One of the challenges that I see many job seekers have when they are in the midst of their job search campaign is exactly how to present themselves to prospective employers. In the tight job market that exists at the present time, the tendency is to show oneself possessing a wide range of skill ... Views: 1134
One of the questions my clients sometimes ask me is how should they treat their volunteer experience when it comes to their resumé? This is true in particular of those who have been searching for paid employment for a long period of time. I encourage my clients to include their volunteer ... Views: 877
If I were to ask you, “What was the last opportunity which came into your life?” how would you answer me? Would you be able to provide me the details around when and how it happened? Or would you be an individual who would say to me, opportunities never seem to happen for me. They happen for ... Views: 1145
My wife was a public school teacher for almost 35 years before retiring in the summer of 2010. At that time, she was not sure what she would do next in her life. Since that time she has begun to occupy her life with a number of different activities. Some have been satisfying to her, while ... Views: 1200
I meet many people in job search as part of my day to day life. The way they approach their unemployment and subsequent job search varies by individual. One who crossed my path is Mary. At the beginning of 2012 Mary found herself let go from her position of 16 years. She heard of a local ... Views: 941
In the space of a few hours this past week, the topic of Automatic Tracking Systems (ATS) arose in activities with which I was involved. The first individual who brought them to my attention is a current resumé writing coach who in previous job experience has been a recruiter within ... Views: 1284
The season of spring has always been the time of rebirth in nature. As the calendar moves into April, and the first full calendar month of spring has arrived for 2012, our quote this month focuses on the theme of POSSIBILITIES. The quote is attributed to Anna Quindlen, who is an American ... Views: 1070
One of the challenges I constantly battle is becoming addicted to my computer. The computer in the home is a wonderful tool. When I was growing up newspapers, television and radio delivered you the news. If you wanted to pay your bills you had to receive them by mail and send payment to the ... Views: 2063
It has always been challenging to be a career changer. It perhaps means needing to go back to school for additional training. In presenting yourself to others, they may often find it difficult getting past seeing you in your previous position whether that is if they have known you or are ... Views: 902
It has always been challenging to be a career changer. It perhaps means needing to go back to school for additional training. In presenting yourself to others, they may often find it difficult getting past seeing you in your previous position whether that is if they have known you or are ... Views: 778
I was near the close of a session with a client recently, where I was praising him for all the diligent work he had been putting in on his job search. From building his marketing plan, to reaching out to those in his network to let them know he was actively looking, to researching firms in his ... Views: 982
You have been called into a company for an interview, perhaps even more than one. You have met with your prospective boss and the two of you have definitely connected and you are sure that he likes you. Perhaps at this point you believe you have a good chance to receive the position. This is ... Views: 912
One of the things I really enjoy about my profession is that I get to meet so many different people. I find it inspirational how they each reached the current point in their life. I was recently talking to a prospective client who had lost his job three months ago. He was definitely a ... Views: 618
As we’re about to enter the third month of 2012, a question that I have for you is “How are you doing on those goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year?” Ideally many of you are still on the path toward what you were looking to achieve when you set out two months ago. Perhaps ... Views: 932
The month of January was a very hectic time for me. Between helping to get the newly populated Board of Directors of the local chapter of the coaching association I belong to off the ground, to providing administrative support for a charity dinner that I do annually each January, to selling a ... Views: 889
The International Coaching Federation (ICF), one of the leading industry organizations for professional coaches, has designated the week of February 5th through 11th, International Coaching Week. During this week coaches from all over the world are asked to help increase the awareness of the ... Views: 891
As the month of February begins, I turn the page on my “Motivations” calendar for 2012 and am greeted with a team of stampeding horses galloping along a snowy plain. Underneath the picture lies the following quote, “A dynamic team is unstoppable.” Certainly it would take a very brave soul to ... Views: 882
Ask job seekers what their goal is in terms of their employment search most of them will tell you that it is “to get a job”. While that certainly is the intent of the end result of their job search campaign, one of the early lessons I learned in my Five O’Clock Club career coaching studies is ... Views: 567
It’s amazing to me how much of my time over the last year has been spent in public libraries. Prior to becoming involved in my coaching practice, the last time I can remember being in a library with any regularity was when I was a student back in college. However, various aspects of my ... Views: 823
As both a career coach and one who helps to facilitate a “Professionals in Transition” group at my local library, I am around a large number of individuals in job search. Being in job search is indeed one of the most stressful times for an individual, particularly if they are currently ... Views: 642
The beginning of a new year is often a time when individuals vow to change their ways. And, while change is all well and good, and even something which has been written about on this site in many a posting, I was struck by the picture and saying on my January 2012 calendar. The scene is of a ... Views: 1005
Wow, we have reached the end of 2011. What kind of a year has it been for you? For me it has been a year of growth both personally and in terms of my business. It has been one where I went in building on a plan I had started toward the latter part of 2010 and then built upon even in spite of ... Views: 961
Many months ago I wrote in this space about a concept that I had learned of in my Institute for Professional Excellence (IPEC) coaching studies known as the cycle of change. The piece focused on how the various activities we go through in our life are like a card game. While each activity ... Views: 928
The title of this posting, listed above, came to me a couple of weeks back when I found myself in the middle of multiple items at once. I was a few minutes away from leaving for a meeting with a client. Before I was to leave, I said to myself, let me just check my e-mail on my office computer ... Views: 1273
About a week from now we celebrate Thanksgiving, a holiday that focuses all on giving thanks for the many blessings in our life. However, Thanksgiving is also a time of sharing. I was thinking about this aspect of the holiday and realized how many of us have gifts that we’re able to share with ... Views: 1077
If I asked you what a construction worker, a tutor for those taking the Scholastic Aptitude Test, a Director of a consumer health business unit at a flavor manufacturer and a business executive with varied career experiences had in common – you may think not very much. However, these are the ... Views: 1030
Have you taken the time recently to think about what is your purpose in life? When I think of mine, it is to be the best career coach I can be to those with whom I come in contact. I have learned so much this year on the process of career development and the methods to use in searching for a ... Views: 976
Expand Your Job-Hunting Targets – If looking in one geographic area, look in others. If searching in one size of company, try others. If looking at one type of position, consider other types of positions you can do.
Expect to Be “In Search” for the Long Haul – The average professional or ... Views: 1108
I must admit that I’m not the greatest student of the English language. There are times when I will hear a word used, and while I believe that I know what it means especially in the context it is being used, I recently found the occasion to research such a situation. In my career coaching Five ... Views: 1192
I was having a discussion with a colleague of mine about a week ago. He was sharing with me recent experiences his son had gone through in interviewing for internship employment for the summer. While the experience had not gone the way the son had wanted in that he did not get the position he ... Views: 1512
Normally by this point of the summer I begin my preparations for the research I do in terms of managing my fantasy league football team. Usually, I'll buy a magazine or two, research last year's statistics, see who may be recommended as productive players for the coming season. However, this ... Views: 711
Since March of 2011, a great deal of my focus has been in expanding my knowledge in the area of assisting prospective clients in the use of job search and career development strategy techniques. My time spent as a Certified Coach in Training in the Five O’Clock Club’s (America’s Premier Career ... Views: 706
One of the benefits of my profession is that you have the opportunity to be introduced to a good number of different approaches and ideas in terms of making the most out of your life. About two months ago I had one such opportunity at a meeting of New Jersey Professional Coaches Association I ... Views: 990
Let me make it clear from the start of this piece that I do believe age discrimination does exist. Yes, it can be very discouraging when an opportunity such as a job opening becomes available and you don’t receive an offer. However, for all of those who may be bypassed, there are several older ... Views: 668
Nineteen months ago I married into a large family. My wife is one of nine children. Seven of her siblings are married and they have been blessed with 30 children between them. When you get to this time of the year, which is graduation season, in a large family you usually don’t have one ... Views: 553
This past October, I had the pleasure of attending a three hour seminar given by Robert Kegan, from the Adult Learning and Professional Development department of the Harvard University Graduate School of Education. Kegan’s topic entitled “Immunity to Change”, fascinated me at the time, and even ... Views: 1017
As I write this, I have just returned from being away for a few days. I expected based on past experience I would have quite a bit to catch up on when I came back. Between US mail, e-mail (2 accounts), voice mail (2 phones) and just touching base with immediate family members, there was quite ... Views: 782
In today’s fast paced society, it is not uncommon for people to want results quickly when they are in need of something. However, when you are looking to obtain something of value in your life, such as a new job, beginning a new venture or becoming an expert in a field in which you know little ... Views: 1101
I happened to be juggling a number of different tasks last week. I’m sure that is no different for many of you. One of the things I realized I had fallen into the habit of doing was trying to use every available minute I had to fill with some action I termed “productive”, so I could get action ... Views: 813
Recently I was speaking with a long time friend about what I anticipate coming up for me in the next few weeks. Due to a number of steps I have taken over the last several months, I am beginning to see activity increasing for my business. While I found the increased activity very gratifying, I ... Views: 885
Regular readers of my blog know that I have expressed a good deal of thought on the topics of change and transition over the previous months. The words are used so interchangeably that it is easy to believe that they are one in the same thing. However, while related they truly are not. As I ... Views: 1121
Many years ago I enjoyed seeing the movie “City Slickers”. In the movie, Billy Crystal plays a man named Mitch going through a midlife crisis. As a way to get away from things, along with two of his buddies, he goes on an adventure which involves being part of a cattle drive. While Mitch and ... Views: 741
My blog posting from earlier this week focused on how one’s attitude was a key in bringing in positive energy into their life to help move them forward. Nowhere is that more true when one is in the middle of the job search process. While there has been much written about the differences ... Views: 828
When I meet people for the first time and especially at various business networking events, the subject eventually gets around to what business am I in. After I identify myself as a Midlife Transition Coach I have sometimes heard the comment from those who are familiar with what a coach does ... Views: 778
What we experience in life can be viewed from many different viewpoints. Some of those viewpoints can be catabolic (destructive or negative), in their makeup. When you feel that you are a victim, lethargic, angry or stressed about a situation, you are experiencing catabolic energy. When your ... Views: 1253
For the second time in three years I have gone “back to school”. While I’m not enrolled in a degree granting program, I’m being trained in becoming knowledgeable of the skills in developing an effective job and career search strategy. One of my goals is to be able to share what I am in the ... Views: 954
This coming weekend is one of celebration for me. My niece will be getting married on Friday evening. On Saturday we celebrate the birthdays of my brother’s three children. And, on Sunday, my wife and I will be attending a local St. Patrick’s Day parade. Celebrations are wonderful occasions. ... Views: 1289
Would you live your life differently if you believed that no matter what choice you made it would not be considered a mistake? For individuals living at higher levels of energy and consciousness in their life, that is exactly how they go through their day to day existence. In the mindset of ... Views: 772
One of the lessons that I had heard before, but which was reinforced with me over the last couple of weeks, is that sometimes you can easily overlook the resources available to you when they are immediately in front of you. That bit of wisdom came to light as I was marketing my most recent ... Views: 768
The March 2011 quote of “Motivation” that appears on the Absolute Transitions website is courtesy of the 3rd President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson was quoted as saying “In matters of style, swim with the current. In matters of principle, stand like a rock.” It isn’t ... Views: 952