A lot of people aren’t really clear on the differences between meditation and yoga. We often hear people say “I’m meditating” or “I’m doing yoga.” Sometimes they are intending to suggest the same thing while other times they may be talking about drastically different things.
First, we must ... Views: 934
Ya, Jah, Ra, YHWH, Jehovah, Brahman, Elohim, El Shaddai, Adonai, Zeus, Theos, Logos, Krishna, Om, Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, Ishvara, Paramatman, Purusha, Allah, Sat and Lord – these are just a few of the more popular names in the attempt to label the original source and substance, creator ... Views: 1387
As the holidays near, it is important to remind ourselves of what we are really celebrating. Christmas day is symbolically the birthday of Jesus Christ, who according to the Christian Faith, died for our sins to be forgiven. Jesus is an important figure today regardless of what faith you may ... Views: 1517
According to this legend these rishis were the first human beings on earth that God creates during a Satya era which is an advance period for civilization where mankind is a lot more close to God spiritually. “Sat” means “pure or ideal” and “Ya” means “God” and thus together mean “ideal state ... Views: 1417
We all live our lives based upon our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Through these experiences we all tend to develop a “philosophy” about the world in which we live. Depending upon the lens through which we view the world, our philosophy is strengthened or weakened daily ... Views: 2201
You hear many saints, sages and teachers continuously declare how we should live in the moment. Most people, unfortunately, don’t really know how to do this. Truly living in the moment brings a sense of serenity, tranquility and clarity. This is typically the result of regular meditative ... Views: 1660
To resolve or not to resolve… that is the question! Every year we all take the opportunity to symbolically start another year with a clean slate. Many of us reflect on the past year to assess whether we had a good year or not. Did we accomplish or goals? Did we fall short?
And then after ... Views: 1406
For those of you unfamiliar with the movie "Love and Other Drugs," it is essentially a romantic-comedy that follows the love interest of a pharmaceutical sales rep (boy) and an adventurous, charitable artist (girl) who also happens to have Parkinson's disease at the age of 28. After their fling ... Views: 1752
Sanatana Dharma also known as Sanaatan Dharma is a sanskrit term meaning "eternal law," "eternal religion" or "the eternal unchanging occupation of the soul in its relation to the Supreme Being." Thus one who follows the principles of Sanatana Dharma is led back to a pure state of consciousness ... Views: 4474
Left wing… Right wing… two sides of the same coin! Most people approach their political views from a self-interest point of view. Those who feel prosperous want to protect it. Those who feel poverty seek to remedy it.
Thus, if a person’s experience changes, such as a poor person becoming ... Views: 1280
As we all know, the reforms in health care as of late have been a hot topic. And in many ways it is splitting the population in half. We have those on one side of the field who say it's a government takeover, we're losing our freedoms, we can't afford it and it will worsen the quality of care. ... Views: 1426
You ever get disappointed or frustrated with what life seems to throw at you sometimes? Well you're not alone... But here is the insult to injury - there's no one to blame but yourself! That's right ladies and gentlemen if you don't like what life is presenting you then you must look in the ... Views: 927
Science has already proven to us that every object we perceive is not actually solid but rather an immense collection of atoms. These atoms are continuously in motion and thus no stationary object is actually still but rather moving with life.
Whether the object is in a state of gas, liquid ... Views: 1332
Not only was Whitney Houston a great singer, she was an icon! I ironically recall when she first came out that critics were questioning whether or not she could make it as a singer because at the time she was known more as a model. I guess we now resoundingly know the answer to that ... Views: 1544
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 4 decades, chances are you’ve at least heard of Soul Train if not Don Cornelius himself. Just as a quick reminder, Don Cornelius is the creator of the Soul Train show. He went from being a local DJ in Chicago to creating one of the longest ... Views: 1709
There is only one God! He is the God of all! Your god is the wrong god! Yet some of you Blessed enough may have the right God! No one religion has a monopoly on the Creator; not Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Taoism or any other religion. Ignorant religious adherence is ... Views: 1701
“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he” Proverbs 23:7 (King James Version)
Every scripture that appears very simple on the surface has so many levels of Truth underneath that it can be examined in various layers.
Most people are familiar with this verse but may not have taken the time ... Views: 1576
There seems to be a growing fad and obsession with the idea of the Law of Attraction. While I do believe self-reflection and the effort to begin monitoring our thoughts is a good stepping-stone, I feel a lot of this concept is being manipulated and abused by some.
Sometimes you have to look ... Views: 1821
It has been said that for every 1,000 people only 1 truly seeks God and for every 1,000 truth-seekers only 1 attains the Truth. Of course many more people seek to become millionaires. If you worked day and night at becoming a millionaire it could possibly still take you many lifetimes to ... Views: 1905
Many of us get caught in the trap of always seeking things in life but not realizing that we are at the source of all our experiences. We at times find ourselves wanting a more fulfilling career, a better relationship, more money or people to treat us nicer. We tend to get this “victim” ... Views: 1927
1 S.O.U.L. is a leading local spiritual group located in the greater Jacksonville, FL area. 1 S.O.U.L. is an acronym for "One Source Of Universal Love" and is a group for everyone interested in discussion and camaraderie on meditation, yoga, metaphysics and holistic living.
We, unfortunately, ... Views: 1610
Mostly everyone who follows basketball, and many more who don’t, have probably at least heard of Jeremy Lin by now. For those still not quite familiar with all the hype, his play has helped the New York Knicks to turn their season around with a new burst of optimism. Thus far he has set stats ... Views: 1807
Are you tired of worrying about the bills? Are you tired of searching for your passion in life? Are you tired of health issues, relationship issues, job issues, political issues and just plain old tired?
It is no exaggeration to say that the demands of the world can be very consuming and ... Views: 1289
I reflect on my life when there were times that I thought I was living a charmed life. I felt like I couldn’t lose. Everything seemed to go my way with little or no effort. Then I also reflect on times in my life where nothing seemed to go right. Everything that could possibly go wrong… did! ... Views: 1104
Most of us value the companionship, love and the intimacy of having a mate but how do these relationships impact our efforts at spiritual growth? Those of us who take a mystic approach to spirituality and who may utilize a particular Sadhana or yogic technique, have most certainly come across ... Views: 1261
Essentially all religions and scriptures say the universe began with God which is/was the Singularity of all. In this beginning there was nothing before this Spirit and this Spirit is ever-existent beyond the concepts of all time and phenomena. No man is capable of saying how, why or when it all ... Views: 1236