Having abundance means your needs and wants are amply filled. Abundance creates a zest for life, an excitement about the daily miracles that can occur at any moment. It includes appreciating what you already have and being excited about what you are creating.
Abundance is a state of mind, where your attitudes support being open to experiencing the richness of life.
When abundant, we see possibilities, even where scarcity exists. We can be compassionate for those who are suffering, including parts of ourselves, knowing that a more abundant world exists. We can support anyone, and see them being more fulfilled, wherever they are on their evolutionary journey.
Money is a vehicle that can support abundance or stop it in its tracks. Money is a societal archetype, a symbol that holds many meanings gathered over time. On the positive side, money holds freedom, security and choice; on the negative side, money holds fear and greed.
Certainly it’s a choice how we view money -- whether we are enslaved or liberated by it. Take a moment to ask: does money creates fulfillment or worry in your life?
There are many beliefs around money. The limiting ones revolve around four themes:
1. Making money is a struggle; it’s difficult to succeed.
2. Money is not spiritual. People are starving, and the rich will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
3. I don’t deserve money. Something is wrong with me, so I can’t have it.
4. Abundance is outside of my comfort zone. If I earn more than my parents or friends, I may feel guilty.
Wherever money is a problem, know that you probably have a limiting belief operating, a thought pattern that relates to one or more of the above categories. The good news is that these heavy thoughts are quite correctable.
We recommend using EFT, Spiritual Kinesiology and our Getting Thru Techniques to unearth the roots of these restrictions. After you have done the inner clearing work, you will naturally adopt life-enhancing beliefs such as:
1. Money comes more and more easily to me.
2. I align with spirit and use money to help further myself and others. .
3. I deserve money and claim my right to it.
4. I feel comfortable earning/attracting more money.
For more on money beliefs and an abundance step-by-step program see our book "Manifesting Your Dreams with EFT, SK and More" at www.gettingthru.org
As the Seth Material has eloquently pointed out, once you change your beliefs, you must translate them into action. If you act like you have more money now, it neurologically communicates to your inner self that you are becoming more prosperous.
In other words, behave like a prosperous person would, within reason. This behavior might include:
· Treating yourself to something special
· Giving something away
· Making a donation
Acting like an abundant person strengthens your energy field. The above suggestions celebrate your newfound wealth, even before it arrives.
Behave like an abundant person. Trust that you have specifically put your request for more abundance in motion (writing it down helps).
Know that it will occur, though maybe in a different way or form than you expected. Instead of getting extra money for a car, perhaps one will be given to you in an unexpected way. In sum, focus on what you want and take action.
Remember that money is a means, not an end. The reason to have money, then, is not to have X amount of money, but what that money will provide you. Also keep in mind, that maybe you don’t need as much money as you imagine.
A friend of ours at first thought she needed a million dollars to be secure enough to do what she wanted. With some coaching from us, she realized that she can start to pursue her career as an alternative healer without needing a million dollars in the bank beforehand.
Your abundance may include lots of $ signs or maybe just a few. Find the underlying meaning of money: what it will bring, what opportunities and resources.
For more on abundance and money, see our book Manifesting Your Dreams with EFT, SK and More.
To conclude, there is no need to “try” and be abundant. Follow what is heartfelt, be open to your life purpose and synchronicity, and the rest will follow. We wish you the best in being abundant and living the life you truly desire and deserve.
A pioneer in energy-healing and devoted to helping people live their life purpose, Dr. Phillip Mountrose's most recent book co-written with his wife Jane is "The Heart & Soul of EFT and Beyond..." He and his partner Dr. Jane Mountrose offer high-quality holistic healing and spiritual counselor home-study certification courses, as well as their popular free e-newsletter The Soul News. See www.gettingthru.org. Their newest ebook is Manifesting Your Dreams with EFT, SK and More, which is used as a reference manual for the Master Spirit Community, a unique and transformational program for helping people realize their dreams and goals.
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