Marketing your solution to a problem is a spiritual, even sacred process. Here’s why.
Typically a marketing/sales transaction is thought of as dollars-given for a product-delivered. And that’s the way most people experience it. Why? Because our commercial culture has never looked at it any more deeply than that.
It’s a simple process. I give you a product, you give me money, end of story.
And most marketers don’t experience themselves as motivated by anything more than money.
But there’s more — so much more.
Let’s begin by assuming you are a customer. Given that:
Bring to mind a time when you had a problem you couldn’t solve and you had to look for help. It doesn’t matter whether the problem was serious — maybe even life threatening — or just an irritation you needed to alleviate.
When you found the solution and accepted it from the marketer, there were at least two levels of exchange.
Level One — You paid for it and took it into your life. A dollars-given for solution-rendered exchange.
That’s the external expression of the event, the physical one, the obvious one, the one everybody knows about, the one most marketers and consumers believe to be the sum total of what takes place.
And when your problem is minor — no weighty consequences attached — most of what happens happens at the external level.
Say you need gasoline. You have the money. The gas station is nearby. You stop, fill up, pay, and leave. No big deal — unless, of course, the cost of the gasoline is more than you can comfortably afford — but you need the gas to get to work so you have to buy it. Then the picture changes, because the consequences are serious, maybe even severe.
As the gravity of the consequences that flow from your need increases so does the depth of the exchange.
Ready to develop your Soft Sell Marketing Platform?
Get Judith & Jim's Fr>ee 1-hour audio
"How To Develop Your Soft Sell Platform"
Husband-and-wife psychology team and Internet marketers Judith Sherven, Ph.D. and Jim Sniechowski, Ph.D. pioneered a heart-based approach to Soft Sell Marketing. They’ve taken
that approach into producing “Bridging Heart and Marketing” - their unique, first-time-ever Internet marketing conference dedicated to the specific needs of the Soft Sell marketing community - for whom the typical hard sell "hype" doesn't fit.
By Soft Sell they’re referring to all the personal growth, healing and life-enhancement providers who market services and products. Unlike typical hard sell tactics, Soft Sell Marketing reinforces a caring and trustworthy relationship between marketers and the prospects and customers they want to attract.
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