Greetings of love and joy to you,
My name is Lisa Gawlas (It was Parkhurst until I got married). I am 46 years young with three children aged 25 thru 18 and am happily divorced. I was born and raised in the valley of the Pocono Mountains - Wilkes-Barre PA and currently live in Newport News, VA.
I have been doing spiritual healing and energy work for close to 8 years now. I don't really have a name for the type of work I do, it is something that I have been perfecting within myself over time, with some wonderful healers in spirit. I have seen first hand people heal completely from working with spirit on their bodies I have also seen first hand people resist healing as well.
From learning to do energy work, I started to really become intuitive. More intuitive than I ever thought humanly possible. I can now foresee things that will happen in the future, both globally and within people. I can see people's past and how it continues to affect them today. I can see what their hopes are, and what their spiritual path can be. The information that is available to us in any given moment, is rather humbling really.
All this time (my lifetime) I was sure we were stuck on a planet with no instructions on how to get thru this crazy little thing we call life. I couldn't be more wrong. There is actually a tremendous amount of information available to us, all we have to do is learn (actually re-member) how to tap into it and understand it.
I have spent 9 years learning these pathways of information and 6 years now teaching people how to communicate with their spiritual team/angels, how to learn to connect to mother earth and know what is happening top side (earthquakes, storms, whatever whether or natural events we need to be aware of for our own safety).
I am an avid meditator and to date have logged easily thousands of hours in meditation. Meditation is so much more than just breathing in light and getting relaxed. Most people think that is meditation... that is the beginning, but there is so much more to meditation than just relaxing, it is the doorway to god (or the creator, divine force of life, or whatever name you have) and all that serve and love god.
Thru meditation I have been able to go Home and remember who I really am. The soul of who I am, not just merely the earth creation of me. My stellar and cellular memories have become awakened and knowing. Something that is impossible to achieve without some form of meditation in your life. I cannot emphasis enough the importance of meditation in your life. It truly can be a life changing experience if you allow it to be.
For those ready to change their lives, I will do all I can to assist you in becoming a fully empowered Spiritual Being housed in a physical body!