One of the frequent questions I receive is, "What makes The NEW Think and Grow Rich, and Think and Grow Rich, so special?"
It's not necessarily that people are asking, "Why are you saying that it's so special?" If I were in advertising, that would be a logical question. If I were advertising ... Views: 893
I didn't think it was silly, even though I was in dire economic circumstances—which in my life, at that time, translated into the fact that I didn't have a job. For my own reasons—which I didn't realize at that point—I couldn't find a job.
I had child support and some other obligations going ... Views: 648
People frequently ask me, "If you're the author of The NEW Think and Grow Rich, then how come you're not driving a Rolls Royce?"
Well, it's real simple—I don't want a Rolls Royce, except maybe when I'm speaking and making appearances. And on select occasions when I wanted the staging, I have ... Views: 624
I met a very bright, intelligent person this last New Year's Eve. There was this gentleman sitting at the dining room table—and by the way, to put it in context, there must have been 40 people at this little gathering. A small, but adequately large, home-based New Year's Eve party.
And this ... Views: 662
My theme today is not the excesses, the extreme greed, the corruption that overextended the American economy and forced the inevitable correction to come.
No, it's much simpler, much more important to each of us—and that is the fact that this is normal. Ups and downs, days and nights, ... Views: 683
Please don't take this the wrong way, because that's not the way it's intended. But in a manner of speaking, I am excited about these tough economic times, these cutbacks, these peels and reels of people who were put out on the street. No job, three months of COBRA benefits, insurance only. It's ... Views: 4328
A lot of people say to me, "Ted, you just seem so sincere and so honest, and you just don't seem to have so many pretentions." Well, I would say I'm sure my redneck Ciubas, my brothers and sisters and my family members, wouldn't mind another beer brawl down Broadway.
When people think that I ... Views: 650
As a commentator on human affairs, I really enjoy getting to see a lot of things going by.
I have long been a proponent for women's rights; it began in the '80s for me—that's the 1980s, for those of you who weren't even born then. I was at Cal State, Fresno. It was a center of the feminist ... Views: 657
You mean you think, you are fearful, you are worried that, your head might be on the cutting block next? You mean you think your job isn’t secure? Hold it, hold it I thought that was the whole thing about having a job, was the security of it.
The lie is exposed! Enough said on that point, ... Views: 672
Here we are on the edge of civilized Panamá, pretty doggone close to Tocumen International Airport, the airport that services Panamá. And inside these lot lines the grief, the well wishing, is serious.
Rosendo Moreno, father of the clan, aged 74, passed away a few days ago. And the family is ... Views: 776
There are special moments in life, which really, the appropriate response is to celebrate. We’re humans and this is part of the human condition. And I want to share with you one of those special moments that just happened to me just a couple of days ago.
Would have been March 15, 2009 took ... Views: 737
What would you do if someone said you had to make a decision on a purchase, an investment, a property—you call it—by the end of the day?
Well, you know what most people would do, don't you? They would do nothing—they would let the opportunity pass. Or there's the other group, who would get so ... Views: 1031
After a career that's spanned approximately 40 years in the business and sales environment, I seem to have developed a few opinions—surprise, surprise. Recently, I was talking with one of my partners about financial literacy. And again, I've seen it all.
For example—how do you make more money? ... Views: 698
You've just got to enjoy this life.
I bought a house recently, and got a pretty decent price on it. But the interesting thing is that I used to be half-owner of that house, until I gave it to one of my surrogate sons. So it's a house that I was involved in buying approximately four or five ... Views: 609
I was out for a walk recently. It was a brisk March morning in Nashville—spring was definitely coming, and everything was very beautiful. So I went out to a little pond on the golf course, and there was a flock of geese. I didn't count, but I would say there were, overall, up to two dozen.
They ... Views: 585
I still remember the day that Superman died. It's been a few years ago now, but I remember it like it was yesterday. I was traversing the airport in Reno, Nevada and I saw the headlines. There were about 12 different newspapers for sale—they were all in their machines—and I caught the headlines: ... Views: 1357
The morning I wrote this, I woke up like I usually do to a radio alarm clock—and the talk show host told me that Paul Harvey had died at 90 years of age, after a radio broadcasting career of 70 years. A true icon, he's been on the radio much longer than most of us, myself included, have even ... Views: 657
Intuition is not just a mystical and entertaining, topical, religious, or female kind of feeling. No, no, no—intuition is our consciousness guiding us, telling us what it knows to be right.
Hey, everybody's got an opinion, and there are certain systems set up. For instance, you grow up, get a ... Views: 732
Good day. Ted Ciuba here, writing about another Think and Grow Rich principle: Persistence.
You know, a lot of people don't like the connotations of persistence, because it implies work. However, you, like most people interested in this philosophy, aren't averse to work. What you are wanting is ... Views: 663
Go the extra mile, and you'll be thinking and acting like the world's elite warriors and achievers. Go the extra mile, and you will be spectacular—you will stand head and shoulders above your competitors. And the amazing thing is, as I have said time and time again, it takes so little to ... Views: 619
It's no laughing matter today. If you're an employee, or a business owner—especially if you're an employee—your job is at risk. People are hearing it in record numbers. You’ve got to recognize that there is no security out there now.
And you better recognize that if something does come as a ... Views: 624
My special dog, Elena, has been my companion around the house for several years now. She's a Labrador retriever, she's about eight human years old, and she's just a great companion.
Now, she can teach us something about life as it can be and should be, and is for a lot of entrepreneurs, ... Views: 859
It was Odysseus who said it—Ulysses in Latin, Odysseus in Greek—and it was Dante who wrote about it in The Inferno. This striking couplet seared into my mind and has guided me, given me much benefit, over the last 30 years of my life.
I share it with you now…
They're at war. They’ve traveled ... Views: 1099
Let's talk a little bit about c2, as in that HoloMagic c2 Factor. You might remember Einstein's famous and well-known formula, E = mc2. Let's talk about that for a moment.
"E" is capitalized; "E" stands for Energy. Going across the equal sign, "m," which is usually written in lower case, is ... Views: 624
Social scientists have determined that there are people who look at the world with an internal locus of control, or with an external locus of control. What does all that mean?
Well, locus means location—can you see the word? Briefly, an internal locus of control means that they believe they ... Views: 697
I got an email recently from a lady claiming she was desperate, and this next program (in my case) had to work, because she couldn't afford any more false starts. And she'd never been able to get it together, because her concentration was bad and she couldn't follow through.
I wrote her back ... Views: 787
What do you do when you're in what you perceive to be a bad situation? Well, of course there are a number of different strategies you can use. Number one, reframe it; make it a challenge, make it an opportunity, make it something that in fact grows you and betters you and moves you further in ... Views: 977
Think of yourself as on the threshold of unparalleled success.
That's what I told a coaching client recently. We were in a coaching session, and she was explaining how her income had dropped, how the economy had her worried, and how it was harder to sell—which is why her income had dropped. ... Views: 857
Accept that life is imperfect—and that's perfect—and deal with what emerges. You know, so many people get backed up and stopped up, and then fall into the blame mode because something didn't happen the way they wanted. Someone didn't offer them what they wanted, be it that opportunity, that job, ... Views: 613
I've got a serious topic for us today.
I know you've considered this before, but let's take a thought at it anyway: have you ever really thought about the fact that life offers you one chance? The same as everyone else—one chance.
By the way, even if you believe in reincarnation, as I ... Views: 678
There was an American general during World War II who was quoted to have said, "A good plan violently executed today is better than a perfect plan executed next week." The words may not be exact, but you definitely catch the drift. And that is a characteristic of achievers, of those who get ... Views: 627
There's a reason why you want to do your affirmations right. It's called results. You shouldn't just dash off a quick read of the Self Confidence Formula—you should attack it like a religious congregant, because it holds the secret to your future prosperity.
It consists of a carefully crafted ... Views: 1198
Today's author's insight goes without comment. It's from pages 174-175 of The NEW Think and Grow Rich, talking about reframing, recontexting, and reconceptualizing.
So often you hear me say, this philosophy is not new. You find in my humble opinion, the best, most actionable presentation of the ... Views: 572
I went to bed late last night… You know, I'm working very hard during this economic recession.
That's a joke, of course. The truth is, as an author, I like to work different hours, odd hours. So I did go to bed late last night, and was thinking nothing about the morning.
I had a few ... Views: 598
"The light will never be green by the time you get to it," my passenger said.
And of course, here's old Ted Ciuba, thinking about the Law of Attraction, thinking, That doesn't mean that I won't get through it. And you know what? That's exactly how it played out. The light turned yellow just ... Views: 573
I sport around town in a late model Acura TL. It's nothing super exceptional—I'm not bragging on it—but it is a sports car. It's a four-door charcoal-silver color, and it has a 250-horsepower, automatic transmission.
Now, why I tell you this—a thing I never dreamed I'd be telling you—is ... Views: 627
Hey, me and Hank Williams, Jr., we're from Dixie.
And speaking of Dixie—during a recent drive, I passed by Dixie Plywood and Lumber Company here in Nashville, and it looked almost like a ghost town instead of the busy, bustling center of activity it normally is. There were just about six cars ... Views: 783
"Without women, what good would money be?"
That's a quote from Aristotle Onassis. Of course, as a male, I would subscribe to that. I'm not expecting every woman to subscribe to it, though. And I'm not really talking sexist stuff here.
What I mean is that we don't work for the money, and ... Views: 693
I want to tell you the difference between those who succeed and those who fail. And it's a whole lot simpler than you might think.
You know, there are so many excuses that have been bandied out there—depending on sex, race, religion, age, intelligence, resources, contacts, parents, the ... Views: 1345
A decision always requires a commitment—and a decision is made whether a person makes a decision or not. The decision could be about getting fit, it could be about starting that new business that you just know will take off, or it could be about starting that business that you're passionate ... Views: 591
In a recent conversation with my friend Wendy Robbins, she brought up one of the important topics that I address in The NEW Think and Grow Rich:
"I'd love for you to talk about procrastination more, because I think a lot of people really raise their hand straight up if you ask them, 'How many ... Views: 526
I recently asked my good friend, top marketer T.J. Rohleder, "If you had one minute to say something to somebody who was interested in marketing, what would you say?"
Here's T.J.'s pithy response:
"I would say, find the people within the market you want to target who are making a lot of money ... Views: 1610
Boy, these are hard times. You're hearing it everywhere you go—and it's gotten to a point where these talk shows are teaching people how to survive, just like they might be teaching them how to improve their golf swing, or their tennis swing, or how to safely put their babies in daycare while ... Views: 690
People are always asking me, "How can I get ahead?" But that isn't what amazes me that they ask. What amazes me is that sometimes they really, sincerely don't know what to do, and don't know how to do it. And when they hear it, a lot of times it's a revelation from out of this world.
Let me ... Views: 693
Good day! Today's engagement is one that we have engaged with before. Actually, like all the themes that we talk about, we'll engage with this one over and over again. We've engaged with this recently—the same five points of Meditation, because it's so important. Everything we talk about is ... Views: 575
Get outside your comfort zone. Yes, we say that again and again, and yes, you need to hear that again and again—as, by the way, do I. We all have a comfort zone—and even if it expands, we still have a comfort zone. Every desire, dream, and ambition that you have not realized lies outside that ... Views: 626
I'm often asked—and it's a begging question, because I'm out there promoting the concept—"What makes a person exceptional?"
The real way to phrase the question, of course, is, "How can I be exceptional, and how can I get ahead in my enterprise, organization, or my own business?"
Well, it's ... Views: 691
Let’s talk about getting outside your comfort zone.
I have a good friend, Marshall Sylver, who says, "When you've been doing something wrong for so long, doing it the right way is actually what feels uncomfortable." And he's got a solid, rock-on, right-on point. You've got to get outside ... Views: 667
Hello, my friends! Today I'm going to talk about a concept that comes straight out of Chapter 13 of The NEW Think and Grow Rich—HoloMagic, the Sixth Sense, the other dimension.
Even though we're going to focus in on a specific point, the whole chapter is about triggering the self-fulfilling ... Views: 772
On page 284 of The NEW Think and Grow Rich is a section called "How to Work the HoloCosm." It talks about Dr. Elmer Gates, the famous inventor, and how he got his ideas.
It talks about how:
"…the scientific inventor, or 'genius,' begins an invention by organizing it and combining the ... Views: 904