Carrie Sokalski is the founder of Live From Within, an international, internet based, personal development company.
Carrie, as an Author, Artist, Speaker and workshop facilitator is the founder of Live From Within. Live From Within is a means by which Carrie uses her many years of experience as an Affirmation Coach and Healing Practitioner to assist others in finding their internal truth and powers that have always existed. Carrie specializes in educating others how to unleash their true potential and “Live From Within” themselves, through affirmations or what she likes to call “Mantras”.
Her affirmations / mantras have inspired millions. Carrie offers many mediums for her affirmations / mantras: audio files, video's, one on one coaching sessions, and workshops to name a few.
Our Live From Within members know, by affirming themselves through affirmations or mantras, they can experience all the “Treasures” the Universe is waiting to distribute.
Carrie just completed
“How To LIVE FROM WITHIN”a 21 day guide to reach your inner self. This guide teaches each individual how to affirm themselves in any situation with personal and positive AFFIRMATIONS / MANTRAS.
Carrie resides in the mountainous backdrop of Colorado.
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How to Live From Within - Workshops - for Live From Within Clients
One on One Coaching with Carrie, you Affirmation Expert
"You can see the stars but still not see the light" Eagles
"What you Think is who you CAN become, What you Do about these thoughts is who you are!" Don Sokalski