I find I get an influx of new clients at this time of year; most of them talk about having low self esteem. However, through their sessions with me, it is often revealed that they may not really have low self esteem but are suffering from a condition known as S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective ... Views: 873
What I am suggesting in this article is that there are seven things you could look to change in order to improve your life.
We all have times in our life when we wish we could change things. Sometimes this is only a vague, fanciful wish but, at other times, it may be a serious desire to ... Views: 2849
Coaching has certainly become big in recent years. There are coaches to help sort out your life, your career, your finances and now there are coaches to sort out your relationships. Is relationship coaching just a gimmick or can it really help you?
Relationship coaching is really a form of life ... Views: 753
Have you ever wondered as to the meaning of life? Have you ever asked yourself why you are here? Do you ever feel your life lacks a purpose? If so, then you are not alone. Yet have you ever found an answer to these issues?
Questions such as these have been taxing even the brightest of minds for ... Views: 1473
Some people, including some coaches and some self improvement ‘gurus’, may tell you that there is no such thing as failure. Yet, when you look around, you will see that failure, the fear of failure or the desire to avoid failure seem to be all around us and affecting the lives of almost everyone ... Views: 1902
Each of us has our own set of personal values; these are the things which we believe are important, which motivate us and to which we give priority. If I asked you what your personal values are, the chances are that you would struggle to find the answer. You would not be alone; in fact the ... Views: 2116