When you know the purpose for which you were born, it gives you a favorable disposition in life. Are you living your purpose, or a life of mediocrity? Your identity and purpose is your gift to the world. Our purpose is that deepest dimension within us that tells us who we are, where we came ... Views: 5042
Success is about doing the right things at the right times in your life. This takes faith and courage, knowing the right thing to do and the courage to do it is key to making the right choices. For good timing is everything. Purposeful living is doing the little things that matter a whole lot. ... Views: 1301
Purpose is a result, end, mean, aim, or goal of an action intentionally undertaken.Whether or not the purpose was a primary or secondary effect. It is possible that an intentional act may have multiple purposes .Purpose is related to the term pose as to "put in a certain position. There is a ... Views: 1318
Have you experienced some recent obstacles in your life personally that have caused you to quit? How many of you have found yourselves at times complaining about your own life. I can honestly say that I am guilty. But what I have discovered is that when you are complaining about your life. You ... Views: 978
You could reach all your personal goals, becoming a raving success by the worlds standard, and still miss the purposes for which God created you. Living a purposeful life gives you a greater focus in your daily activities, increased discipline and productivity, passion and motivation, being in ... Views: 1287
What I believe our goal should be is to start living your life on purpose. Another meaning would be living your potential. Your Passion your Purpose in life. Of all the great pursuits in life, to me this is the most important. Robert Louis Stevenson said it more than a hundred years ago: “To ... Views: 2113
As a Leaders it may be comforting for us to set small, easily-achievable goals instead of big massive ones, this will work against you in the end. Why? because setting large, seemingly impossible goals spurs your mind to think differently. We should set deadlines for achieving our goals for it ... Views: 1411