It is not uncommon at this time of the year for people to feel they have less energy than they do at other times of the year. We’re well into the period after the end of year holidays. Unless you live in a warm weather climate, spring type weather is several weeks away. Hours of darkness still outnumber hours of daylight in a given day.

I know I personally have struggled, the last couple of weeks, with keeping up my energy. When I allow myself just to sit back and let my mind wander, or when I don’t have definitive appointments on my schedule, I can allow procrastination to sneak into my life. It is not that I don’t have things to do. There are plenty of ideas I have for moving my business forward. I have thoughts on topics that I can share in class or small group type settings. While I am a coach who has worked almost exclusively with one to one clients, there are thoughts on providing small group sessions. And, while I know they’re all excellent things I want to begin moving forward, sometimes getting up the energy to get started can be elusive.

So, what have I chosen to do to help spark myself moving forward during these winter months? One thing is having become a coaching client and taking a program with which I am completely enraptured. The program provided by Mentis Education is in learning to apply the principles and practices of neuro-axiology to make better choices and generate greater net value in everything I do. And, while that may sound terrifying to some, it really isn’t, and in fact has had me captivated as I am now about 6 weeks into 12 week program. The principles I am learning I not only see helping me, but also will make me a more aware coach and individual going forward in working with my clients and those who come into my life. This is the time of the year I have worked on a charity dinner with high school classmates for the last several years to raise money to fight ALS, a disease which nine years ago took a fellow classmate from us. I am in the middle of that preparation work again this year. I continue to meet with and share experiences with fellow coaches as part of my local chapter of the International Coach Federation, and also with job seekers, in transition, at local libraries in my area. I also look to research articles, e-books and publications which share concepts with which I am in tune that I can share with my clients or those who come to me for advice.

Yes, this time of the year can be hard to often get oneself motivated. And, it is easy to keep putting off those things you say to yourself that you want to do. My Mentis Education course is teaching me that when that happens, it is a signal of an “un-reconciled gap” in your life. That gap could be coming from a lack of motivation or confidence, or perhaps focus or knowledge or maybe in ones expectations and projections. Gaps are not BAD things, they just are. However, until one can reconcile gaps within oneself or with others, (if they involve an issue that involves others), you are going to stay stuck where you are.

For me pushing through the “winter time blues” has involved focusing on increasing my education and awareness and getting out and being with others sharing experiences that I enjoy. For you, it can involve something totally different. What do you choose to do to deal with those “Winter Time Blues”? I encourage you and look forward to you sharing your thoughts and leaving a comment so that others can benefit from the wisdom of your suggestions and experience.

Author's Bio: 

Tony Calabrese of Absolute Transitions provides suggestions, approaches and information on how you can find a new job, move up to a new position, or change your career. To get his free report, "Overcoming Obstacles to Change Your Life" visit