Summer is around the corner and it will be a zany few months. There will be many things going on in the world and in our own personal lives. It will be great! Yet it may be challenging to navigate at times. Wonderful opportunities will appear if we open our eyes, hearts and minds. Here’s a few ... Views: 786
We hear about the value of self-love. “Love yourself more!” You can’t love another unless you love yourself first” Blah, blah, blah. What is self -love exactly? Why is it necessary? How do you do it? Who has the time?
The answer is self-care. Self-love = self-care. Self-care = ... Views: 828
Healthy, sustainable relationships take work. It’s important to be in a constant state of awareness of your thoughts, feelings, actions and “stuff” and how these things impact you and your partner. That is the “work” in a relationship. The relationship ultimately requires a strong foundation. ... Views: 976
It is intense out there. This health care bill has caused quite a stir. There are important energies at play that need to be recognized. There won’t be any discussion about politics here, no taking sides, no support or opposition for the new bill or for either political party. This isn’t about ... Views: 2082
Work, families, responsibilities, relationships, fun and recreation. Changes, losing jobs, homes and loved ones. Health challenges, financial ups and downs. The stuff of life. Life is full of more “stuff” these days and less “life”.
Do you feel like you’re going at mock 5 with your hair on ... Views: 1564
Conflicts, challenges and misunderstandings are common bumps in relationships. Understanding relationships means understanding in your relationships. Find understanding in each situation to keep things smooth and learn compassion.
When something happens that causes us hurt, pain or confusion, ... Views: 1281
Here we are, another year ending, a new one beginning. 2009 was a bizarre year to be sure. Many are now breathing sighs of relief and hope.
2010 will be a year of new beginnings like never before. Opportunities to create exactly what you want will be everywhere. Here are some things to ... Views: 1044
We all have our stuff… our issues to be recognized, wounds to heal, negative patterns to end. Every relationship experience and every experience in a relationship is an opportunity to discover something about yourself by recognizing unhealthy patterns, healing wounds, and identifying what it is ... Views: 822
Things look pretty messy out there. Many seem to be having a crisis of some kind… a financial, health, family or spiritual crisis and likely a combination of these. How will we get out of our crisis? Will the bailouts work? How about health care reform? How can we care for our families when ... Views: 932
We are so intense about our relationships that it sometimes feels like we’re in a pressure cooker! Here are a few suggestions to release the pressure, remember what is real and enjoy your relationships more.
• Have more fun. Go for a drive. Take a walk or a hike. Cook a meal together. Watch ... Views: 1290
It’s time to get real with your relationships. Whether you are currently single or in a relationship, I invite you to ask yourself the following questions because this is part of the process of healing your relationships. In doing this you can heal those from the past, embrace the present and ... Views: 4795
The human spirit is amazing and we are witnessing it everywhere these days. People taking charge and creating change in their lives, their countries and their worlds. This is how change occurs for nothing changes until you do.
We see this happening currently in different ways. The citizens ... Views: 1380
Isn’t that great news? It IS all about you! It’s all about who you are and what you know. Everything you need to know is inside of you. Socrates says “true insight comes from within”. When you know more of who you truly are, you have all the answers.
When we want clarity or seek to make ... Views: 882
Here it is, another valentine’s day around the corner. A time to take stock the love in your life. Or the lack of love in your life if that is how you see things.
We spend so much time and energy searching for love. Single people can be zeroed in on “finding” love and ... Views: 844
Oh, these times they are a changin’! Change is all around us and within us. It’s so exciting! It’s so terrifying! But it’s grand, indeed.
Everything seems to be changing…. Our government, our economy, our careers, our residence, our selves. What do you do? How do ... Views: 1340
There is so much fear and negativity flying around these days. Fear about the yo-yo-ing stock market, the housing/credit situation, the potential of a recession, the possibility of lay offs, etc. The fear is everywhere. You can’t turn on the television, read the paper or internet ... Views: 819
We don't need to be reminded of what's going on out there. We are all very aware of the current turmoil. These are different times and we are creating a different earth. To create this new earth we need to do things differently. And it all starts with YOU. You hold the power. Yes, you. Each and ... Views: 1100