Bad habits are very easy to develop, but can be extremely hard to stop. Nevertheless, it is not mission impossible. As with achieving any goal, stopping a bad habit begins with a single step. And while that step is hard to take, it does get easier after that.
Once you are willing to make the change and will work on taking the proper steps, you will see that you can break any habit. And once the bad habit is broken, it could be replaced with a healthier one.
Tips on Breaking Bad Habits
The first step in stopping any undesirable habit is preparing yourself mentally for ending it, accepting that it has to stop, and making the commitment to stop it. Being firmly committed to this will help you to overcome any habit.
The following suggestion will help you end any bad habits, and replace them with healthy ones:
The first step is to identify one bad habit you want to eliminate. It's not a good idea to tackle several bad habits at one time, that could be overwhelming and frustrating. You also must identify habits that you are willing to change, choosing one you have no desire to alter will not be successful. If you experience a setback while trying to change a bad habit, don't give up, chalk it up to experience and continue working at changing the habit.
Choosing a Substitution
An important thing to remember is that you are not actually eliminating a habit, what you are doing is replacing a negative habit with a positive one. Attempting to completely eliminate a habit without some form of a replacement for it can be exceedingly difficult. You may find that you can deny the habit and the impulses to engage in it for a short time, but in the end, you will wind up engaging in the habit as if nothing had ever changed.
Consider some of these situations for substituting good habits for bad ones:
1. Get in shape with Exercise. Exercise is an ideal substitution for negative and destructive habits. Exercising is especially fitting if the habit you are fighting is overeating, smoking or some other addiction. With exercise you will not only stop yourself from engaging in the destructive acts, but you'll be focusing that energy on a positive outlet that will actually make you healthier, too.
2. Bad habits in social settings. It is true that some bad habits creep out more when we are in social situations. While being social is great and enjoyable, it is important to find social situations that you can enjoy that will not cause you to engage in the bad habit. Identify the social settings that creat the biggest temptation and then change your routine so that you can avoid them.
3. You must take action. It is important that any solution you choose should be one that you will be able to follow, as this is the only way it will be able to work for you. You will make mistakes, and there will be times that you slide back into old actions, but it is important that you don't give up, that you continue to try and work towards your goal of changing that bad habit.
How to Fulfill Your Needs
We all have needs, and many can be fulfilled with negative habits, but they can also be fulfilled with healthy habits. You have probably developed the bad habit because it fills a need. If you can pinpoint this need, then you can pinpoint a way to fulfill that need with a healthy habit.
Of course, finding the actual need that you are trying to fill may not be the simplest task; it may take some real thought and soul searching. For example, a habit such as grinding your teeth at night can be highly destructive, but the real question is why you grind your teeth. It's true that you can sleep with a mouth guard to prevent permanent dental damage from occurring, but it is imperative that you find out the root cause if you truly want to stop.
There are negative habits we develop because we don't feel loved, or needed, or important and the bad habit forms as a way to cope with those feelings. So while delving into those feelings can be difficult and even painful, we need to do so. Otherwise, we'd continue to just put a makeshift bandage over the problem with our bad habits, and nothing is ever truly resolved and healed. One way to find the true source of your bad habits is also to talk things over with your family, friends, or even a health professional; any of these people may be able to help you pinpoint the real problem.
These tips can help you replace your bad habits with positive ones and while it takes time, a lot of patience, and continuing effort, the results will be worth every second spent on this process.
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