When you look out of your window, what do you see? Do you see the breath of God, of Creation dancing all around you? Can you feel the pulse of love jumping gleefully with joy? When you look in the mirror, can you feel the Divine reflection in it, YOUR Divine reflection?
You are an absolutely amazing creature. You have such a divine gift within you, the blueprint of who you truly are. The very blueprint every single person shares on the face of this earth, no matter what race, religion, or background you come from is love.
You can strip away all that you think you are. Take away your genetic code that makes you white, black, yellow, red, or brown. Now take away the genetic factors that make you healthy or unhealthy, smart or not so smart, humorous or not so humorous and the list can go on and on. Take away the familial background that makes you rich, poor, or the fading middle class. Take away any items you may feel identify you such as, a business, a position of status, a life of poverty, whatever you feel your identity and status surrounds. Now take every single thing away that you genetically inherited, traditionally inherited, or even created in your life that seems to identify you. That leaves you and everyone else with one common thread: love.
Love is not genetic. It is not there because your parents had a lot of it. Although you may feel you have suffered because your parents may have felt a lack of it, you (and they) are still love… regardless. You are born with love. It is the tie that binds every living thing together. It is the very fabric of Creation that you are.
You are love without conditions. Yet you try to exist in a conditional world. No wonder there is so much dysfunction within you, really, within most of us. The very thing you are born to be is the very thing you are not allowed by society to be: love in motion. So you may become distorted with your views of love. You may become so hungry to be that love, to feel that love from others that you hide because you don’t understand what you are feeling or why. Most people who feel like this tend to build walls around their love center, which is the core of Who You Are. Some even go to an extreme and physically love everyone they can. Either way, all that is felt is a void, something is missing, something just isn’t right.
For example, If I approached you on the street, a perceived total stranger and tried to give you a big hug and tell you that I am so happy to see you, that I am glad you are alive and well and on earth with me, you would think I was crazy. The fact is, I really am so happy to see you and am so glad you are here on this earth with me. So, I simply smile at everyone. For now, that is the way society, the way you, allow me to share my love and excitement with you. Good thing smiles are acceptable, and smiles can go a really long way. The next time someone seems to randomly smile at you, step inside your heart center and feel what you are feeling (brush away any discomfort- some folks are just as uncomfortable with being smiled at as they are being randomly hugged!). That is the Love within each of you acknowledging the familiar, the Divine within.
Funny how someone will smile back when you smile and say ‘hi’ as you pass them by on the street. Their love felt yours and somewhere inside of them, it touched their heart and their heart responded by returning the smile!
Of course there are those rare few that just want to pop our happiness bubble and don’t smile back, or may grumble at you as you smile. What I do is simply say a little prayer for them, and ask God / Creation to help them feel their love. To help them know that their love is God/Creation living inside of them as them.
It is time for you to start showing people what you are really made of, share a smile to folks you don’t know, give a big hug to those you do and you will be amazed at the love that is felt all around you. That love is always there, most often we are simply looking the other way.
You are Love made manifest, so share yourself freely and joyfully!!
((((HUGZ)))) from my soul to yours. Thank you for sharing this moment in time with me.~
My name is Lisa Gawlas (It was Parkhurst until I got married). I am 46 years young with three children aged 25 thru 18 and am happily divorced. I was born and raised in the valley of the Pocono Mountains - Wilkes-Barre PA, and now live in Newport News, VA.
I have made it my lifes goal to teach all I can about this magical and wonderful world of Spiritual Beings incarnating as Humans (you and me). I also publish a bi-monthly magazine called "The Wonder of You." Please visit my website at wonderofyou.org.
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