Oh, these times they are a changin’! Change is all around us and within us. It’s so exciting! It’s so terrifying! But it’s grand, indeed.

Everything seems to be changing…. Our government, our economy, our careers, our residence, our selves. What do you do? How do you manage it all? Let go of the old and allow for the new.

The old what?? The old that no longer serves you. Old jobs, relationships, friendships, material things, beliefs and perceptions. There is so much new awaiting you! So much new to create and embrace. But you have to let go of the old to allow for the new.

Some of this is happening in your life anyway. Many are losing jobs and/ or homes, intimate relationships are ending, friendships are dissolving. It can be very stressful yet believe it or not, it’s all good. How do you know what is “old”? If something is causing you stress, anxiety or fear chances are that it reflects the old way of doing things. If something generates feelings of peace, love and movement, it represents the new. We are in new energies now so we are no longer aligned with the old. Everything is new and that means that it can be exactly the way you want it to be.

Let these things go. Just let it go and allow for the new. The new that awaits you is truly all that you want it to be. It is your creation, rooted in your truth, your creativity and your choice. Imagine a life exactly as you want it. One that includes fulfilling and meaningful work. Financial freedom and prosperity from using your gifts and talents. Relationships founded in love, respect and caring for self and others. Residing in a community that truly supports each other. Having a balanced life. Just imagine this and more! It is available to you. It is at your fingertips. You just have to let go of the old so that the new can arrive.

Let go of patterns in relationships that are unhealthy and don’t support what you truly desire. Release yourself from the belief that everything has to happen in a certain way or it won’t happen. Don’t be attached to what it looks like. The more we hang onto how something is “supposed” to look like or how something is “supposed” to happen, the less we are open to the new ways things can look or happen. The tighter the grip on the old, the more we resist the new. If you are feeling stresses, anxious and fearful, chances are you are gripping the old. Recognize this so that you can begin a welcoming of the new. Releasing attachments to the old will open you up to opportunities you never imagined. Exciting opportunities and perfect solutions you never dreamed of.

The doesn’t mean that you have to severe yourself from everything and everyone that you know. Allow for the unhealthy parts of these things to fall away and be open for the situations to become new, however that looks. You will be surprised at what the universe brings you when you are open!

Author's Bio: 

Julie Farha is an intuitive, personal coach, speaker and author of Exploring Your Potential; Who am I and what am I doing here? She holds interactive seminars and is available for private sessions and speaking engagements. Julie@JulieFarha.com, www.JulieFarha.com 480-998-1447