Whatever is true of the Universe as a Whole must also be true of the individual as some part of this Whole. Man is evolved from the Universe, and is a self-conscious, thinking center of Living Spirit, and, as such, he must, in his nature and being, reproduce the Universe.
This is what Jesus meant when He said, “As the Father hath (Inherent) Life in Himself, so hath he given to the Son
to have (Inherent) Life in Himself.” Inherent Life means real Life. The whole Cosmic Scheme must be reproduced on the plane of the individual, if there is an individual. We must expect to find in man, therefore, the same inherent attributes that we find in the universe from which he springs.
The Universal Spirit; next, the Universal Subjectivity, which is called the Soul of the Universe; and third, the particularization or manifestation of Universal Spirit. We have marked Unity on the descending line, because the Spirit emanates, or particularizes Itself, at the point of our personality becoming what we call man. It is essential that we realize the Unity of life, i.e., the Unity of God and man on all three planes.
Let us start with the objective plane: matter or body, devoid of mind or intelligence, has no volition; it may be permeated with intelligence, but it is not intelligent. It is one with the Body of the Universe.
Now, what do we know about the soul? Remember the things that were discussed in connection with the qualities of the Soul of the Universe; and you will find all of them depicted in what is called the psychological, subjective nature of man; for our subjective or subconscious mind reproduces all the attributes belonging to the Universal Mind.
When we turn to the spirit of man, we find that it is one with the Spirit of God—that is, man is a self-conscious, thinking, choosing center of individualized intelligence, or God-Consciousness in the great Whole.
So we find man is one with all matter in the material world, one with the Soul of the Universe in the subjective world, and one with the Spirit of God in the conscious world. What we call our objective or conscious mind is as much as we know of God and Life. The objective mind is the spiritual mind for which we have been looking, but it is not fully developed; if this were not so there would be no mind with which to look.
The objective mind must be the spiritual mind of man, since it is the only thing about him which knows that it has life and is conscious of itself.
The whole of Spirit is potentially focused in our individual, objective consciousness; but we have not yet evolved to a realization of this, except in a small degree. Back of the objective mind is the subjective mind or soul, which is the medium through which intelligence operates.
There is but One Universal Subjective Mind or Soul; and what we call our subjective mind is simply our use of Universal Subjectivity; for our subjective mind is not a thing apart, but is our place in Universal Subjective Mind; and our place in It is the use that we make of It.
Turning to the chart of man, Chart No. II-B, we find that the spirit of man is his conscious state of mental and spiritual being; that this mental state is equipped with decision, will, choice, volition, intellect and purpose. We find that it is individuality, personality, and is called Emmanuel or God with us.
It is the microcosm within the Macrocosm, which means the little world within the big world; it is also called the Image of God; it is Sonship, the Sonship of the Father; it is the Christ or Logos, which means the Word. It can reason both inductively and deductively, and is the only thing known to us that can reason both ways.
We find that on the subjective or soul side man is subconscious; but subconscious does not mean unconscious. Subconscious means subjective to the conscious thought, compelled by reason of its subjectivity to receive what is put into it.
The term “unconscious” is used by psycho-analysis. Consciousness is the word that some use in speaking of the soul side of life. It is Karmic Law, because it is the use that we are making of Universal Subjectivity; Karma means the law of cause and effect. Soul contains the memory, because it is the receptacle for the seeds of our thought.
It is psyche, soul, psychic; this is where we get the word “psycho-analysis,” analysis of the soul. It contains the inherited tendencies, because it is the seat of memory. It also contains racesuggestion; for we are not dealing with a separated and isolated subjective mind, but with the one Subjective Mind. There is a vast difference between thinking of having three or four minds and thinking of having but One which all use. Its reasoning capacity is deductive only, yet it contains an intelligence which is infinite compared with the human concept of intelligence.
Next we come to the body of man, which is simply the effect of what his thought has been in Mind. Body, effect, affairs, conditions, health, disease, destiny, riches, poverty, business, vocation, profession, results, occupation, any word that stands for the externalization of man’s thought and endeavor, we class as a part of the body.
“What a man has, as well as what he is, is the result of the subjective state of his thought.” The thinker is conscious mind, but when he thinks, he lets fall the forms of his thought into Subjective Mind, which is the Universal Medium of all thought and action, and as the result of this, the Creative Medium at once sets to work to produce the thing thought of. This is the way that Nature works and it is the way that man works, although he is just waking to this realization.
Plotinus, who was one of the Neo-Platonic philosophers, personifying Nature, said, “I do not argue; I contemplate; and as I contemplate, I let fall the forms of my thought.” This is the way Nature creates; It contemplates through Its Conscious Mind. As the result of Its contemplation, It lets fall the seeds of Its thought into the Universal Subjective, which, being Law, produces the thing thought of. Now we must expect to find, and we do find, the same thing reënacted in man.
This means that whatever man thinks (whether it is what he calls good or bad) falls into this Universal Creative Medium, is accepted by It, is at once acted upon, begins to take form, and, unless neutralized, tends to become a thing in the objective world.
Growth is the raising of Consciousness. Consciousness has been defined as the relationship between the mind and the world with which the mind interacts. In Reriani Transfromology, we define Faith as “God Consciousness” and Reason as “Mortal Consciousness”.
There is a point where Faith and Reason converge and it is this point that we at Reriani Transformology aspire to raise the masses. "Knowing is higher than believing". Join our “Daily Tune-up” for more articles and discussions at: Reriani.com
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For over 15 years, Baruch Reriani has been a student of the greatest philosophical minds to have ever walked the universe in recent history.
Baruch Reriani’s teaching are based entirely upon the supposition that we are surrounded by a Universal Mind into which we think; this Mind, in Its original state, fills all space with Its Presence. Since It fills all space, It fills the space that man uses in the Universe. It is in man as well as outside of him. As he thinks into this Universal Mind he sets in motion a Law which is creative, and which contains within itself a limitless possibility.
Philosophy has always transcended science and always will; for philosophy deals with causes while science deals with effects. A scientist observes the result of nature’s work while a philosopher speculates as to its cause. Many things which philosophy has taught for thousands of years are today being demonstrated by science. This is the essence of Baruch’s philosophy.
Baruch Reriani offers a spiritual perspective on daily and world events as well as tools for spiritual living and practice. The purpose of his writtings is not the teaching of any special religion, philosophy or doctrine, but to give a statement of the Truth that will serve to reconcile the many bits of knowledge that they may have acquired over their lifetime.
The intent of Baruch Reriani is not to erect a new Temple of Knowledge, but to place in the hands of his students or researchers a Key with which they may open the many inner doors of their mysterious self which is the only TRUE reality that exist.
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