The full moon is a time to reflect on bad habits that may be holding you back, as it begins the period of the waning cycle of the moon. In all occult systems and cultures, the waning cycle of the moon is a time of reflection and introspection. It is more feminine psychologically - whereas the ... Views: 1545
Wednesday- December 24, 2008 - Scorpio / Anuradha / 13th tithi
The moon entered Scorpio yesterday and will be in her sign of debilitation for the next couple of days. Yes, this includes Christmas day. So, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will have a debilitated moon -- and a moon that is very ... Views: 1126
Jupiter is known as “guru” in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India — the land from which Vedic astrology originated. The term guru actually has several meanings. “Gu’ means “to remove” — “ru” means “darkness”. Thus, a ... Views: 6484
This eclipse takes place in the sign of Leo. This full moon is joined both South node and the planet Saturn. There's been a lot of activity around Saturn for the last couple of years. This Saturn/South node conjunction has been very important in shaping not only our collective world but our ... Views: 1176
Mars turned retrograde November 15th, 2007 and will begin moving direct Wednesday, January 30 at about 330 Pacific Time. This retrograde cycle of Mars have provided a time of reflection on certain mental concepts - how things should or shouldn't be - in your life. This process may have been ... Views: 1479