At any given time, there will be the “latest and greatest” in diet fads. Whether it be the low fat, low carb, calorie counting, high protein diet, there is always something grabbing the news headlines.

Right now, IF – Intermittent Fasting, is all the craze. In a nutshell, intermittent fasting (IF) is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating.

There are cycles ranging from 16/8 to 20/4 to one meal a day. One number represents how long you will go without consuming any food, the other is your window of time to consume food.

Although there are many schools of thought on eating only one meal a day, ranging from healthy to very unhealthy, the 16/8 protocol can be quite healthy. Primarily due to the lack of mindless snacking that many people subject themselves to, the 16/8 allows your body and digestive system to rest in between meals.

What is 16/8?

16/8 intermittent fasting involves limiting consumption of foods and calorie-containing beverages to a set window of eight hours per day and abstaining from food for the remaining 16 hours. It’s that simple.

Yet, many people find even the 16/8 protocol difficult to adhere to due to having set up a pattern of eating that involves snacking in the evening. The whole idea with IF is to become aware of unconscious eating, give your body a rest and set yourself up with healthy eating patterns.

Muscle Testing and IF

Assuming you are willing to subject yourself to a bit of short-term discomfort that can (and will) result in long-term benefit by breaking free of mindless snacking, incorporating muscle testing into the mix is not only beneficial, it can be incredibly transformational.

Muscle testing (also known as applied kinesiology) is a practice that is used to tap into the subconscious mind in order to answer questions about physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Imagine tapping into your subconscious mind to discover what foods are good for you and which you should avoid. Is this really possible? Absolutely.

The subconscious mind is incredibly powerful in its ability to guide us to optimal health. The secret though, and it’s really no secret at all, is to tap into the power that each of us has at our fingertips.

Basically, the subconscious mind is like a human computer. It records virtually everything that has happened in our lives. Muscle testing taps into our “human computer.”

Muscle testing is fast, reliable and easy to do. Try it out for yourself. Take any food product and hold it in your hand.

Hold your arm with the food out in front of you. Put your hand from your other arm just above your wrist of the hand holding the item and lightly push down. If your arm easily goes down, the food is likely not good for you.

If it doesn’t move or feels a good resistance, it’s one you will benefit from at this time.

It’s that easy to determine what’s good for you and what’s not. Your subconscious mind is letting you know what you need and what you don’t. It’s that simple.

To learn more about muscle testing, visit

30 Days to a Lifetime of Change

Human nature is to get excited about something but quickly give up on it when we get bored. We see this all the time with New Year’s resolutions. Millions of people commit to a change only to give up within days of setting resolutions.
According to research from Strava, a social network for athletes, most people give up on their health goals by the second week in January.

The company analyzed more than 31.5 million fitness records from its users and found that the second Friday in January is the fateful day when most of our annual commitments start to crumble. So, for 2020, that's Jan. 10.

To avoid this happening, make short-term commitments. Rather than saying, “For the entire year of 2020 or for the rest of my life I will make this change,” commit to a shorter period of time, like 30 days.

When you stick to something for 30 days, you will experience far more benefit than you can imagine. From there, you can commit to another 30 days.

A commitment to a 16/8 IF protocol and muscle testing will likely amaze you with how good you can feel, the increased energy and overall well-being.

Of course, it’s advisable to inform your medical provider of any major changes you are making. Especially if you have any health conditions that are questionable.

Yet, more and more health professionals are realizing just how healthy it is to give the body a rest from mindless snacking.

Give it a go. Try IF and muscle testing out for 30-days to experience for yourself the health benefits. You will find this to go beyond a fad into a healthy lifestyle choice.

Author's Bio: 

Lana Nelson is a Certified Emotion and Body Code consultant, Lana has developed one of the easiest techniques on the planet to help anyone discover what foods really are “good for you!”

Access her FREE eBook - The Food Codes™ Top 10 Energy Foods.