The weather is getting warmer and the days are getting longer. It feels great to be out of doors. We tend to exercise more during the summer months and also to enjoy it more. You have to admit that it's more fun to swim at the beach than to work out at the gym. Just because you're expecting ... Views: 1197
You're pregnant - Congratulations! So what should you eat to have a really healthy pregnancy? You know that you need to have a healthy diet but your appetite may be all across the board. In the first trimester eating anything may be a challenge. Just the thought, sight or smell of food can be a ... Views: 856
Infant massage is about touch. It is about touching our babies in a systematic way with a specific result in mind. Although it may seem like a relatively new phenomenon, it has long been practiced in many cultures throughout the world. In Nigeria babies are massaged from birth until they are ... Views: 2518