We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Pregnancy". If you have expertise in Pregnancy and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
The weather is getting warmer and the days are getting longer. It feels great to be out of doors. We tend to exercise more during the summer months and also to enjoy it more. You have to admit that it's more fun to swim at the beach than to work out at the gym. Just because you're expecting ... Views: 1197
Gender selection has become quite the controversial topic amongst parents these days. Some agree that you should ultimately let nature decide on what gender you give birth to while other parents agree that they should be able to have a say on what gender they give birth to. You agree with the ... Views: 1031
Pregnancy is a marvelous experience and a wonderful feeling that very woman wish to enjoy. If you are pregnant, it means you passed a doorway into a new world for which you need to learn lots of things and prepare yourself for various changes. Every mother has dream to have a healthy child and ... Views: 1256
Are you exhausted with all of the discomfort and pain that comes with your pregnancy? Do you know your baby is ready to come out and you just want to go into labor now? This article will show you how you can get relief now with home remedies to put you into labor. You don’t have to spend any ... Views: 3193
For some women, conceiving a baby can take awhile for the miracle to happen. It can be caused of infertility or other reasons. Before you think about trying costly medical treatments for infertility problems, you should try to conceive for six months to one year. Consult with your doctor to ... Views: 3973
You're pregnant - Congratulations! So what should you eat to have a really healthy pregnancy? You know that you need to have a healthy diet but your appetite may be all across the board. In the first trimester eating anything may be a challenge. Just the thought, sight or smell of food can be a ... Views: 856
If you’re anywhere past your first trimester you know how tough intimacy can be. Not only are mood swings intense, but extremely unpredictable. Some days you feel like you weigh over four hundred pounds and you just don’t want to be touched. Not to mention constipation, hemorrhoids and aches and ... Views: 1599
Being pregnant is one of the most beautiful times of your life, but it can also be the most difficult. Do you suffer from a sore back, knees or joints? Are you finding it difficult to move around and accomplish your day-to-day tasks? Is sleeping becoming almost impossible? You are definitely not ... Views: 3584
You don’t have to wait for a doctor to tell you when your baby is ready to be born. You can guarantee that your baby is ready for delivery before your due date by preparing your body before you even get pregnant. Take control of your pregnancy and learn how you can induce your labor early. This ... Views: 1226
If you’re worried about chemical induction and the side effects it might have on you and your baby, you’ve come to the right place. You don’t need a hospital induction to go into labor. Your body is designed for the very task of delivering beautiful babies into your arms. Don’t feel pressured go ... Views: 833
Most of the women are observed that they gain enough pounds after the phase of the pregnancy is successfully over. The reason behind it is that during the pregnancy, females are ought to experience cravings for unsuitable food eateries that can only summate the count of calories in their body. ... Views: 719
You don’t have to wait for a doctor to tell you when your baby is ready to be born. You can guarantee that your baby is ready for delivery before your due date by preparing your body before you even get pregnant. Take control of your pregnancy and learn how you can induce your labor early. This ... Views: 3067
If you’re worried about chemical induction and the side effects it might have on you and your baby, you’ve come to the right place. You don’t need a hospital induction to go into labor. Your body is designed for the very task of delivering beautiful babies into your arms. Don’t feel pressured go ... Views: 2148
Being well informed about what lays ahead of you can help a great deal with stress. The advice in the following article is the beginning to learning more about pregnancy.
You should be drinking plenty of water when pregnant. You need to keep your body hydrated and feeling thirsty might cause ... Views: 1070
If you’re tired of carrying baby with you everywhere you go and you know you’re ready to head into delivery, this article will show you how. Imagine holding your little one before your delivery date. You can with these exercises that induce labor faster right from the comfort of your own home. ... Views: 1751
If you’re at the end of your third trimester, you’ve probably already talked to your doctor about chemical induction. Although there are thousands of women that choose to have their labors chemically induced, they also have suffered greatly as a result. Here you will find out everything you ... Views: 849
Congratulations! You’re pregnant and now ready to hold your little bundle of joy. The last few months have been exciting and your body has gone through some of the most intense changes you’ve ever experienced. Being pregnant can be a beautiful and trying experience. Don’t worry, with these home ... Views: 999
Are you past your due date and dying to get relief? Are you tired of the bloated and discomfort? Are you done with being pregnant and you just want it to be over? Are you frustrated to the point of tears and tired of everyone giving you suggestions? Are you this close to considering medical ... Views: 736
Many times I think that I am one of the first people to find out that a woman is pregnant. She will come into my office, and on her way to lying down on my table she will say "Oh by the way, I'm pregnant!" quickly to be followed by "Is it safe to be doing this?"
In the 15 years of practicing ... Views: 1479
Being pregnant can be a trying experience. If you’re in your third trimester and know your baby is ready to come out, you’ve probably starting doing some research on fast ways to induce your labor naturally. You don’t have to stuffer from all of those aches and pains or wait to be chemically ... Views: 4677
Curious about the gender of the tiny tenant who's been subletting your uterus for the past nine months? I believe you are here seeking for the answer, tips and guides. Guess what? You're not alone my friend. Since the beginning of time, expectant parents have tried to guess whether the baby they ... Views: 1511
Are you past your 37th week of pregnancy? Are you exhausted with feeling sore and achy all the time? Are you just so excited about your newborn that you want to hold your baby now? You wanted to know “Is there a way to induce my labor naturally?” and I’m here to tell you there is. And not only ... Views: 815
Queasiness or nausea during early months of pregnancy is termed as morning sickness, though it may last much longer in some cases. The term, morning sickness, itself is a misnomer as the feeling of nausea or heartburn can grip you during anytime of the day or night. Morning sickness may or may ... Views: 1062
It is clear that ART, or what is known as Assisted Reproductive Technology, is something that is used to help out when it comes to conceiving. This has proved to be the beacon of hope among couples who are married but are unsuccessful when it comes to conceiving or getting pregnant. Becoming ... Views: 1010
Ovulation is the most important aspect of fertility and conception. No matter how many changes you make to your lifestyle, diet or bedroom habits, conception will not occur if you are not ovulating. To predict ovulation women have two main options – calendar tracking and the ovulation ... Views: 1137
The early section of gestation typically referred to as the primary trimester may be a amount that's marked by speedy changes during a adult body. These physical and emotional changes will begin even before the bioassay in confirmed. One such drawback among pregnant ladies is constipation. ... Views: 917
Having a baby is the most amazing experience in the world. You want to bring your baby into the world in a way that is safe and healthy for both of you. If you are past your labor date, your doctor may have started pressuring you to induce. These are five reasons why you should induce your labor ... Views: 598
There are so many risks associated with inducing your labor at the hospital that no doctor will tell you about. If you're feeling achy and know you're ready for delivery, you need to read this article now. Not only will you be saving yourself from a lot of unnecessary pain and discomfort, but ... Views: 600
An abortion is rarely an easy decision to make and is something that will require significant contemplation. It can quite often help to visit your local abortion clinic if you are unsure about terminating the fetus or deciding to proceed with the pregnancy. These clinics provide much more than ... Views: 1628
Do you have a household of boys and all you are hoping for is that precious little girl to be your new bundle of joy? Do you have a household of girls and you need that added boost of testosterone to calm everything down? Is this your first baby and you have your sights set on a certain gender? ... Views: 750
When everyone talks about the wonderful experience of pregnancy they certainly don't tell you how hellish the last few weeks can be. If you are tired, achy, sore and swollen this article is for you. If you are sick of having to go to the washroom every five minutes and hold your breath every ... Views: 1060
Beginning to struggle with your life and are you finding it hard to cope with every day life because you are struggling to get pregnant?
You have been trying to conceive for so long you have actually forgotten what it feels like to actually experience a ‘normal’ life as it were.
Have you ... Views: 911
Without a doubt, becoming parents is a wonderful feeling for everyone and especially the mother. It is not all about happiness rather it involves a number of aspects to be taken care of regarding expecting mum’s health along with her baby’s condition in the womb. Pregnancy period of 9 months is ... Views: 710
In general, ovulation takes place when a mature egg is released from the ovary unit, pushed down to the fallopian tube, as well as is available to be fertilized and if the eggs do not conceive the uterine lining and blood will be shed. In normal cases, only one egg in the ovary is released each ... Views: 782
Having a baby is a major step in anyone’s life. In an ideal world, before you even think about getting pregnant, you should both consider these points before having a baby.
Are you in a lasting, stable relationship?
Of course most single parents manage perfectly well to bring up baby. Many ... Views: 935
Naming a child is one of the most fun things about having a baby, but it becomes daunting when you think about how important that little series of letters is going to be in your child’s life, not to mention in your own. You have to really make sure the name your choose is to the liking of you ... Views: 924
Giving birth to a baby is one of the most beautiful moments of a woman’s life. The joy of motherhood is a feeling indescribable. Right from the moment a woman becomes aware that a tiny little one is growing inside her, she begins to love her with all her heart. During the nine months of ... Views: 1131
If you are pregnant for first time then you must be anxious to know the developments that happen in your body and your baby’s body at different stages of pregnancy. This also prepares you for the changes you will witness in body. Here is a detailed description of developments that occur at 34 ... Views: 864
If you observe your body for pregnancy signs and symptoms then it is possible to detect pregnancy within days of fertilization. Many ladies out there fail to discover these signs because they are mild in nature and ignored for other trivial ailments. It also occurs that some of these early ... Views: 1065
Becoming a mother is a life-altering experience whatever your age, but the huge changes which inevitably come the moment you have that positive pregnancy test can seem all too overwhelming for many teenage mums.
A young mum-to-be is often faced with all kinds of challenges, from feelings of ... Views: 747
The baby’s growth during the first trimester of pregnancy is very crucial. Any deficiency in the first few weeks can leave long term effects. So, for the sake of a healthy baby, the first symptoms of pregnancy must be detected early on so that proper care can be initiated. Here are a few ... Views: 767
The last stage of pregnancy is sometimes frightful for many mothers. But a well-informed set of parents will hardly worry. This is the time when the mother’s body and the baby prepare for birth. A 37 weeks pregnant mother may suffer from acute labor pains. The doctor will keep a watch on the ... Views: 665
While there is no perfect time to have another baby, some times are definitely better than others and properly spacing pregnancies may improve your chances of having a baby that is healthier and stronger.
Research has shown that leaving less than 18 months or more than 59 months - calculating ... Views: 754
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (often abbreviated to POS or PCOS) is a condition that affects how a woman’s ovaries work and affects millions of women in the UK.
True PCOS is caused by the excessive production of male hormone by the adrenal glands, leading to an imbalance of LH (luteinising ... Views: 707
Pregnancy with multiples is a growing occurrence in the United States, partly due to the increased use of fertility treatments with ovulation-inducing drugs as well as what’s known as assisted reproductive technology (ART). Not all cases of twinning are caused by fertility treatments, however. ... Views: 1024
On an average, it is seen that we lose approximately 50 to 100 hairs on regular basis. This happens due to the pollutants present in the air, stress, certain medications & factors causing diseases. The stage of pregnancy has an impact on the entire body where skin, hair & nails are the areas ... Views: 1306
The third trimester of pregnancy is pretty painful for the mother as the baby starts gaining both size and weight. At the onset of this period, the baby is about 1.8-2 kg. in weight when the mother is 32 weeks pregnant. The length of the baby also is about 43 cm. This is a huge size to ... Views: 715
The first trimester pregnancy is when it all happens. It is at this stage that your baby’s organs start to form and develop, it is also the time when you experience the full effects of being pregnant with feelings of sickness, exhaustion and mood swings as your hormones rocket through the roof. ... Views: 1648
Pregnancy is a great thing to enjoy and go through because it makes a woman feel complete by giving birth to a new life. That awesome feeling cannot be expressed simply by words. Pregnancy is a painful journey for the woman, as many changes both physical and hormonal happens during this. The ... Views: 998
One in every 80 pregnancies in the UK each year is an ectopic one, when the fertilised egg implants itself outside the womb. Tests for an ectopic pregnancy traditionally involve a blood test to measure the levels of the pregnancy hormone HCG. These levels are lower than normal if the pregnancy ... Views: 1132