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Having abundance means your needs and wants are amply filled. Abundance creates a zest for life, an excitement about the daily miracles that can occur at any moment. It includes appreciating what you already have and being excited about what you are creating.
Abundance is a state of mind, where ... Views: 2071
[Editors Note: Below is an excerpt from our EFT book, "The Heart & Soul of EFT and Beyond," focuses on how to make EFT even easier and more effective, by offering many tips, insights, and complementary holistic healing tools. Of the many areas we detailed, we found that forgiveness was an ... Views: 1805
Many of us are very busy, much of the time. It seems that the more choices we have — the more TV channels, the more techniques, the more websites — the busier we become. Society promotes this busy lifestyle.
The more we work and consume, the more the wheels turn. More profit, ... Views: 1067
"Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you." – Frank Tyger
[Excerpted from "The Heart & Soul of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and Beyond" by Phillip and Jane Mountrose,]
You have covered a lot of territory since you first opened this ... Views: 1023
We naturally want to help those who are close to us. If someone you care about is suffering, you'd like to see the person's situation improve. We all know someone close to us who at some time is depressed, addicted, or in serious pain. But before offering what you might consider help, it's first ... Views: 1141
Many of us in the baby boom generation face experiences of dealing with aging parents. Here is a recent related question we received from Diana during our "Answers to Your Most Important Questions on EFT and Energy-Healing" teleclass (by the way, this class will become an audio product released ... Views: 1878
Knowing about chief features/defenses is some of the most crucial knowledge for soul development.
To summarize, the seven defenses are:
· Self-deprecation: Fear of not being good enough
· Arrogance: Fear of being exposed
· Greed: Fear of not having
· ... Views: 4081
For those of us who do help others, an uncomfortable question inevitably arises: how can I help someone else when I’m messed up myself? If I’m overweight, have bad habits, relationship issues, fears and phobias, who am I to offer my assistance to someone else?
We are all on the journey to ... Views: 1186
How often do we think our problems are caused by others. “If I could only stop them from acting that way, everything would be fine.”
At times, it’s easy to put our attention on changing others, rather than looking within to see what the other person triggered in us. Or, what in us has attracted ... Views: 2157