Effects of over masturbation can be stopped effectively by using herbal supplements and adopting supportive measures like proper physical and mental activity and diet. Masturbation activates the internal organs, hormonal activity and reproductive system in the same way as normal sex do, but normal sex is natural while masturbation is unnatural way of satisfying sexual hunger, so over masturbation shows ill effects very early and of more serious nature. This unnatural way of satisfying sexual desires is not harmful till its frequency stays within the tolerance limit of the body and its functions, in fact to an extent it is considered as good for health, but once the tolerance limit is crossed and ill effects starts surfacing herbal supplements shall be used to stop them to avoid further damage to the health.

Over masturbation can cause problems like prostatitis, hormonal imbalance, low libido, sexual exhaustion and distressed liver. These problems are commonly evident in males and females practicing over masturbation. Problems like semen leakage, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and weak erections are evident in males and vaginal dryness, white discharge and frequent vaginal infections and allergies are found in females suffering with ill effects of over masturbation.

Shilajit has been used in many herbal medicines and supplements designed for treating sexual disorders, it has extremely effective properties and can be used as a single herbal supplement to stop effects of over masturbation in a short time and without side effects. Shilajit rejuvenates the body with energy, increases metabolism rate and promotes smooth and healthy blood flow to all parts of the body to counter ill effects and cure them. It is a mild aphrodisiac which is capable of increasing desire for sex and providing energy to perform it in a better way. It also balances hormonal secretion to regaining control over emotions to suppress urge for masturbation and initiate sound mental health. It also supplements the body with vital nutrients and amino acids which are not easily available through normal diet.

Ashwagandha is another very effective herb and an excellent herbal supplement to stop effects of over masturbation. This herb is famous for increasing mental activity and providing sound immunity system. It also has healing properties to cure minor injuries and allergies effectively. It is a powerful anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory herb to relieve problems like prostatitis and promote blood flow for better mental and physical health.

Diet and exercises also play an effective role in stopping the effects of over masturbation quickly. Healthy diet and proper exercises act as supportive measures for herbal supplements and quicken there effects. Also exercises helps in keeping mind involved somewhere else other than erotic, fantasies and thoughts to keep the rate of masturbation down. Healthy life style helps the body in maintaining sound mental and physical health for healthy sexual behavior. Increased intake of fruits and vegetables, consuming foods rich in zinc and rich carbohydrate diet is very good for improving the functioning of reproductive system. Potatoes, tomato, lemon, ginger, saffron and honey shall be included in the diet on regular basis; special attention shall be given to take proper rest and sleep to keep the body stress free and relaxed.

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Read about herbal treatment for Over Masturbation. Also know the benefits of Shilajit.