He has been called "Challenged", "Gifted", "Funny" and "An Inspiration"
Milton DeWayne Benson- Author, Comedian and POZitive Speaker lives with multiple physical and mental diagnoses. He proves that we are not defined by our limitations but instead are defined by what we do because of, or in spite of, those limitations. Born into a life, family, mind and world marinated and stewed in Dysfunction he has created a unique stew of performance and writing entrees that promote acceptance, understanding, growth and stress management techniques. He is also a trained POZitive Speaker for the Desert Aids Project, Palm Springs, Ca.,using his story as an HIV/Drug Prevention and awareness message.
"For any progress to be made the 1st step must always be acceptance"
When I accepted that life isn't perfect ....it became blessed
Author of Human Frequencies
Some may call my life challenged or even cursed but I find it blessed to allow me to create humor and speaking presentations that not only inform and enlighten but also bring about positive change.
Thank God that Life SUCKS!!!!
Acceptance is always the 1st step when constructing something better.