Sharon Hackleman worked as an at-risk youth counselor in emergency shelters and group homes for several years. Currently, she is studying for her B.S. in Metaphysics and intends on opening her own Holistic Counseling Service for Teens in the near future.
Sharon is the author of Marion the Magnet’s First Mission, a fun children’s book that teaches kids about the law of attraction with her character’s ‘easy as 1-2-3, think it to be!’ lesson. You may view the book and read the reviews at
Sharon also created the popular teen affirmation cards, Mind Time Cards. The idea for the cards came to her when she was conducting a group therapy session with teen girls in a group home. The cards are a valuable tool used by counselors, teachers, and healers who work with teens. Check out some of the reviews at Also, Sharon just announced in June 2009 that the Mind Time Journal, a companion journal to the Mind Time Cards is now available for presale. You may order your copy at
Currently, Sharon is writing You Know Best, A Teen Guide for Developing Intuition and Following Inner Guidance. The book will have a companion workbook and a deck of affirmation cards as well. Visit if you want to be put on the mailing list and be notified when presales begin.
Spreading positivity and assisting in the healing of young people so that they can fulfill their reason for being is my reason for being.
"I believe we can Raise the Vibration of OUR EARTH one positive thought at a time."
Sharon Hackleman
High Vibrations Publishing
6291 Kipapa Road
Kapaa, Hawaii 96746
(808) 821-1172