Healing Thru Bodywork & Nature’s Cycles
“Creating Inner Peace & Harmony To Your Life” • www.naturescycles.com
Harmony in your life creates positivity and provides inner strength. We all could benefit from having inner peace and a balanced mind, body and spirit. Holistic wellness is just as important to your overall health as eating healthy foods.
Commit to better health and wellness by contacting Healing Thru Bodywork & Nature’s Cycles today, or visit (www.naturescycles.com)
Owned by Nationally Certified Licensed Massage Therapist Dolores J. Gozzi, the company incorporates several modalities including aromatherapy, massage, bodywork, element bodywork and meditation. Through continued education, Dolores is able to perform holistic therapeutic services and offer classes and workshops that promote healing. Her Web site offers an abundance of information about her services and how to sign up for upcoming workshops. The mission of Healing Thru Bodywork & Nature’s Cycles is for each individual to be able to reconnect with their inner strength and guidance and create their world for a better place with the elements and nature as their guide. Call (239) 826-6960 today.
About the Instructors:
Dolores J. Gozzi is a Licensed Massage Therapist and a Holistic Educational Facilitator. She enjoys blending her business background and massage therapy passion to help individuals and therapists gain the tools they need to become successful individuals and massage professionals. Through continued education, Dolores is able to perform holistic therapeutic services and offer classes and workshops that promote healing.
Basic Aromatherapy Home Study Course Description
Now you can learn new skills and in the comfort of your own home, affordably, at your own pace and convenience. Since you have a busy life and a hectic schedule, we want to help you manage your time more effectively. This Home Study course will be equivalent to my 1 Day Aromatherapy Workshop Affordable tuition includes course materials, essential oils; test and Certificate This course will be sent via email in a PDF file and essential oils will be shipped to your home.
Aromatherapy or essential oil therapy is a branch of phytotherapy (plant medicine) the oldest therapy on earth. It is the science and usage of plant extracts for specific psychological, spiritual, and physical well being. An essential oil is the chi, prana, or life force of the plant in which it was extracted from. It is through the subtle energy of the plant that essential oils affect us by changing our vibration. CHANGE is inevitable. Learn how to utilize aromatherapy with your intention as a positive catalyst for change. This experiential home study course will be a journey into the world of aromatherapy and essential oils... Aromatherapy history and development, safety and precautions, foundation to understanding what aromatherapy is, how and why it works, learning to incorporate essential oils into your life for physical, emotional and spiritual well being, and becoming familiar with essential oils;a good foundation for anyone interested in learning this Art Form.
In The Comfort of your own Home!
This is a Level 1 Certified Aromatherapy Course. Although This is a Level I Aromatherapy Course, it far exceeds the standards set forth by the National Association For Holistic Aromatherapy. This aromatherapy course is being offered as a .pdf file with over 400 pages and can be printed out if you prefer to read it like a book.
• Have you wanted to know the therapeutic application of specific Essential oils? These are covered in depth in the Level I Aromatherapy Course. 127 Pages are devoted just to this particular area!
• Once you have completed this Level I Aromatherapy Course you will be able to safely use what you have learned with your family and friends.
• Discover which oils are safe for children! There are some really dangerous practices going around on the Internet. You need to be aware of the dangers and contraindications for which stages of life your loved ones are in.
• Learn Special considerations to keep in mind when using essential oils for the elderly.
• An A-Z guide of Ailments is given with the proper therapeutic oils to use for each problem. (This is big time information that will be indispensable to you as you practice aromatherapy!
• Being a woman, you know how difficult life can seem at times. With all the raging hormones sometimes it's enough to drive us crazy. We have put together special section just for women's issues such as p.m.s., menopause etc.
• Imagine if you knew the secret to Great Looking Hair and Skin! Learn which oils to use for skin care and your specific skin type
• You will finally discover the interesting and different types of essential oils offered on the market today and which methods are used to distill and extract the essential oils.
After completion of our Level I course you will receive a certificate via email stating that you have successfully completed Level I of the Foundations in Aromatherapy Course.
Level I gives you enough information to make using essential oils safely and effectively and there is much, much more information in there than is required because I want to be sure that you know what you are doing properly before venturing out in aromatherapy.
Level II course you will receive a diploma that you can frame and hang in your office to show clients that you have successfully completed the training necessary to consult them in the proper, safe use of aromatherapy and are knowledgeable in Anatomy and Physiology so that you can base your therapeutic blends based on this knowledge. (See my level II Course) For complete certfication you must complete Level II
• You will uncover the secret of determining which oils you should buy, and which oils you should definately stay away from.
• You will get the inside scoop and become aware of the dangers associated with many fragrance oils and products containing fragrances. (This will really surprise you)
• and of course, you will learn the different methods of application (how to use the oils) which are also explicitly detailed.
We Have Included special projects that you can tailor just for you and have your own private spa at home
Do you want to know how to blend your own oils and make recipes safely for beauty and health care products at home?
You will learn so much, you'll amaze yourself and your family.
In The Comfort of your own Home!
Do you want to learn to become a certified aromatherapist and be knowledgeable enough to make proper assessments?
Then you will need to learn the Anatomy and Physiology whether you have an interest in this subject or not. A true aromatherapy course will teach using the standards set forth. You could not ethically call yourself a certified aromatherapist by taking only the Level I Aromatherapy Course, because you lack the knowledge that is expected and required for Level II.
Level II is primarily a A&P course; it also goes over applications and business.
Here is an excerpt from the course
Overview Of The Olfactory System
As we just mentioned, the nose is a part of the respiratory system which brings oxygen into the lungs to be processed through the body system. As you are well aware the nose is also responsible for our sense of smell. Our sense of smell is one of our finest senses, even more so than taste and touch.
Smell is the strongest link to the subconscious mind and we retain memories associated with smells for very long periods of time. It is said, that our bodies can process between 10,000 to 100,000 different smells and remember them. It is very similar to a lock and key. When we first smell something it gets locked into our brain and then when we happen to smell that scent again it triggers the memory. How many times have you found yourself saying, "Hey, do you know what that smell reminds me of?"
Scent is captured from the air around us and passed through the filter of the cilia in our noses. Our nasal cavities have thousands of olfactory nerve cells that carry scent directly to the Olfactory bulb which is located at the back of our nose. It has nerve endings that send messages directly to the brain. This is the only place where our central nervous system is directly exposed to the environment. That is why inhalation directly affects the central nervous system.
The Olfaction response bypasses the Neo-cortex or conscious brain and goes directly to the limbic system of the brain. The limbic system houses all of our sensory experiences such as memories, emotions, sex drive, hunger, pleasure, instincts etc. It is the center of all of our emotions and therefore affects our emotional behavior. ...
Here is the application section and business section
Lesson 14: Practical Applications of the Aromatherapist & Client
• Personal Hygiene and Appearance
• Communcation
• How to Conduct a Client Assessment
• The Client Form
• Copy of the Client Form
• Client Evaluation
• Maintaining Accurate Records
• Aspects to Explore During Consultation
• Determining Your Course of Action
• A Special Note on Nut Allergies
• The Importance of a Release Form
• Copy of Release Form
• Important Reminders
• Making Your Assessment
• How to Choose Your Essential Oils
• Common Ailments & Blends Sorted by Body Systems
• Case Studies and How They are Done
• The Matter of Confidentiality
• Truth in Advertising
• Common Phrases to Use
• On Going Research & Education
• More Case Studies
• Case Study: Little Billy
• Case Study: Agatha Now
• It’s Your Turn
Unit 3
Lesson 15 : Business Management
Getting Down to Business
• Disclaimer
• What “Certification in Aromatherapy” Means
• Possible Job Opportunities
• Liability Insurance
• Starting Your Own Business
• The First Question You Must Ask Yourself Is: Is Entrepreneurship For You?
• Why Small Businesses Fail
• More Reasons Why Small Business Fail
• Tips on Starting a Home-Based Business
• Pros and Cons of Working at Home
Pricing Techniques
• Setting Prices
• Pricing to the Market
• Cost Approach to Pricing
• “Rules of Thumb” in Setting Prices
• Advertising
• Marketing
• Research Your Market
• Writing a Business Plan
• Inventory
What are the Top 10 Oils Sold in Aromatherapy
Final Thoughts & Assignment
What I am doing today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.
Five Elements of Life
Find your creative expression/balance your life/do an emotional clearing/take aligned action to get projects into form/create greater abundance.
Earth: Connected to the North, Earth is considered the ultimate feminine element. The Earth is fertile and stable, associated with the Goddess. The planet itself is a ball of life, and as the Wheel of the Year turns, we can watch all the aspects of life take place in the Earth: birth, life, death, and finally rebirth. The Earth is nurturing and stable, solid and firm, full of endurance and strength. In color correspondences, both green and brown connect to the Earth, for fairly obvious reasons!
Air: Air is the element of the West, connected to the soul and the breath of life. If you’re doing a working related to communication, wisdom or the powers of the mind, Air is the element to focus on. Air carries away your troubles, blows away strife, and carries positive thoughts to those who are far away.
Fire: Fire is a purifying, masculine energy, associated with the East, and connected to movement and action. Fire both creates and destroys and Fire can heal or harm, and can bring about new life or destroy the old and worn. For color correspondences, use red and orange for Fire associations.
Water: Water is a feminine energy and highly connected with the emotional realm. Used for healing, cleansing, and purification, Water is related to the South, and associated with passion and emotion. In many spiritual paths, consecrated Water can be found, and usually a blessing or invocation is said above it. As you may expect, water is associated with the color blue.
Spirit: Spirit flows through and connects all the elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. As it moves into form through all life and every living thing, it expresses itself in unique ways depending on the substance it flows through.
The profound power of elemental wisdom provides an organic model for personal and professional success. Activate your capacity to create your desires by connecting, activating, and engaging the elements of Nature.
Build the vibrant foundation needed to grow your business. Strengthen your interpersonal relationships in your personal and professional capacities. Discover what you – and those in your life – need to realize their potentials.
Aromatherapy literally means, "healing through the senses"
Aromatherapy is the use of pure essential oils to enhance physical or mental well being. Essential oils are distilled plant essences that may be used to make ourselves feel better. Aromatherapy is the process of diffusing pure essential oils, and thus plant essences, which then is absorbed through inhalation and our sense of smell.
Smell affects our perceptions and how we react physically, emotionally, and mentally to our surroundings. Various every day scents remind us of the seasons of the year, our location or situation, potential dangers or happy occasions. Essential oils may effect the physical, mental and emotional aspect of our lives. Inhalation of essential oils may also effect the release of brain chemicals such as seratonin. Other essential oils have healing qualities when applied topically.
The limbic system is connected to areas of the brain linked to memory, breathing, and blood circulation, as well as the endocrine glands which regulate hormone levels in the body. The properties of the oil, the fragrance and its effects, determine stimulation of these systems. When used in massage, essential oils are not only inhaled, but absorbed through the skin as well. They penetrate the tissues and find their way into the bloodstream where they are transported to the organs and systems of the body.
Essential oils are the pure and concentrated energies held within the plants cells. These aromatic cells are located in specific parts of the plants. For Sandalwood, for example, the aromatic cells are in the bar. For Rose, they are found in the petals. For Orange, the peel, etc. Various organs of the plant itself either produce and/or store the essence. What we call oil cells or hair cells are living cells in which the essence is found. Oil or resin ducts are spaces within the plant tissue that hold the essence. Through the regression of bordering cells, the space becomes enlarged and hose-like (essential oils from seeds, resinous trees such as Spruce, etc.). Oil containers exist when the cell walls of the oil-producing cells dissolve, as in the citrus family. There is not one part of the plant that does not produce or store the essence. Sometimes the same plant can hold different essences. The perfect example of this phenomenon is the orange tree. Orange essntial oil is derived from the fruit, Petitgrain is extracted from the leaves, and Neroli from the blossom. They all offer very different characteristics and healing properties.