Beginning to struggle with your life and are you finding it hard to cope with every day life because you are struggling to get pregnant?
You have been trying to conceive for so long you have actually forgotten what it feels like to actually experience a ‘normal’ life as it were.
Have you been told:
- your partners sperm count is too low or
- you are not producing sufficient eggs or
- the eggs that you are producing are not of sufficient quality or
- you have endometriosis
- or any number of a million other things that are just stopping you from conceiving.
Has enough really become enough resigning yourself to the fact that if you cannot have a biological child of your own then at least there is always the adoption route to finally becoming parents.
You should not for one minute lose hope, it takes a really big person to admit to themselves that something is not working and even a bigger person to have to stand up and have to confess it to someone else.
Perhaps even your periods may be so irregular you do not know from one month to the next what is happening with your body, or that you need help getting pregnant after a miscarriage.
It can very easily spiral into depression especially if you have had to endure failed IVF attempts.
It can take a really strong person to have to try and conquer their feelings at the loss of a child but when the attempts of getting pregnant turn into one miscarriage after another, it can destroy even the strongest person both mentally and physically.
Even if you have all the best help, love and support in the world, nothing can ever take away the fact of what has just happened, nor the pain of loss, disbelief, sadness and utter bewilderment.
It may be having to come to terms with the sadness of loss or it may be you have reached a point in time of being utterly fed up and tired of having to:
- endure endless internal examinations
- swabs to make sure there are no infections present
- blood tests to check you are ovulating properly
- your partner giving samples in a very clinical environment
- the unending personal questions that you both have to endure
To name just but a few.
It can easily become all too much especially if the years just keep passing by.
Worst of all, having done all the checks and examinations could it be that you have been told you are just ‘unlucky’ what you have is ‘unexplained infertility’ you should be pregnant and there is absolutely no reason whatsoever why you shouldn’t be pregnant.
How is a person suppose to deal with this kind of information?
To the doctors you may just be another number, you may have had bad experience with your doctor, but you need to keep in mind one thing and that is they are just a doctor, they are not themselves specialists in any particular field.
At worst they will not know what the reasons behind your infertility are and at best all they can do is refer you on to a consultant. Even then the there are no guarantees that the consultant will be able to help in your quest to get pregnant. It can easily spiral into a medical nightmare, one after another.
Your situation could even be worse if your partner has already fathered a child from a previous relationship perhaps and that the doctors are unwilling to even check his sperm count. There are no guarantees that the sperm count may have decreased to such levels that it hinders, if not stops conception now.
However, they may have come to their conclusion that if it happened naturally before there is no reason why it cannot happen naturally now.
If that was the case and after having been trying for so long, why would you need to have their help in the first place to get pregnant?
Had your fair share of fighting with the doctors already, having trouble getting things done in the first place such as a sperm test?
You see when emotions are involved it is very hard to be able to look at the situation in such a clinical way and why secondary infertility might be so hard to swallow especially if you know a child has been conceived naturally before and the confusion around why it is not happening now.
There can be utter confusion to it all, especially if first time round you had absolutely not trouble getting pregnant naturally whatsoever!
Even when you have been seen by a specialist there is always the worry that sometimes the internal procedures that are carried out can leave adhesions which only serve to make matters worse than what they are already.
If you have been given the 'unexplained infertility' tag, or you have been struggling to conceive for such a long time now whether you are over 40 or not on finding helpful tips and natural treatments that may help if you need help getting pregnant naturally
Sincerely all the best to you.
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