Spirit-based Business through Diamond Energy Activation

Sacred Business, a new paradigm being introduced into the business world, by Diamond Alignment founder, Jacqueline Joy, is business that is consciously fueled, both creatively and functionally, by Divine Energy, Diamond Energy. Diamond Alignment, a Sacred Technology, which delivers a 6-minute Diamond Energy Activation via the Internet, is a premier example of business that is Spirit-based.

As a Sacred Business, Diamond Alignment integrates the business of technology with the spiritual path practice of aligning with the Divine Power Within. The sole purpose of Diamond Alignment is to infuse the Magic of the Sacred into every aspect of life on the Planet, activating Diamond Consciousness, promoting Inner Peace and uplifting the human experience globally. Not only is the business itself Divinely-inspired, but also, its mission is to execute a Divinely-inspired vision (creating a "critical mass" shift in Collective Consciousness that is constantly being sourced by the transmission of high-frequency Spiritual Energy, Diamond Energy.

This Diamond Energy also sources and inspires Jacqueline Joy and the Diamond team, and is infused in all Diamond Alignment products. The result of running a business steered by Divine Guidance and fueled by the Diamond Energy Transmission is Divine Efficiency, Divine Effectiveness and Divine Economy. This result is based in the values and principles of Sacred Business that Diamond Alignment embodies and demonstrates:

• Spiritual Awakening and Divine Guidance through Diamond Energy Activation
• Achieving Clarity through Diamond Consciousness, individually and collectively
• Self-Integrity and Self-Realization of one's Highest Diamond Potential
• Finding Diamond Joy, Equanimity, Freedom and Wealth of Being through Vertical Alignment with the Soul
• Conscious Awareness of Self, others and environment – “in Balance”
• Higher Diamond Consciousness collaboration and Clarity of Communication in
business as a Spiritual Path practice
• Generosity of Heart and Mutual Respect
• Owning Rank and Taking Responsibility as a realization of one's Divine
• “In-Service” to the flow of Diamond Energy with Full Presence of Being
• Commitment to Diamond Consciousness and the Evolution of Self and the Planet
• Integration of Spiritual wealth and material wealth, the core principle of
Diamond Alignment

The Effect, on Business, of Activating Diamond Consciousness Through the Internet

Bringing high-frequency Diamond Energy in through the Internet, as Diamond Alignment does, raises the vibration of the Internet, all those who are using it, and all that the Internet touches, (every Institution and business on the Planet) to a Higher Diamond Consciousness. When there is a shift in the Spiritual Consciousness of business, there is a shift in the quality and vibration of the products, including what is being created and how it is being produced. This vibrational shift also brings Conscious Awareness to the way business treats the environment, as well as the people who both produce and buy the products. Diamond Alignment is Vibrational Medicine for business. Extraordinary things occur ...Magic occurs in all facets of business ... when business is Diamond-Aligned, and all business decisions are Divinely-inspired and guided by a flow of Diamond Energy.

Sacred Business, Diamond Consciousness and the Spiritual Transformation of the Earth

In the process of healing Consciousness on the Planet, we are moving from an economy where just physical goods are produced and sold to an economic system where processes, which regenerate and restore profound beauty and peacefulness in humans and in our world, are also being brought to the marketplace. Diamond Alignment is no exception. The Diamond Alignment Experience, or Diamond Energy Activation is a 6-minute online energetic process that regenerates and restores Diamond Beauty ... the Infinite Diamond Light and Energy of Diamond Consciousness and the Divine Power Within ... in our individual Beings and bodies ... which in turn, regenerates and restores the beauty of the Divine Feminine in the Earth.

At the individual level, we do this by becoming Spiritual Warriors, committed to living in Diamond Consciousness, and using Diamond Alignment to consciously clear out and clean out our body/mind/Spirit of energetic and environmental debris, so that the Cosmic Energy of Love (Diamond Energy) can flow freely through us to the Earth (and all her institutions and communities). Alignment with this Spiritual Diamond Energy restores us to our original Divine Diamond Blueprint, encoded within every cell, and ultimately brings us the Spiritual Fulfillment we are seeking. As we Regenerate, Revitalize, Rejuvenate, Recharge and Restore, the body of the Earth is also cleansed and cleared with the environmentally pristine, earth-enhancing Diamond Energy (that moves through us into the Earth) and is restored to Its Highest Divine Diamond Blueprint.

Diamond Alignment World Activation Celebration of Diamond Consciousness

A Calling: please join us in anchoring more Diamond Light and Alignment in our world this New Year with 22 days (December 21, 2009 through January 11, 2010) of FREE Unlimited Access to the 6-minute online Diamond Alignment Experience and Diamond Energy Activation. As each of us brings more Diamond Light into our lives, we join the Light of other Diamond Energy receivers, amplifying the power of our Diamond Consciousness to uplift the human experience globally.

Go to www.DiamondAlignment.com to participate in this momentous Celebration!

Author's Bio: 

Jacqueline Joy, the Self-Growth.com Inner Peace expert, is passionately committed to her vision of accelerating a 'critical mass' shift in collective consciousness through the global delivery of Diamond Alignment, A Sacred Technology. A spiritual warrior with a solid anchoring in the business world, Jacqueline Joy uses a new paradigm she calls Sacred Business to deliver the revolutionary online phenomenon of Diamond Energy Activation to individuals worldwide, in order to bring forth a world where pain, sorrow and suffering are transmuted into Freedom, Joy and Equanimity and all beings are living in the Diamond Consciousness of their Highest Diamond Potential and Purpose.


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