Spirit.—That part of man which enables him to be self-conscious. That which he really is. We do
not see the spirit of man any more than we see the Spirit of God. We see what man does; but we
do not see the doer.
Christ, Logos.—The Word of God manifest in and through man. In a liberal sense the Christ
means the Entire Manifestation of God and is, therefore, the Second Person of the Trinity. Christ
is a Universal Idea, and each one “Puts on The Christ” to the degree that he surrenders a limited
sense of Life to the Divine Realization.
Sonship.—We are all Sons of God and all partake of the Divine Nature.
Microcosm.—The individual world as distinguished from the Universal.
Emmanuel.-God-with-us.—Means that Christ is in every one.
Personality.—The external evidence of individualized being.
Individuality.—Each one is a separate identity in Mind and no two are alike. Each is an Individualized
Center of God-Consciousness. Our personality is the use that we make of our Divine Individuality.
Conscious-State.—The conscious-state is the self-knowing mind of man. It is the only thing that
distinguishes him from brute creation. Without a conscious-state of mind man would not be at all;
or, at least, he would not know that he is. The conscious mind should be carefully guarded, as it is
the real man.
Mental.—Means that man is mentally conscious.
Spiritual.—Means that man is a Spiritual Being.
Reason: Inductive and Deductive.—The conscious mind of man can reason both inductively and
deductively. It can reason from the Whole to a part or from a part to the Whole.
Will.—Means conscious ability to determine.
Choice.—Ability to differentiate and choose.
Volition.—Power to act independently.
Intellect.—Mental quality of analysis.
Purpose.—Determination with incentive.
Decision.—Ability to choose.
Soul.—The Subjective Side of Life. Man’s place in the One Subjective Mind of the Universe; his
identity in Mind. Man’s soul life reenacts the Soul Life of the Universe with which it is at One.
Subjective.—The Soul is subjective. Read again the meaning of subjectivity as given in the Universal
Subconscious.—The Soul is subjective to the conscious thought.
Unconscious.—Word used in Psycho-analysis to denote soul. It is a poor way of expressing soullife,
for it really is not unconscious. It is subconscious but certainly not unconscious.
Consciousness.—Another way of saying soul. The Bible says, soul; the psycho-analyst says, unconscious;
the psychologist says, subjective or subconscious; and the metaphysician says, consciousness.
All have the same meaning.
Karma.—The subjective law of tendency set in motion by the individual. The mental law acting
through him. Karmic Law means the use that man makes of his mentality. Karma is not Kismet;
for Kismet means “fate,” and Karma simply means “the mental tendency.” Karma is both individual
and Universal.
Aura.—Mental atmosphere or vibration. It extends from a few inches to a few feet around the
individual and can be seen by many people.
Memory.—The soul, or subjective mind, is the seat of memory, and retains within itself everything
that the individual has ever said, thought, seen, heard, felt, read or been told; and, indeed,
everything that has ever happened to him. It also contains race memory, and may, or may not,
contain much of what we call Cosmic Purposes. Cosmic Purposes mean the Ideas of God. The
soul of man, being in constant contact with the Soul of the Universe, might contact tremendous
powers if it would turn to the One.
Conflict.—In the study of Psycho-analysis, which means the analysis of the soul, we learn that
the subjective side of thought, being the seat of memory, often retains thoughts and suppressed
emotions which more or less tear or bind. This is what is meant by inner conflict.
Psyche.—Means soul.
Inherited Tendencies.—The subjective, being the seat of memory, contains the race characteristics
and tendencies. We do not inherit diseases, but we do inherit tendencies. This is the way that
family and race traits are handed down.
Race-Suggestion.—The tendency to reproduce what the race has thought and experienced.
Prenatal Conditions.—The tendency to inherit family traits.
Images of Thought.—The soul, or subjective mind, contains all of our thoughts as mental images
or pictures.
Auto-Suggestion.—The soul receives the suggestions of the individual.
Reason Deductive Only.—That which is subjective can reason deductively only.
Body.—The definite outline of flesh, containing all of the ideas which go to make the complete
physical instrument.
Effect.—That which follows cause. The body is always an effect.
Affairs.—That which happens to the external man.
Conditions.—External things, the result of thought.
Growth is the raising of Consciousness. Consciousness has been defined as the relationship between the mind and the world with which the mind interacts. In Reriani Transfromology, we define Faith as “God Consciousness” and Reason as “Mortal Consciousness”.
There is a point where Faith and Reason converge and it is this point that we at Reriani Transformology aspire to raise the masses. "Knowing is higher than believing". Join our “Daily Tune-up” for more articles and discussions at: Reriani.com
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For over 15 years, Baruch Reriani has been a student of the greatest philosophical minds to have ever walked the universe in recent history.
Baruch Reriani’s teaching are based entirely upon the supposition that we are surrounded by a Universal Mind into which we think; this Mind, in Its original state, fills all space with Its Presence. Since It fills all space, It fills the space that man uses in the Universe. It is in man as well as outside of him. As he thinks into this Universal Mind he sets in motion a Law which is creative, and which contains within itself a limitless possibility.
Philosophy has always transcended science and always will; for philosophy deals with causes while science deals with effects. A scientist observes the result of nature’s work while a philosopher speculates as to its cause. Many things which philosophy has taught for thousands of years are today being demonstrated by science. This is the essence of Baruch’s philosophy.
Baruch Reriani offers a spiritual perspective on daily and world events as well as tools for spiritual living and practice. The purpose of his writtings is not the teaching of any special religion, philosophy or doctrine, but to give a statement of the Truth that will serve to reconcile the many bits of knowledge that they may have acquired over their lifetime.
The intent of Baruch Reriani is not to erect a new Temple of Knowledge, but to place in the hands of his students or researchers a Key with which they may open the many inner doors of their mysterious self which is the only TRUE reality that exist.
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