Many women have problems with sex at some stage in their life and it becomes more common as women get older. Having covered male sexual dysfunctions in a previous piece, let’s move onto the types of female sexual problems.
Female sexual dysfunction refers to one or more of the following ... Views: 908
There is a place within a woman which is so famous that it is referred to by a singular alphabetic term. I am asked frequently, usually by men, just where this is. Many women are confused about whether they have one. The fixation has a lot to do with the belief that its stimulation results in an ... Views: 1460
During my training to be a sexologist, I was confused by the differences between PE, DE, and ED. They are, namely, premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation and erectile dysfunction or disorder, respectively. Later, I realised it was just as confusing for the men who have sexual concerns. ... Views: 826
We hear it said constantly: “He’s hot!” or “She’s sexy!” What exactly does ‘sexy’ mean?
Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary defines ‘sexy’ as sexually suggestive or stimulating. In other words, sexy can be ‘erotic’. Another synonym is ‘appealing’; as in generally attractive or ... Views: 3146
How many of the people that you know are truly happy with their bodies?
Be honest: Are you satisfied with yours? If not, you might have a body image issue.
Body image does not just refer to aspects of our physical appearance, attractiveness, and beauty. It also has to do with the mental ... Views: 919
Have you heard of pelvic floor exercises? You may have learnt about them from your aerobics instructor. Or perhaps your urologist was the one who ordered you to squeeze your butt cheeks together? Maybe your gynae was the one who asked you to attempt to tighten your vagina, or was it your ... Views: 3092
The Buddha is purported to have said “What we think, we become.” If your thoughts could change your life for the better, wouldn’t you do it? Of course! But, what thoughts do you change?
All of us have an inner voice that speaks to us and us alone. Self-talk is that inner running dialogue you ... Views: 802