Abandon Piano? A Reawaken Passion
Be it my own expectation,my observation
Be it real or imagined,I can’t help but to feel,to write
And this too I pray and say,
Stirring in your heart I believe is a passion that can
Be reawakened,but still I observe there resides within
you ... Views: 2010
On Day Dream Hill I rest my bovine eyes under a pale blue sky
on a grassy knoll where neither Jack nor Jill can ever intrude upon this hill--For I stand firm on plenty a field of wild, wild clover
And it is here I lay claim to this open range I call my “quiet green”.
Today a restless wind ... Views: 1183
Don't Ask; Give and You Shall Receive
By John-Robert Coleman MPA
Many people consciously or unconsciously feel that others do not treat them well enough. As a consequence they withhold or hold back from others because they think they are not getting anything from them or they do not think ... Views: 1186
The Clever Visitors of Success, Wealth and Love
Author Unknown, Adopted by JR Coleman
A woman stepped out onto her porch one evening to see three elderly men sitting on her front lawn. Of course she became very concerned because she did not recognize them. She approached them and said, "I ... Views: 2620
Department of Excuse, Complaint and Withhold
Here is sure-fire tips on how to rid the Dept of Excuse, Complaint and Withholds!
Excuse Dept.
If you catch yourself doing any one or more of the forgoing excuses, just
elect to turn one of them upside down by either writing a corrective ... Views: 1102
I have a lover who resides within me
and I have just met her,
though she never introduced herself.
I then asked of what was her name?
She said, “She could be whoever I wanted or choose her to be,
then she added, “what are in names anyway, but ... Views: 1181
Heal With Laughter:Go Bananas!
By John-Robert Coleman, MPA
Lately I admit I have been taking life rather seriously until I was confronted with a timely challenge-- I am to make people laugh? “Yeah Right,as I said to self, are you kidding me?” I am supposed to dig up some personal ... Views: 1143
Choose Gentler Path in Financial Crisis
By John-Robert Coleman, MPA.
Imagine that you are in the midst of serious financial troubles. You lie awake at night wondering how you are going to pay your bills; your income is not enough to cover everything so you are falling further and further ... Views: 955
Positive Power of Affirmations
By John-Robert Coleman, MPA
An affirmation is a positive statement recited repeatedly out loud or internally to your self in order to produce a desired result. Moreover, it is a life giving statement chosen intentionally to replace outworn, negative ideas or ... Views: 1351
Are You UP To It?
By John-Robert Coleman, MPA.
There is a two-letter word that fascinates me because I believe It has more impact, perhaps more meaning than any other two-letter word in the English Language, and that word is,"UP!” My sole purpose here is to entertain you with some of the ... Views: 1256