Becoming successful in any field or endeavor does not happen by luck. Hard work and determination might be where some people would begin. However, there are several inner key factors that set apart those who demonstrate success. Statistics show that 4 out of 5 businesses fail within the first two years of operation. When you look at someone who is successful, his or her secrets are not always on the surface. A lot of their success factors cannot be seen because their winning combination starts within.
The first key to creating success is to have an inner vision of what you want to create. A business or any endeavor with no vision is like a ship sailing without a compass. Find a quiet place and begin to visualize the end result that you want. Expand on all the key elements that would make it a success. Also, see yourself in this vision feeling satisfied, joy filled and abundant. Next, write your vision down in detail and then list the goals of what needs to occur to make this vision happen. Make sure the goals support your vision. Then prioritize your goals and begin working on them. This is where the hard work, determination, and staying focused on your vision comes into play. Keep your vision with you, so that when you get off course you can bring your energy and focus back into alignment. A recent study revealed that those who wrote their goals accomplished significantly more than those who did not write their goals.
The success of your business or creative endeavor is also determined by your inner motivator. What language does your inner motivator speak? Does your inner motivator talk in positive and realistic terms about life, about business, creativity, and about your success? Does your inner motivator speak positive about others in the field? The inner voice that motivates you to success is your main supporter and cheerleader. Consciously take time and listen to the messages your inner motivator is sending. Successful people are self-motivated and see the glass filled to top with plenty for everyone. If you are speaking negatively, making excuses, and criticizing others, turn it around or you will surely sink your ship. Reframe the negative thinking into optimism. As you begin a new internal dialog, you will witness the world responding to you differently. You will see a direct correlation between your thoughts and the outcomes that you experience.
Another key is to success is to listen to your intuition. Make time on a daily basis to sit in silence, empty your head, and just listen for ideas or insights. Intuition plays a very important role in creating and maintaining a successful business. Women have been known for being naturally intuitive. Socialization taught us to downplay our intuitive strengths. Nevertheless, intuitive information is constantly coming in. Both men and women have internal guidance systems that speak through intuition (to include gut feelings, a deep knowing, sensing, and receiving visions and messages).
We just need to take time to tune into the quiet and listen. In Napoleon Hill’s best-selling book Think and Grow Rich, Hill spent 20 years studying the habits of the highly successful businessmen of his time such as Andrew Carniege, Henry Ford, and Thomas Edison. What he found is that these men followed their intuition and listened to the intuition of the people that they trusted. You can tap in and receive fresh insight that will help you resolve issues, discover new ideas, inspire creativity, and plan for the future.
Success is a seed that grows within us and blossoms as we internally nurture and support it. Our outer actions come into alignment with our inner vision, thoughts and intuition. When the inner and outer actions are working together success in all areas of our lives is the outcome.
Abundance is mine now. I give joyful service to others knowing that my cup is constantly being refilled.
Dawn Fleming is a holistic health instructor, practitioner, and author. She has been successfully working as an Intuitive Reiki Master healer/reader/life coach for over 22 years. She is the author of Creating A Successful Holistic Health Practice, Teaching Workshops Effectively, Navigating the Continuing Education Approval Process, and Perspectives on Ascension. Her websites are and email is
She is an instructor at the Southwest Institute for Holistic Arts in Tempe, AZ.
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