Ted Ciuba: I am intrigued because I have known, as you have, too, a couple of con men. I can think of two images. I’m not asking you to call them up and identify them, but I can think of two images in the recent years that I have been fooled by that, the evidence, later, showed. And then I think ... Views: 972
When is the best time to start your new program, to open up to the new consciousness where you become a new person, where you adopt new habits, patterns, where you change your lifestyle to give you what you want?
When do you think is the best time? This is a question that's come up throughout ... Views: 1136
You cannot live in this world without encountering conflict…so you would think that they would teach conflict resolution in schools. Of course, they don't. Not that there's no conflict there, but they certainly don't teach effective conflict resolution.
Let me give you one little idea which ... Views: 1094
Here's a moment of insight, while it's actually happening, into the life of an author. I am reading my Spanish translation of The NEW Think and Grow Rich. They call it El Nuevo Piense y Hágase Rico. And I come across this line, "La acumulación de dinero no puede dejarlo al azar, a la buena ... Views: 909
One of the greatest things about being involved in and around a motivational and sales training business that's oriented around The NEW Think and Grow Rich is all the actualization that comes, in addition to our prime target. For instance, when I go into an enterprise, my target may be to ... Views: 1778
Have you ever eaten fire? Have you ever walked on burning coals? They call it firewalking. Well, I have-I've walked on burning coals several thousand times. I used to lead empowerment seminars where that was a regular feature of our event. I don't do that today.
Eating fire, yes-dozens and ... Views: 1020
Until we break out of thinking that it's a random world or that luck might just happen… until we recognize and accept cause and effect, that "if it's to be it's up to me" … until we realize that the unseen and the seen worlds react identically, then we can't harness our power. That's why I ... Views: 2935
Recently, the question came up again: “What is HoloMagic?”
"God" could be an accurate term, but it's got a lot of other stuff associated with it. Infinite Intelligence is clearly the one that Napoleon Hill opted for. The way I explain it most often is that it's connected with that quantum ... Views: 1252
I could've been out at the lake when I was writing this article; it was a beautiful day. As I dictated this, I'd just seen a group of about 12 Harley riders go by. Not on my street-where I live is a little more insulated than that-but I can see a few streets over on a major thoroughfare. It was ... Views: 1009
During a recent teleconference, I was asked, "Once you've taken the step of acquiring The NEW Think and Grow Rich, what's the next step? What's the best way to begin to implement the principles that you and Napoleon Hill teach in the book The NEW Think and Grow Rich?"
Well, I advised them to ... Views: 874
A listener to my audio articles recently shared with me a point that she noted. And indeed, it's true-in a recent group of articles, I was clustered around grief. I was involved with my father-in-law's passing, and so I took advantage of that circumstance that life presented to reflect on those ... Views: 997
There is a pain that feels good. Now, I know that sounds contradictory… and no, I'm not into S&M. But, let's take the metaphor of exercise, where we've stretched beyond what we are accustomed to.
Let's take the metaphor which I am familiar with, of weightlifting-where we enter a new area, ... Views: 921
A caricature I saw recently depicted these big, fat gluttons, each with a big ol' turkey leg in one hand and a big ol' glass in the other—obviously obese people. They were smiling… and you know how those people have legs that don't even look normal because their bodies are so big? I looked at it ... Views: 1024
Boy, I've gotten myself into some fancy fixes before. I've lost money on big investments, in international business, with things going crazy, by doing something in a relationship that I shouldn't have done for some reason… such as changing the relationship.
I'm not that unique—we all do this ... Views: 937
Here we are on the edge of civilized Panamá, pretty doggone close to Tocumen International Airport, the airport that services Panamá. And inside these lot lines the grief, the well wishing, is serious.
Rosendo Moreno, father of the clan, aged 74, passed away a few days ago. And the family is ... Views: 999
We put a lot of emphasis on creating goals. Page 6, chapter 1 of The NEW Think and Grow Rich has the Formula for Riches. And right then and there, on page 6, we're getting you definite on what it is you want—your definite chief aim, and the consequences that it will bring about.
Most people ... Views: 877
What remarkable power did the man, Walt Disney, have, possess, use, move and flow with, that gave him such vision, such striving to achieve excellence at all costs? He was a man who never let reality get in the way.
I believe you can find that power in the term HoloMagic.
If you're a ... Views: 1017
Here’s another good affirmation for you: “You are a creative center, from which increase is given off to all."
What we, for short, call an “affirmation”, is more technically defined as “an affirmation of something that is true. This is not mystic mumbo-jumbo, you are a creative center, from ... Views: 1012
Unless you're living in a cave and you don't need any of the essentials of food, shelter, transportation, etc., and unless you haven't heard the news, unless you haven't had, maybe, a family member affected—and there are people who haven't—or, unless, of course, you have a no-fail government job ... Views: 866
Yes, yes, and YES!
You may not have ever heard that phrase, but back when I started in selling, in the 1960s, that was pretty common. We had sales training meetings and we'd all get up and jump around and bounce off the walls.
A lot of fun, really.
It always worked… Entering ... Views: 4806
Remake yourself.
If the way you're born and christened doesn't suit you, why, just remake yourself. Wally Brantley became W. Emerson Brantley III. Now, there's a big difference in vibratory frequency between Wally Brantley and W. Emerson Brantley III.
Know who he was talking to the most? ... Views: 3072
There is no conflict between working to maximize your profits in business, and working to benefit your consumer to the maximum. Quite to the contrary.
Once you realize that the only long-term approach that can possibly be successful is to deliver the maximum value so that you get repeat and ... Views: 896
Today, let's talk about what I call the obituary exercise. And by the way, I want you to know that I teach this and actually guide people through it at my $50,000 Destiny Creator intensive seminars and events—so it's like major technology.
The idea is this. Whatever age you're at, project ... Views: 7642
Being a salesperson is an interesting job. It's one of those professions, kind of like being an attorney, where while we like them and we need them, most of the time they're the brunt of jokes. And most of the time we don't like them, and most of us would never want to be one of those ... Views: 963
It was Henry David Thoreau in the 1800s—the transcendental era of literature, if you're a literature major—who wrote in Walden: "The mass of men live lives of quiet desperation." Of course if he were writing today, he'd say, "The mass of people or persons live lives of quiet ... Views: 2821
One creative breakthrough can make a giant difference in your ability to contribute, and in your ability to receive the rewards that come with contribution. I'd like to give you a personal example from my own life and affairs. Again, this is metaphorical for you in your own career.
If you're ... Views: 694
I once met a gentleman who was from the State Attorney General's office in Texas, where they had the famous McDonald's hot coffee case. Now, you know they call it “hot” coffee for a reason—and this lady, as you may remember the story, purchased some hot coffee and spilt it on herself.
I ... Views: 1154
Let's talk a little bit about refunds. Well, let's start where the process begins, with sales. I want to talk about one of the wisdoms they teach us—that in the business environment, we're all salespeople, but some people have a specific responsibility.
Those, of course, are the ones who get ... Views: 691
Recently, I found myself in front of a wishing well—and of course, I was and am wishing you well. I'm doing everything within my power to make you a more productive, more contributing, more achieving, more satisfied, more actualizing human being.
There I was—I had the family with me, taking ... Views: 819
Amidst all the luxury of the RMS Titanic, amidst all the tragedy and human errors, I'm reminded of the fact that life is brief—surprise! I've seen murals, I've seen photographs of some of the victims, all the way from very young people on up. I've seen a young boy in a suit and tie who looks to ... Views: 654
Captain Edward James Smith, known as E.J., was the most experienced of the White Star Line masters. He had over two million miles of safe experience—a long and admirable career.
And he was the one selected to captain the maiden voyage of the Titanic, the largest, most luxurious passenger ... Views: 646
Thanks for following along with me on my mobile office through the state of Florida! Previously, we were in Walt Disney World. As I write this we're at the Kennedy Space Center, Merritt Island, Florida.
Listen, we just got out of a presentation—a 40-minute IMAX film, one of those 3-D things ... Views: 669
There's a scientist who studied Olympic swimmers—he studied them very much in depth, and he studied their records of progress, because they came from the ranks. But of course, by the time they're Olympic swimmers, they're way exceptional.
As Weick and Browning note, "Olympic swimmers modify ... Views: 643
When you step onto the Skyview Hovercraft in Disney World's Tomorrowland, you're treated to a message that goes something like this: "Hi there, friends, this is Mr. Johnson with the Skyview Hovercraft Disney World, bringing you the latest Tomorrowland traffic report. As usual, everything is ... Views: 764
Recently, I stood in Victory Circle in Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida. So it was really fitting and proper to remember Henry Ford, the father of the modern automobile and the guy who first applied the principles of the assembly line to the automobile to make it affordable… which was his ... Views: 599
They always tell you to expect the unexpected. But you know, even after a while, the unexpected becomes expected—and it's easier to prepare for.
When I was a youngster growing up in Texas, we had a problem with scorpions. If you don't know what they are, look it up in the dictionary. They ... Views: 677
As I write this, I'm with my family in the Magic Kingdom of Walt Disney World. We're having a great time, and I'll tell you what—this Walt Disney is a good example of someone who set out with a vision and a dream, and a standard of excellence. Today we're in the Orlando version; there are ... Views: 1050
Jim Rohn is one of the true greats in the motivational field. Let’s take one little quote of his right now,
“What we ponder and what we think about sets the course of our life. Any day we wish, we can discipline ourselves to change it all. Any day we wish we can open a book that will open our ... Views: 685
There's a statement in the business training that we put on that you want to get familiar with. We get everybody to buy into it, and understand what it really means. It's this: “Be the competitor you would hate to have as a competitor.” Be the best. Be unique.
For instance, in this current ... Views: 985
Seems like America and the individuals inside of America are really focused in on their problems right now. "Oh, woe is me!"
And they're wondering, in the helpless little state they're in, who's going to bail them out, who's going to give them economic stimulus, who's going to pay their ... Views: 672
I was talking to the unstoppable Glenn W. Turner just the other day. We were talking about different things—I was interviewing him, asking him about a few things that he'd found interesting in his ride up.
Well, this is a hare-lipped country boy. I mean, the first time he went to New York he ... Views: 974
Here's another quick anecdote for us to learn by. One morning as I was waking up recently, lo and behold, here comes a hailstorm. Now, I have lived through hail the size of baseballs—the size of a hardball, not a softball. And I've seen hail go through windows. I've seen hail batter vehicles so ... Views: 648
Resourcefulness in any economy, in any time, is a very valuable trait. I recently sent an email to a friend of mine I was planning to meet the next day. We were both traveling in to do a conference, and we're helping people in their economic foundations—building business.
Of course with me, ... Views: 688
Do something different. I was on a coaching call recently with a gentleman who happens to be 30 years old now, but at the time we met he was 24. And he was ambitious—he wanted to earn more money, and of course he was grown-up, pure middle class American.
So he did what everybody told him to ... Views: 622
Most people think that they're very ordinary, very normal—or said the other way around, "Well, there's nothing special about me," or, "What's special about me?"
The fact is, there's another group of people who say that everybody has a gift to give, something unique. For a Mozart, of course, ... Views: 814
Let's imagine that there's a raging torrent, and that the water's really strong going down current—and for some reason or another, you happen to fall into the river. You can just imagine how the current is taking you down, and you can twist, and you can turn, and you can certainly manage to ... Views: 642
Imagine your favorite destination in the world. Imagine it isn't your vacation spot; quite to the contrary, you've turned it around and made it your home.
How can you do this? Well, if you've got an Internet business, you can do it easily. And it gets even better than this. When you make it ... Views: 851
As I write this, it's a beautiful February morning in Nashville, Tennessee. And sometimes when the winds step up just a little bit, you can hear the dead leaves—the leaves that turned red and brown and golden, and now they all look dead. Many hang from the trees still…
And the winds are ... Views: 713
For those of us who are Think and Grow Rich fans, I've got another little insight I want to share with you. W. Clement Stone is the person who actually helped Napoleon Hill with his philosophy, promulgating that philosophy—and of course, making the consequent money he did—more than anybody else ... Views: 617
In this edition, I'm going to talk a bit about affiliate programs on the Internet. Now, I know this is not our normal subject, but you know, I'm an Internet marketer—and I get a lot of questions on this.
Besides, making money is our usual topic. And being smart about it is the only way to ... Views: 682