Jacqueline Joy developed the powerful Sacred Technology known as Diamond Alignment which activates alignment with the Divine Presence Within and the deep Inner Peace of connecting with your Divine Purpose.
At 38, Jacqueline Joy was the model of success by society’s standards … a pillar of the community with 4 children, a multi-million dollar business, a strong social network and perfect health.
In 1987, she experienced a sudden physical collapse that came from out of the blue. Her “fall” was the spiritual awakening that initiated a complete dismantling of her “ideal” life. Over the next 9 years, in a daily ritual of hikes in the forest behind her home, her call for Divine help to guide her through the unraveling of her life, was answered by an intimate and wordless phenomenon … Divine Energy Transmissions that freed her from the trance of her externally-driven life and brought her into vibrational alignment with her Soul … the Diamond within. This daily phenomenon was the Spiritual Healing that transformed her extreme mental, emotional and physical pain (including overcoming anxiety attacks) into the Unspeakable Joy and profound Inner Peace that comes from conscious alignment with the Divine. In those years of her awakening process, she experienced first hand, that when she was brought into Divine Alignment through the Energy Transmissions in the forest she was freed from suffering and filled with renewed hope, strength and the energy to master her life’s challenges in a new and empowered way.
Through direct experience with the Spiritual Energy Transmissions she received, Jacqueline Joy established a global Diamond Energy infrastructure and ultimately created the Sacred Technology called Diamond Alignment. (See The Diamond Story)
In 2007, she brought the Diamond Alignment Technology onto the worldwide web, allowing her to offer Diamond Energy Transmissions to individuals worldwide through the transcendent 6-minute online phenomenon: The Diamond Alignment Experience.
She has introduced the Diamond Alignment Experience to thousands of people in over 160 countries.
Jacqueline Joy has dedicated her life to accelerating a global shift in spiritual consciousness by bringing more enlightenment and joy to our world through Diamond Alignment.
In Search of Alignment, her personal story of the mystical Divine Energy Transmissions she received, will be available soon.
Diamond Alignment has become a global phenomenon as Diamond receivers from over 160 countries and every continent are already tapping in to the Diamond Energy Web Portal. The positive effects of Diamond Alignment are consistent and universal ... no matter what a person’s age, race, creed or culture. Subscribers are reporting a tremendous variety of excellent results, including increased energy, the clearing of limiting thoughts and patterns, the opening of the Heart, the fueling of passion and purpose and the ability to handle life in a more empowered and relaxed way. Within the span of a few short weeks, over 4,000 excited Fans on the newly-created Diamond Alignment Facebook page are joining the worldwide Diamond Community and expressing gratitude for this Sacred Technology that is answering their inner call for the next step in their Soul’s progression. Together, we are bringing more Light and Alignment to our world.
• Diamond Alignment is the most needed Divine Medicine of our time.
• My Vision for humanity and the Planet is to see a world that is consciously connected and aligned with the Divine Power Within and "Source Energy"; to see a world where all beings are living in their Highest Potential and Purpose and to see a world where pain, sorrow and suffering are transmuted into Freedom, Joy and Equanimity.
• My mission is to accelerate a critical mass shift in consciousness through the global delivery of a Sacred Technology, Diamond Alignment, which vibrationally aligns individuals, communities and institutions with the Divine Power Within and the natural flow of Source Energy, activating the Highest Potential of living in the Freedom of Joy, Equanimity, Clarity, Fun and Wealth of Being.
• As the Steward for this Sacred Technology, I live in constant awe and humble gratitude for the never-ending miracles that Diamond Alignment continues to unveil in my life and in the lives of those around me. I have done the work so that all you have to do to experience this too is to just say “Yes” to being aligned with the Divine in yourself … what I call the Diamond Within.
• It is a most exciting time on the Planet and as each of us says the "Unequivocal YES", we accelerate the creation of a world that is consciously aligned with Source Energy.
• In the Diamond perspective, each of us arrives on this Earth with a Diamond Blueprint … a Divine Blueprint encoded within each cell with the unique gifts and talents of our Soul’s Highest Potential.
• True Wealth of Being is a phenomenon that occurs when the Magic of the Sacred is infused throughout our lives. It is a quality of life fulfillment that grows from the inside out … from a state of profound Peace, profound Sweetness, profound Expansion and profound Pleasure that it is not dependent on anything external. It arises from the undisturbed infinite peace that lies within us when we are in pure connection and alignment with our Soul and the entire Universe.
• Diamond Alignment allows a full life that includes both the worldly and the Divine. We no longer have to choose Spiritual wealth at the cost of material/financial well-being or financial wealth at the cost of Spiritual well-being. When our outer world matches our inner world, deep inner peace, that has no price, is experienced.
• The marriage of the worldwide web technology and the Diamond Energy Technology is a revolutionary delivery system for Spiritual Energy that represents the next step beyond the high tech industry. This technology empowers its user to access Source Energy from a higher plane, integrate the very high frequency of this Divine Energy physically, and use it to enhance life on this Earth.
The best way to get started with Jacqueline Joy and Diamond Alignment is to fully explore the Diamond Alignment website. Just being on the site will give you a taste of the Diamond Energy Transmission. All Diamond Alignment offerings transmit the vibration of the Diamond Energy Flow in varying degrees of intensity. If you become aware of how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally before you go to the site and stay aware of any shifts during your visit like I did, you’ll notice small energy changes just from being on the site.
I’m the type that likes to read all the information and testimonials before I purchase, but with Diamond Alignment, I could go right to the experience in a free 2-minute Preview. I immediately felt my body relax and my heart open and expand. If I could experience that in 2 minutes, I was curious to see what would happen if I went for more. So I signed up for the One-time Free Gift Pass to the 6-minute Diamond Alignment Experience. Wow! I immediately felt my spine straighten as my energy centers came into alignment and an inner smile spontaneously rise up from deep inside me. My body was tingling afterwards from the increased vibration. I could see how doing this every day, especially whenever I feel off, could really change how I relate to my world.
There are Free Gifts that come with signing up for the Free Gift Pass (which you can do on the Diamond Alignment Home Page). One of them is a beautiful, colorful e-book with music that totally enriches the visceral experience of the energy being transmitted by the words.
The book is called Gateway to Wealth of Being, which Jacqueline Joy says is the ultimate gift of Diamond Alignment.
If you’re still not convinced, read “What people are saying” on DiamondAlignment.com and visit Diamond Alignment on Facebook.com. The comments and feedback from people all over the world after experiencing Diamond Alignment surely demonstrate the universal positive effects of this Sacred Technology. Jacqueline Joy’s posts also give a lot of up-to-date information about making your Diamond Alignment Experience even better.
On the Diamond Alignment site’s Home Page, be sure to:
• Watch the brief videos of Jacqueline Joy answering spontaneous questions about Diamond Alignment. Each video clip is a mini-energy transmission directly from Jacqueline Joy.
• Click on the “Founder’s Message” and “What to Expect” to learn about the multi-dimensional benefits of Diamond Alignment.
• Take a journey with Jacqueline Joy through the genesis and development of Diamond Alignment as a Sacred Technology by clicking on “The Diamond Story” slide show on the HOME page. Impressive!
Diamond Joy Enterprises
484B Washington St. #271
Monterey, CA 93940