or subjective, law as being the servant of the Spirit.

They understood themselves to be Spirit, but they did not understand the harmonious Unity of Spirit.

They had arrived at an intellectual concept of the Law,—a very clearly defined mental concept; but that knowledge and wisdom were not used for constructive purposes. They used it destructively, and what happened? The confusion which took place in the psychic world (or the psychic atmosphere of this planet) caused its physical correspondence in the form of the Deluge or Flood.

Psyche also means “sea,” and it was into this psychic sea that Jonah fell. This is the meaning of the story of Jonah and the whale and is also why, in Revelation, it says: “There was no more sea.”

It does not mean that Law shall be eliminated, but that the time will come when It will be used for constructive purposes only. The misuse of this Law today is called “Malpractice.” We have no fear of malpractice, because it can be practiced only upon the person who believes in it.

If we say to Mind: “There is no such thing as malpractice,” there being only One Ultimate Reality, as far as
we are concerned, we are free from it. “Against such there is no law.” We recognize Subconscious Mind as the Great Servant of our thought.

It is the Medium through which all treatment operates. How do we contact this Universal Subjective Mind, which is the Medium through which healing and demonstration take place? We contact It within ourselves and nowhere else. It is in us, being Omnipresent. Our use of It, we call our subjective mind; but It is Universal Subjectivity.

Growth is the raising of Consciousness. Consciousness has been defined as the relationship between the mind and the world with which the mind interacts. In Reriani Transfromology, we define Faith as “God Consciousness” and Reason as “Mortal Consciousness”.

There is a point where Faith and Reason converge and it is this point that we at Reriani Transformology aspire to raise the masses. "Knowing is higher than believing". Join our “Daily Tune-up” for more articles and discussions at:

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Author's Bio: 

For over 15 years, Baruch Reriani has been a student of the greatest philosophical minds to have ever walked the universe in recent history.

Baruch Reriani’s teaching are based entirely upon the supposition that we are surrounded by a Universal Mind into which we think; this Mind, in Its original state, fills all space with Its Presence. Since It fills all space, It fills the space that man uses in the Universe. It is in man as well as outside of him. As he thinks into this Universal Mind he sets in motion a Law which is creative, and which contains within itself a limitless possibility.

Philosophy has always transcended science and always will; for philosophy deals with causes while science deals with effects. A scientist observes the result of nature’s work while a philosopher speculates as to its cause. Many things which philosophy has taught for thousands of years are today being demonstrated by science. This is the essence of Baruch’s philosophy.

Baruch Reriani offers a spiritual perspective on daily and world events as well as tools for spiritual living and practice. The purpose of his writtings is not the teaching of any special religion, philosophy or doctrine, but to give a statement of the Truth that will serve to reconcile the many bits of knowledge that they may have acquired over their lifetime.

The intent of Baruch Reriani is not to erect a new Temple of Knowledge, but to place in the hands of his students or researchers a Key with which they may open the many inner doors of their mysterious self which is the only TRUE reality that exist.