Diets come and go. Trends do the same. What doesn’t come and go is healthy eating. Yet, with all the hype of the latest diet craze, one is left to wonder what is healthy.
Enter The Food Codes™. The Food Codes is all about eating according to what your body requires.
A Change to ... Views: 1071
Most people go on diets for the expressed purpose of getting healthy. Yet, most diets are very unhealthy. Imagine implementing a healthy eating regime and NOT dieting.
You can. It’s called Break Bread Together. As simple as it sounds, when you break bread with others, you literally change ... Views: 680
It’s likely you’ve heard that prayer has the power to heal. Perhaps you’ve even experienced the power of prayer on your health or that of a loved one. But did you know praying over your food increases the health properties of your meal?
It has been proven scientifically that prayer changes ... Views: 1795
Have you ever heard of wholistic stress? Wholistic stress is all you do, all your mental, physical and emotional habits, that either enhances or negates your health and moves you closer or further away from optimal health.
Something that enhances your life, on all levels is to take holistic ... Views: 844
It seems everywhere we look, we have evidence of the stress of everyday living. Whether it be work, relationships, finances, family or what to do over the weekend, there are ample stress activators we all deal with.
Many people have incorporated the mantra, “I’ll get around to it tomorrow,” ... Views: 942
Have you ever gone to a restaurant and watched people eat? Really watched? Most people are so unconscious of the way they are filling their bodies (by way of their meals) they are what we can classify as unconscious eaters.
It’s the same with where our food comes from. Ask most people where ... Views: 1012