Sometimes doing a workout seems impossible with the kids around. They seem to be always pulling us in ten different directions and often it leaves us with no chance to get a workout in. Well, if you can’t join them, make them join you! Isn’t that how the saying goes? Here are five different ... Views: 1383
Yes, I know it’s the season for losing 100 pounds and getting really skinny and looking like a supermodel and good for you, go for it, I hope it is a success. But can I just suggest something else. This year while you are working out and learning all about women’s fitness, I dare you to go a bit ... Views: 1348
I can honestly say that working out is not always on the top of my favorite things to do list. I am more of an activity girl. But I do appreciate the importance of working out and making exercise a regular part of my routine. On those days when I really wish I was somewhere else, I always come ... Views: 1319
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Food!Food!Food! - by Tammy Andreotti President of
I don’t talk much about food because I typically tend to shy away from the whole universe of dieting and counting calories. Women’s fitness is my safe place. Ever since I packed on the extra 25 pounds in my younger years, (no it wasn’t pregnancy), I have actually avoided discussions on ... Views: 1331
A big lifestyle change is hard at the best of times. Moms trying to fit in workouts and new food menus and still getting the kids all ready for school can be a bit overwhelming. Believe me, I’ve been there. But you've gotta start somewhere. And if you can get to the other side of the hump, you ... Views: 1629