Falling asleep in the middle of a conversation can be very embarrassing. However, this is common for people with narcolepsy. The rare sleep disorder can be difficult to manage as there is currently no cure for it. Fortunately, there are natural remedies that are helpful to keeping narcoleptics ... Views: 550
Do you often experience excessive sleepiness during daytime? You might be suffering from a rare sleep disorder called narcolepsy. Learn about this disease, its signs and symptoms, and how to manage it.
Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological sleep disorder that affects 1 out of 2,000 people in the ... Views: 548
Having a good night sleep is more than just recharging our body. It helps us to function well, have a better mood, improved concentration, and have enough energy throughout the day. So, if you’re having trouble sleeping it is critical to resolve it as soon as possible.
There are ... Views: 522
At some point or another we experience sleepless nights or insomnia. While it’s an occasional trouble for many, it leads to a serious problem for others as their difficulty sleeping becomes chronic . Affecting their daily performances, mood, and health.
Sleep is so important for our ... Views: 520
There are roughly 35% to 50% of adults suffering from insomnia. If you’re one of them and don’t want to rely on sleeping pills, here are some natural remedies to help you sleep better and longer at night.
Lack of sleep is more than an inconvenience that makes you exhausted the next ... Views: 476
Being unable to sleep at night is frustrating, especially if it’s frequent and affecting your daily activities. If you’re one of many people who are struggling with insomnia, here are some tips to help you overcome this problem.
Insomnia is a common sleep issue for many adults. It ... Views: 487
It’s past 3am, you feel drowsy and tired, but your baby won’t sleep. This is a common scenario for many parents. Getting infants to sleep is challenging and even frustrating. However, sometimes the root of this problem is in your daily routines. Find out the things to avoid just to ... Views: 452
If you’re struggling getting your baby to sleep at night, you are not alone. But don’t despair. There are strategies you can do to help your baby have better sleeping habits.
Making your baby sleep at night can be very challenging. This is because they don’t have sleeping ... Views: 468
Watching your baby sleep is one of the most joyful times as a parent. Looking at their sweet, adorable, and innocent face is heart melting. However, it’s not always easy to get them to sleep especially at night when you need to rest.
Babies do not know the difference between day and ... Views: 390
Installing solar panels at home is a great way to cut back or eliminate your electricity bills. It also helps protect the environment and increase property value. That is why many are tempted to invest into it. However, before pulling out your money there are important things you must consider ... Views: 364
How would you like to manage your house from the beach? Turning off the lights, answering the person at the door, or locking your door that you forgot to lock when you went out. With smart home, all of these are possible.
A smart home is integrating the IoT (internet of things) into your home ... Views: 360
Smart home technology is innovating quickly. Manufacturers continue to launch different varieties of smart products each year. This makes upgrading to smart home easier and more affordable than ever.
One way to build a smart home is buying different smart devices and connecting them all with a ... Views: 379
Data loss can happen to anyone. That is why it is crucial to have a reliable backup method to restore your files when something bad happen to your device.
Whether you are using a smartphone or computer, you surely have files in your device that are too important to lose. But how do you keep ... Views: 417
Data backup provides peace of mind that your files can be restored in case something bad happens in your device. However, 30% of people don’t back up their files. If you’re one of them, here’s why you should backup and some tips to keep your files safe.
One in every ten ... Views: 489
Every day we are exposed to different kinds of toxins. Pollution, pesticides, preservatives, sugary foods, caffeinated drinks, chemicals in water supply, and cleaning products to mention a few. This builds-up harmful substances in our bodies which negatively affects our health and causes ... Views: 477
Detox diet, pills, and juices are very popular today. But do you really need them? Learn about detox, its importance, and how to do it safely and effectively.
Detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body. It helps improve overall health including boosting the immune system, ... Views: 404
There are many detox products you can find in the market. But why waste money if you can detoxify your body naturally?
Detoxing is a popular health trend. It is known to help lose weight, have a flawless skin, and improve overall health by removing toxins from the body. Products come in many ... Views: 480
Co-sleeping can help your baby have more sleep and ensure his/her needs are taken care of quickly. However, this practice can put your little one at risk when not done properly. To help you out, here are some safety guidelines on how to co-sleep with your baby.
Co-sleeping with your baby has ... Views: 383
Bed-sharing with a baby is a controversial topic. Some believed that it can be beneficial for both parents and infants. While others say bed-sharing is not only dangerous for babies but potentially deadly.
It’s natural for parents to want to be close with their babies as much as possible. ... Views: 527
Co-sleeping with a baby is one of the most debated parenting topics in the world. This is because there are many different opinions on whether to co-sleep with a baby or not. To help you figure out the best choice for your family, here are the benefits and risks of co-sleeping with your ... Views: 504
When kids throw tantrums, it is tempting to hand them over a smartphone or tablet to keep them still and quiet. This way of pacifying is surely effective with children. Unfortunately, screen time comes with harmful effects for them.
Many parents introduce gadgets to their kids in hope to aid ... Views: 474
Electronic devices such as mobile phones, tablets, televisions, and computers have become part of our daily lives. They are beneficial not just for adults but also for kids. However, it is critical to limit screen time for children as too much exposure to gadgets can cause serious problems to ... Views: 508
There are serious concerns about the effects of smartphones and other handheld devices on kids. Experts say gadgets have negative impacts on children’s brain, health, and social skills.
Technology such as smartphones and computers has changed the look and feel of childhood. Today, we ... Views: 554
It’s amazing to see a two-year-old baby use a gadget before he/she can even talk. However, it’s alarming to learn how these devices can affect young children’s development, health, and behavior.
It’s a common scenario in almost every household to see children as between ... Views: 487
Vegetables can decay quickly when not stored properly. That is why it is crucial to learn how to keep them fresh longer. Reduce your food waste with these helpful tips.
Vegetables are delicious and nutritious. But sometimes it is frustrating to keep them at home because they wilt quickly. ... Views: 477
One of the most important responsibilities when taking care of dogs is keeping them healthy and happy. This includes making sure that their fur is clean and in good condition. Because dogs’ coat can greatly affect their overall health and comfort. Here are the key factors to maintain a ... Views: 429
It is frustrating when your dog’s beautiful thick and shiny coat becomes thin and dull. But is it preventable? Here’s all you need to know about shedding and how to maintain a healthy dog fur.
Shedding is natural for dogs. It’s an essential part of their body systems that ... Views: 467
If you love your dog, it’s natural to want them to have a healthy shiny coat. It does not matter if your pooch has long or short hair. Here is the secret on how to improve and maintain a great looking dog’s fur.
A healthy fur is important for dogs’ health and comfort. It keeps ... Views: 411
The only drink babies need until they turn at least six months old is breastmilk or formula milk. Introducing other liquids, including water, before they start solid foods can be fatal for infants. Here’s why.
Babies’ bellies are small. With only 7 to 13 ml capacity at the first two ... Views: 458
You probably have heard about babies should not be given water until they turn six months old. But do you know the reason behind this guideline? To ease your doubt on whether you should follow this advice, here’s a medical explanation why water can put your little one’s health at ... Views: 531
Water is essential to the human body to keep us hydrated. But not for babies under six months old. In fact, water can put babies lives at risk when introduced at early age. Here’s why.
Babies’ tummies are quite small. Especially in the first six months of their lives. Thus, it is ... Views: 492
Researchers estimate that there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean in 30 years. That is if we don't significantly reduce the amount of trash we send to landfill. Fortunately, we have control of the solution. Learn how to live zero-waste with this simple guide to help protect the ... Views: 455
The idea of living a zero-waste lifestyle seems overwhelming. Especially if you don’t know where and how to start. So before embarking into this journey, it is important to understand it and have some guidance on how to begin. Here is a simple guide to help you out.
Practicing a ... Views: 406
You can help to minimize the endless pile of trash in landfill by avoiding recyclable waste. Here’s how.
Recycling is one of the most popular ways to reduce solid waste. But although it helps lessen trash, it is not enough to cope up with the amount of garbage that ends up in the ... Views: 470
Zero waste management at home is the most effective solution to reduce sending skip loads of solid waste to landfill. Although it sounds impossible, many people are living a zero-waste lifestyle for years now. Take a step towards this eco-friendly lifestyle and make a huge impact in protecting ... Views: 369
Zero waste management at home is the most effective solution to reduce sending skip loads of solid waste to landfill. Although it sounds impossible, many people are living a zero-waste lifestyle for years now. Take a step towards this eco-friendly lifestyle and make a huge impact in protecting ... Views: 424
What you eat can greatly influence how well your brain works. So, if you are getting forgetful or loosing focus lately it could be because of your diet. Learn the best foods for the brain to have better memory, focus, mood, and prevent neurological diseases.
Diet affects the brain’s ... Views: 466
Many people tend to pay more attention on studying than eating during exam times. But did you know that eating makes studying more efficient? In fact, there are brain booster foods that can help you get better scores for exams.
Exams are so stressful that sometimes we forget or refused to eat ... Views: 704
When buying food we usually consider two things, health and flavor. Ignoring the foods that are good for the brain. See if you’re eating well for the most powerful organ in your body.
The brain is the control center of the body. It is responsible for our thoughts, memories, concentration, ... Views: 413
Eczema can make a person suffer for a lifetime when not managed well. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help prevent eczema flare-ups.
Eczema flare-ups are the periods when the symptoms of the disease appear on the skin. These includes redness, blisters, scaling, crusting, swelling, ... Views: 775
Millions of baby walkers are sold every year. Many parents buy walkers in the belief that the equipment can help their children walk early. But with the controversies surrounding these popular infant devices, is it worthwhile to use them for babies? Do the benefits outweigh the risks?
Despite ... Views: 516
There are note-worthy controversies about baby walkers. Some people claim developmental benefits from using the devices for their babies. Saying baby walkers help their children walk early. However, pediatricians around the world including American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) want to ban these ... Views: 416
Baby walkers are widely used around the world. Many people consider them as one of the “must-haves” for babies to help infants learn to walk. So, it is mind blowing to found out that they are not recommended by pediatricians. Some doctors are even calling to stop the manufacture of ... Views: 575
Excited to spoon-feed your baby? Before you start buying infant cereals, it is important to equipped yourself with the right information about introducing solid foods to babies. There are many misconceptions in this matter. To help ease your confusions, here is an ultimate guide on how to start ... Views: 529
Baby walkers are one of the things that comes to mind when we talk about baby equipment. They are widely used around the world and believed to help babies walk early. That is why it is shocking to learn that many pediatricians want to ban the use of infant walkers. What could be their ... Views: 490
Introducing solid foods to your baby is exciting and challenging at the same time. This stage can be confusing especially for first time moms as there is conflicting information about this matter. Such as: when to start, what foods to give, and what to avoid.
Like any other developmental stage, ... Views: 538
Hydroponics is growing in popularity. Many gardeners have switched to this method of planting. However, is it worthwhile trying this new way of gardening and extend your comfort zone? Let’s get to know if hydroponic systems are better than growing crops in soil.
Most people learned to ... Views: 431
The popularity of essential oils is growing fast in recent years. This is because of their alluring scent, promise to heal, and promotion of natural wellness. Over the years, people have learned the harmful effects of synthetic substances in human body. That is why many are now eager to use ... Views: 522
Essential oils can do much more than adding fragrance to a room. They provide aromatherapy that help relieve common health issues such as pain, anxiety, skin allergies, and insomnia. They are great for all ages including babies. However, there are a lot of important factors to consider before ... Views: 591
Aromatherapy is now popular in-home use to promote wellness. Thanks to the wide availability of essential oils in the market. Many are amazed to experience the wonderful effects of oils in the human body. Mothers are thinking of using these oils on their babies. But are they safe for the little ... Views: 503