Every day in my office I see patients with all kinds of pain issues. From Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Migraine Headaches just to name a few. These conditions frequently respond well to chiropractic, nutritional supplementation, energy healing, herbal therapy care. One of the most overlooked and underrated components to pain is the types of food we put into our mouth.

If pain is still an issue, even if one has gone through courses of chiropractic, supplementation, energy healing, and acupuncture. It is time to address foods that cause systemic inflammation in the body. Certain types of food have been linked to an increase in inflammation in the body. One of the mechanisms of inflammation is linked to an imbalance in the ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 essential fatty acids. Essential Fatty Acids are building blocks to compounds in the body such as prostaglandins and eicosinoids. Their role is to modulate the inflammatory process in the body. It is well known that all disease processes have a common factor, inflammation. Foods high in omega 3's such as fish oil, flax seeds, hemp seeds, have been shown to cause a decrease in the inflammatory process in the body. Conversely, many foods that we eat on daily basis cause more inflammation leading to chronic pain because of an increase in omega 6 fatty acids. The major culprit is grains. There I have said it! Can't you just hear the old line dietitians and nutritionists screaming? The fact is, grains in the form of wheat, rye, oats, barley and corn contain higher levels of omega 6 fatty acids. Hence, more pain and inflammation. This includes the breads, pastas, cereals, crackers, pastries; everything that most americans eat on a daily basis.

I frequently have all my chronic pain sufferers eliminate grains from their diet. Yes, most of them are kicking and screaming along the way. But, if they stick to the program, their pain decreases immensely or disappears all together.
Most people are so accustomed to their grains due to their upbringing and cultural indoctrinations, they never stop to think that the foods they have been putting into their bodies could be causing most if not all their health problems.

So, if you are suffering from chronic pain, for three weeks, eliminate wheat, rye, oats, barley and corn. See how you feel.
It could just change your life for the better.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Corey Sondrup is the author of Reclaiming Your Power; a self help-personal growth book on health and wellness. For the past fourteen years, Dr. Corey has been combining chiropractic, nutrition and energy healing at his office in Ogden, Utah. Dr. Corey is also the developer of the GAMMA Energy Balancing Seminar. GAMMA is a safe, non-invasive, easy to learn energy balancing system that focuses on the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of health.

For more information on Dr. Corey, Reclaiming Your Power and GAMMA, visit him on the web at www.optimalhealthdynamics.com. Follow Dr. Corey on Facebook.