Nearly everyone does battle with that pesky voice of
self-judgment and sabotaging put-downs that chatters
away in our heads.
And, in response to a recent teleseminar we gave titled
“The Fear of Being Fabulous” we received a request
from a participant who said:
“I would ... Views: 688
When you think of people who are living a fabulous life who comes to mind? Bill Gates? Meryl Streep? Some prince, princess, or high dignitary? Bill Gates is the richest man in the world and he is deeply involved in helping people around the world. That’s not only fabulous, that’s ... Views: 678
Are you someone who frequently makes plans to lose weight, get
a new job, go back to school, improve your relationship, but then . . . you just don’t do it?
Are you envious of people who have what you want, but somehow
you just can’t seem to do what it takes to get it for ... Views: 778
What do you do when someone gives you a compliment? Do you smile, thank them with all your heart, and continue on with your day feeling a little better about yourself?
Or maybe instead, you shrug. Or deny it. Or claim it’s a lie.
Maybe you don’t say anything at all, but silently ... Views: 1204
How often do you feel that other people get to have something
that is forbidden to you? Something that’s forbidden, not because
it’s impossible (like playing pro ball if you’re only 5 foot 4),
and not because you shouldn't have it because it’s bad for you, but ... Views: 703
Success gurus and self-made millionaires routinely preach the mantra that “Your thoughts become habits, your habits become your reality.” They suggest that knowing your purpose and living with passion is an unstoppable recipe for success. Once you’ve got it you’ll never ... Views: 750
There are two basic and very simple ways to make your relationship the most
fabulous it can be. What are these tips? You will be delighted to know that
they are so simple, you can begin to experience their magic immediately.
First, as basic and common sense as it sounds - you have to ... Views: 612
A friend in Colorado just made a huge decision to build a
factory and showroom that will be four times the size of their
current site.
AND the new location is several miles outside
of the town where they’ve grown their reputation and
customer base over the last 10 years.
AND they will ... Views: 643
Despite hundreds of relationship experts and how-to books, the divorce rate still hovers somewhere around 55%, and the divorce rate for second marriages is even higher -- roughly 70% -- and those divorces occur in half the time.
Now, what really causes divorce? Really . . .
Most often it's ... Views: 579
When I was twelve (but looked about eighteen),
I entered a beauty contest sponsored by a beach
club in Santa Monica ... And, even though I was
competing against women who were in their late
teens and early twenties, I won.
I was thrilled!
And for that year I was “Miss Del Mar”
and ... Views: 889
If you feel frustrated, even mystified by what’s standing
in the way of your greater success, it’s actually not that
difficult to understand.
The question is: Are you ready? Really ready?
Because the answer lives down in your
unconscious . . . laying there . . . lying to you.
And ... Views: 891
What’s the number one hijacker of love and relationships?
Self-rejection. Self-rejection. Self-rejection.
What do we mean by self-rejection?
Well, you see, most men and women judge themselves
as being inadequate, unworthy, unlovable. So, when
they’re in a dating situation or marriage, ... Views: 709
Nearly everyone does battle with that pesky voice of
self-judgment and sabotaging put-downs that chatters
away in our heads.
And, in response to a recent teleseminar we gave titled
“The Fear of Being Fabulous” we received a request
from a participant who said:
“I would love to hear how ... Views: 662
When you think of people who are living a fabulous life who comes to mind? Bill Gates? Meryl Streep? Some prince, princess, or high dignitary? Bill Gates is the richest man in the world and he is deeply involved in helping people around the world. That’s not only fabulous, that’s almost fabled. ... Views: 687
Real love and real romance, the kind that lasts a
lifetime, that’s what most people want.
So why does dating have a bad rap? And why do
more than half of all marriages end up in divorce?
The answer’s pretty clear when you look at what
most people settle for, or worse yet, put up with.
... Views: 946
What’s the purpose of a keyword?
Technically a keyword is used to find useful results in an Internet search. Type in your keyword and the search engine returns a list of sites where that word is found.
And to be even more technical, a keyword (or any word for that matter) is a combination of ... Views: 982
Have you ever wondered why people resist the selling process — both the selling and the buying sides of it?
After all, it’s a human activity that is fundamental to how we all live on this planet — a transaction process indispensable to the very fabric of existence — “I will give you this if you ... Views: 715
Have you ever wondered why the word “pitch” has become the term for selling?
The salesperson makes a pitch; the words they use are a pitch; the listener is being pitched.
Why is the word “pitch” — loaded with negative feelings and expectations — universally accepted as the term that ... Views: 752
Antonio Damasio, a world renowned neuro-scientist, argues that we use emotion to assign value to people, things, and events. And it is as a result of assigning value that we make decisions.
Emotion first, reason second.
Sound familiar? It should.
There’s an old adage that’s taken as gospel ... Views: 711
Even if you’ve had nothing to do with marketing or sales you’ve no doubt heard the phrase “closing the sale.”
For example, when you purchase real estate, the meeting where the documents are signed is called a “closing.”
The transaction has been completed, product delivered, and money has ... Views: 908
The Internet has opened many and varied ways for consumers to search for, select, and buy what they are looking for. It’s no secret that, as a result, the consumer has more control over the process than ever before. This profound shift in the producer/consumer relationship has led to equally ... Views: 1016
In Part 1 we looked at the first level of the marketing/sales transaction – the external level — dollars-given for solution-rendered.
Now let’s look at level two — the internal transaction.
Assume you are a marketer. Given that:
As a marketer you offer a product or service that can solve, ... Views: 771
When fledgling marketers think about sales they generally see only one kind of sale — the first
sale. And then they do what they can to get the next “first-sale.” So they are in a continuous, labor
intensive push – to say nothing of the emotional strain. But there is a simple and profitable ... Views: 1347
Marketing your solution to a problem is a spiritual, even sacred process. Here’s why.
Typically a marketing/sales transaction is thought of as dollars-given for a product-delivered. And that’s the way most people experience it. Why? Because our commercial culture has never looked at it any more ... Views: 770
Customer satisfaction is the key to a successful and continually growing business – a finding securely demonstrated by companies as diverse as BMW, Wyndham Hotels, and Merrill Lynch. And marketing campaigns focused on attracting women not only appeal to women, they also attract the men.
While ... Views: 901