“All that we are is the result of what we thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.”
—Marharishi Mahesh Togi
One of the primary daily functions is listening to patients’ words. What most people do not realize is that words are energy and behind words are people’s thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs, which also are energy. This energy gives our use of words great power—the power to create our reality. Red flags go up when I hear people say:
• “I can’t!”
• “I try.”
• “I’ll give it a try.”
• “That’s impossible!”
• “I have Cancer, MS, etc.”
• “My Cancer, asthma, MS, etc.”
• “I am OK”
• “I don’t want to be poor, alone, etc.”
Humans tend to go on auto pilot when we speak. It never occurs to us that we might be a prisoner to the words we speak. The word TRY always irritates me. What people do not realize when they say, “I’ll try,” is that they set themselves up for failure. Dr. Victor Frank, one of my first mentors, defined try as “to endeavor with the expectation of failure.” Instead of saying “try,” say, “I will.” The opposite of “try” is ESSAY, which is defined as “to endeavor with the expectation of succeeding.” In my office, I will frequently put a pencil next to my patients and instruct them to try and pick up the pencil. Every patient succeeds in picking up the pencil. Did they try? No. They did it. To quote Master Yoda , “Do or do not, there is no try!”
When someone says, “I can’t,” or “That’s impossible,” they are absolutely right. Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or can’t, you’re already right!” We all have a choice. We can be a slave and victim to our words or we can become empowered by our words. When someone says, “I have cancer, asthma, MS, etc.” or “My cancer, asthma, MS, etc.,” they own the disease. By owning the disease, they give all their power to the disease and are a slave and victim to the disease, complete with the disease’s expectations and complications. Instead of saying, “I have cancer,” or “My cancer,” I educate patients and re-program their subconscious minds to say, instead, “I have been diagnosed with cancer, asthma, MS, etc., but I do not own it or accept it. My body can heal from any disease!”
Another word that can cause problems is “OK.” When I ask someone how they are doing or how they are feeling, they often reply, “I’m OK.” The word OK denotes a state of neutrality with no preference either way. In other words, they are straddling the fence. Be decisive! Say what you mean! Say what you feel! If you feel great, say, “I feel great!” If you feel lousy, say, “I feel lousy!” If you feel lousy, find out why and fix it. Our goal is to flow through life with ease, grace, and beauty.
Dealing with skeptics and pessimists can be challenging. I like to have a little fun with them. Whenever I hear them say, “That’s impossible!” or “It can’t be done,” I always say, “It’s a good thing the world is not composed of all skeptics and pessimists. Otherwise, the wheel would have never been invented, airplanes would never have been invented, space travel would not be possible, and high-tech gadgets would not have been created because the skeptics and pessimists said it could not be done.”
When I ask someone what they want, I am often told what they do not want. For example, they will say something like, “I don’t want to be alone,” or “I don’t want to be poor.” When you focus your attention on what you do not want, you attract more of what you do not want. Instead, focus on what you do want.
I am also concerned when people refer to themselves as either a victim or a survivor of something. I frequently hear, “I am a victim of incest!” or “I am a victim of domestic violence!” or “I am a cancer survivor!” As soon as I hear those words, I know they have put themselves in a box. Anytime you say, “I am a victim,” or “I am a survivor,” you now own it. Victim and survivor becomes your identity. It is how you see yourself and how the world sees you.
And guess what? The world now provides you with more experiences and situations to validate victimization and survivor belief systems. I believe a Victim is anyone who believes that someone or something has control over their lives. Victims frequently believe that they are powerless or have no choice.
The next level up from victim is Survivor. To be a survivor is to exist, endure, or persist. A survivor is alive but typically the quality of their life is running at sub-optimal performance. Hence, they are receptive to regressing back into a state of victimization. One of my mentors, Dr. Allan Phillips (Neurolink developer), said, “Are you alive, or are you alive and well?” It is one thing to be alive and merely existing. It is another to be alive and living life to the fullest.
Once a person moves beyond the survivor stage, they progress to a Master. A master is one who has chosen to take responsibility for their own health and position in life. Masters have made peace with their illness and past history and move through life with ease, grace, and beauty. They also realize their true divine connection to God. To become a master is to reclaim your power.
Part of reclaiming our power is realizing the power we have as creators. Depending on our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes, we either create an abundant, magical world or we create a wasteland of lack. To create an abundant, magical world, we must eliminate the words try, can’t, don’t, impossible, and OK from our vocabulary and the negative subconscious programming behind those words. Focus on what you have (in relation to abundance and gratitude) and emphasize, with enthusiasm, what you want. The only way to change the world is to change the way you look at the world. In all areas of life there are positives and negatives. Whichever you focus on is what you attract in your life.
Dr. Corey Sondrup is the author of Reclaiming Your Power. Reclaiming Your power is a self help/personal growth book on health and wellness. Dr. Sondrup has been in private practice for the last thirteen years. Dr. Sondrup specializes in chiropractic, nutrition and energy healing. Dr. Sondrup also teaches seminars and workshops around the cpuntry on energy healing and personal empowerment.
Visit Dr. Corey at, www.optimalhealthdynamics.com and on facebook.
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