There is a lot of talk these days of “living consciously”, or of being “consciously aware.” What exactly does all that mean anyway?

According to Webster, ‘Conscious’ means awareness of oneself; ‘Living’ means manner of existence. So you can put these two words together and become aware of yourself in your manner of existence. Let me break this down a bit further so you are completely clear on the point I want to get across and what it really means to “live consciously.”

How can you become aware of yourself? Most people would say, “I am very aware of myself.” Let’s take the small ‘s’ in self (which is the earthly incarnation of you, the physical you) and capitalize it to equal Self (the spiritual incarnation of you, or your soul/spirit). Are you truly aware of your Self as a manner of existence?

What is ‘manner of existence’? What exactly does that mean? For simplicity’s sake, let’s just say it means ‘how you live your day to day, moment to moment life.’ Are you constantly aware of the spiritual being that you are? Do you interact in life according to the plan of that spiritual nature, or do you simply interact according to the wants and desires of your ego, or physical mind? Furthermore, how can you tell the difference?

Sadly, especially here in America, we are not really programmed to love ourselves. If you are living out of your ego, or physical mind (which is a fear-based entity), you may look in the mirror and think, Yuck, I feel terrible, I look terrible, etc. Some people may avoid the mirror at all costs. Some may not even think about their day ahead, instead they simply flop on the couch with a remote and they lose themselves in TV land (and that horrible ‘commercial land’ that keeps telling us how horrible we are). This way, they do not have to deal with themselves by getting lost with the stuff on TV (which is mostly garbage that keeps us feeling down). Some people go to work feeling bitter, angry, upset, or just have a feeling of complete separation from Life. Some are quick to anger, say mean things about people (to help themselves feel better, which simply does not work), and some are just so physically sick that it is all they can focus on… how sick they are. Let me assure you, there is no consciousness (as defined here) happening in these people.

Can you feel how each scenario feels different to read (with feeling)? If you can’t feel the difference, chances are you have blocked out the feeling receptors of your Self which is not conscious living. Please don’t take offense if you are not living consciously, less than 10% of the planet really is truly conscious of who they really are. No one ever really told us there was a different way to live. Most doctors or psychologists do not address this avenue of cause and effect. I do want to point out, that this too is changing within our medical profession. Who really looks at the soul agenda anyway?

When the consciousness of your Self is blocked out of your life, you ultimately pay the price for that separation. Your body may become ill—filled with pain, disease, or dysfunction in some way. Your life may seem to be out of control—jobs or relationships may go bad, mental health may go down the tubes, even your environment may seem to break down. This can manifest as automobiles breaking down, pipes bursting, storms hitting your backyard, fires raging around you, the earth shaking and rumbling beneath your feet and so on. Now take a look around you, doesn’t this seem to be the way life is unfolding for many people?

If you knew that one single event could change it all completely, wouldn’t you want to embrace that event? By raising your consciousness, your own true awareness is that event. When you start living consciously, not as a theory, but as a way of life, health is fully restored, storms seem to hit your neighbor but leave you totally unaffected, the earth stops shaking just up the street, leaving you unharmed and unaffected by the event.

When you are fully living consciously, you realize the moment something seems to appear to go wrong, it is simply letting you know you need to change something within you, within your approach to life. The moment you make that change, whatever appeared to go wrong leaves without a trace!

Don’t take my word for any of this, simply try it and see for yourself, you will be amazed with what you discover about yourself and about life. The key to the wonders and magic of life has always been within your own true consciousness! The time is now to step into your own true power!

I can here the question now. How do I accomplish this? The articles I share has only one purpose and that is to help you to remember the incredibly exciting Wonder that has and will always be YOU!! More articles to come!

Author's Bio: 

My name is Lisa Gawlas (It was Parkhurst until I got married). I am 46 years young with three children aged 25 thru 18 and am happily divorced. I was born and raised in the valley of the Pocono Mountains - Wilkes-Barre PA, and now live in Newport News, VA.

I have made it my lifes goal to teach all I can about this magical and wonderful world of Spiritual Beings incarnating as Humans (you and me). I also publish a bi-monthly magazine called "The Wonder of You." Please visit my website at