Skye Thomas is the author of four books, almost 200 articles, a monthly horoscope, and the founder of Tomorrow’s Edge an Internet leader in inspiring leaps of faith. Her articles can be found in magazines, newsletters, and websites all over the world. She specializes in quieting the inner critic, breaking free from dysfunctional family dynamics, and making peace with the person you see staring back at you in the mirror.
When asked about her mission in life, Skye Thomas responded, “My favorite part of this job is working one-on-one with people to help them break out of situations that have them feeling stuck. It doesn’t matter to me what path they choose, just so long as they don’t sit there stagnant and decaying on an emotional and spiritual level. I just want them to take a bite out of life. Find something meaningful and go do it.”
Through her website,, people can explore all of her articles, schedule life coaching sessions, sign up to receive one or more of her newsletters, order personalized astrology reports, and read previews of her books. Skye Thomas and Tomorrow’s Edge want to help you re-commit yourself to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Life Coaching and Consulting - Via Email and/or Telephone
One-on-one time with Skye Thomas for personalized help with topics related to her topics of expertise.
Weekly Motivational Newsletter
A newsletter with feature articles from this website, quotes, and news of interest.
A newsletter with free versions of the monthly horoscopes and news of interest.
Personalized Forecasts and Astrology Profiles
One-month or Three-month personal astrology forcasts and in-depth personal astrology profiles.
Astrological compatibility reports for lovers, friends, or family members.
A computer-generated 2008 progressed chart.
Commercial Use of Monthly Astrology Forecasts
Mini-Sized Monthly Astrology Forecasts for webmasters looking to increase their repeat traffic with quality content. All forecasts are copyrighted Skye Thomas, Tomorrow’s Edge.
Regarding the Age of Aquarius, “We the people of earth, in order to build a more perfect union… demand truth, global responsibility, and real freedom for all who live here.” – Skye Thomas, 2005
To people everywhere after suffering a breast cancer scare, “Stop searching for rainbows, be the rainbow.” – Skye Thomas, 2003
Regarding the fact that someone will always complain about what you are doing, “Nothing beats taking that big bite out of life and having it bite back just a bit!” – Skye Thomas, 2004
To a group of political activists fighting for freedom of religion, “To you I say, meet me in the eye of the storm and together we will steer this mess in another direction. Jump into the storm. Do not stand on the sidelines too lazy and scared to do anything about all of the ugliness going on around you. Jump into the storm. Swim and fight your way to the center of the vortex. There we will sit together in the quiet and find the solutions. Until we embrace the eye of the storm and really see what is at the root of humanity’s hatred of each other, we will never find a long-term solution that creates real peace and equality for everyone. We need to heal our planet, our bodies, and the spiritual hearts of our species.” – Skye Thomas, 2005
To herself when the decision was made to test out the theory that positive self-talk could turn her life around, “Things are good, because I say they are.” – Skye Thomas, 1991
To those who have had enough and are ready to give up and quit, “I want you to re-commit yourselves to the concepts of ‘Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness’ and all that it entails. I want you to help me keep the American Dream alive - no matter where you live, who you are, or what you believe in. Yes, I really do believe that as individuals we can make a difference and that it is not too late.” - Skye Thomas, 2006
...inspiring leaps of faith
Articles about parenting & family dynamics, dating & romance, abundance & prosperity, angels & spirit guides, self-confidence & quieting the inner critic, personal development, spirituality, and astrology related topics. Also includes monthly horoscopes, book previews, personalized astrology reports, life coaching, romantic compatibility reports, and some of Skye’s favorite quotes.
...freelance writer, author, and philosopher
Skye’s current bio, fast facts, newsletters, archives, family pictures, and a tribute to the Redwoods.
Paperback books, clothing, gift ideas, and seasonal items designed by Skye Thomas and Tomorrow’s Edge.
Announcements, promotions, commentaries, rantings, jokes, political cartoons, and other writer’s articles of interest haphazardly compiled by Skye Thomas.
Tomorrow's Edge
...inspiring leaps of faith
1209 N. Las Flores Dr,
San Marcos, CA 92069
(760) 505-6665