In this week's newspaper there was an article stating that mental health disorders account for 90% of the Emergency Room Visits. That number is alarming at the very least. There are many things that contribue to anxiety, and the sensations mimic several other health disorders. In this article, I will outline symptoms of anxiety attacks/panic attacks.
You are walking in the crowded mall and suddenly, you feel this intense urge to get out. You start to panic and look for the closest exit. Once you get outside, you feel much better, but that is not the answer to what happened in the mall.
1. Feeling of apprehension
2. Sweating
3. Raising heart/palpitations
4. Feelings of an impending doom
5. Shakiness
6. Fear
7. Racing thoughts
8. Numbness/tingling
9. Dry mouth
10. Feeling you will die
11. Nausea
12. Dizziness/feeling faint
The list goes on. As someone who suffered all of these symptoms and more, I can tell you, there is relief and it starts with your thoughts. It is a vicious cycle when one is anxious, the thoughts come at you like a tornado and it is hard to stop them in their tracks, but it can be done. Each time you have an anxiety attack or panic attack, it can be stopped before it takes over. You have the control and it is about learning how to not give in and give up that control to the uncomfortable sensations of anxiety.
There are several anxiety disorders:
1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
2. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
3. Social Anxiety
4. Fear & Phobias
5. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
6. Agoraphobia
Each disorder has unique characteristics but one very important similarity: Your thoughts!
With the Obssesive Compulsive, they are repeating things over and over again, rechecking if the stove was shut off, or the iron is off and so on. Washing hands repeatedly along with so many other obsessions. OCD is about control, when you may feel as though something in your life is out of control, doing these rituals can make you feel more in control, because it is something you feel you can control.
OCD is stress producing. It takes so much time out of ones life and it makes on always on edge. This does not have to be this way.
Social Anxiety is really about insecurity and low self esteem. Often times someone will feel they will embarrass themselves or will not be accepted. Socialization is crucial to our well-being and this can be changed and concurred if you begin to believe in yourself and have that confidence.
Fears & Phobias are by the plenty. Everyone has a fear or phobias of something, spiders, snakes, small spaces, dying and millions more. Again, these come from your thoughts and beliefs. Possibly you saw something on a movie that made you fear the particular thing or situation or you encountered it in the past. Identifying the fear or phobia is the first step, breaking it down and than facing it. Facing a fear will never be as bad as what you have thought up in your mind.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder has many elements to it, reverting back to a younger age, re-adopting old habits, like bed wetting, nightmares. Reliving the traumatic event and becoming crippled by it often times. Triggers can bring you back to the trauma and cause immense anxiety and depression and fear. It does not have to be a life threatening event that will cause PTSD, it can be anything that caused you emotional harm. Something that may not be traumatic to someone else can very well be for you. Facing the traumatic experience head on and accepting that is over can help. Changing your thoughts and releasing the anger surrounding the event will prove more peace.
Agoraphobia can be debilitating. Fear of wide open spaces. many people do not leave their homes or they avoid things they once loved. This can and will ruin lives and waste it as well. Changing your beliefs and thoughts and taking action is critical to getting over this.
No matter what level of anxiety you may have, it can be relieved and gone with or without medications. It all starts with your thoughts. Changing the way you think, perceive and believe in yourself. It is not easy and there is no quick fix, there is no magic, it takes work and commitment and the desire to be free of it and live a happy and joyful life.
Seek help from a medical provider, psychologist or Life Coach if you have an anxiety disorder, do not waste any more time feeling anxious. Life is grand and you need to join in.
You do not have to go this alone.
Kristen L. Baker, Certified Master Life Coach, Wellness Coach specializes in anxiety disorders. She has experienced it herslef years ago and knows everything there is to know about how to combat it and live a great life free of anxiety.
She has published two books, "It's Okay To Have Anxiety...Really!" And 30Day boot Camp To Eliminate Fears & Phobias. Her passion is to help others live without fear and anxiety and live the life of their dreams.
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