Here are the top 5 health news stories for the week.

* 15 Simple Food Remedies *

Banish the occasional headache or upset tummy with remedies straight from your kitchen.

Go here for the complete news story:

* Diet Crutches: What Works, What Doesn't *

Some diet crutches are helpful, some harmful, and some won't do much either way.

Go here for the complete news story:;conten...

* What Is Your Body Telling You?*

Every pop, ping, ache, and pain has a meaning.

Go here for the complete news story:

* Healthy Food So Cheap You'd Think It's Fast Food*

Increasing food prices have more and more shoppers looking for ways to save money at the grocery store without sacrificing nutrition.

Go here for the complete news story:

* Is Chocolate Good for Your Heart?*

Chocolate may be good for the heart but cardiologists are not giving you a license to indulge.

Go here for the complete news story:

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