Have you ever watched the commercial where there’s a group of good-looking friends out for dinner and the really good-looking guy has an upset stomach from what he ate? Rather than addressing the cause, the guy talks about how he popped a little pill and the problem is gone.
He smiles, orders more of the very food that caused the upset stomach, bloating and gas and happily goes about the festivities. Problem solved.
Not so fast. The problem is not gone, it’s merely covered up.
Indigestion, bloating and gas are all indications of an underlying problem. This is our amazing body’s way of letting us know we need to make a change. And the change is not popping a pill.
The change is looking at how our body responds to certain foods.
Notice in the commercial, not everyone had the symptoms. Only the one guy. Why is this?
The Root of the Problem
The root of the problem resides in how our body responds to food. Let’s start by looking at the bacteria in the intestine. Bacteria is often considered bad. This is a dangerous misconception.
In reality, billions of bacteria flourish in the large intestine – or should – for tip-top health and the best digestion. Undigested matter and a very large number of bacteria make up the stool or feces. Normal feces are composed of about 75 percent water and 25 percent solid matter. About 30 percent of that solid matter is dead bacteria.
The human body maintains a complex ecosystem of bacteria from the outside to the inside, mostly located in the gut, where it is called the microbiome. The study of the human microbiome is fascinating and is one of the fastest growing fields in medical research.
Not all bacteria are bad. The bacteria that colonize the surfaces and insides of our bodies are essential for life. We are completely dependent on “good” bacteria to help digest our food, produce certain vitamins, regulate strong immune systems, and keep us healthy. Our microbiomes appear to function almost like endocrine organs, helping other parts of our endocrine systems.
Healthy gut bacteria equates to healthy bodies with fewer ailments.
Almost 80 percent of your immune system is housed in your gut. Your enteric nervous system governs your digestive tract from your throat to your anus. This has been dubbed “the second brain,” and it might be involved in “digesting” and processing emotional messages as well. You don’t want your second brain to malfunction because it’s clogged up!
As you can see, the digestive system is much more than a twenty-five-foot tube for funneling tasty substances through your body. Think about your miraculous digestive process the next time you enjoy food. Your body will be converting that food into your flesh and blood.
Backed-Up Gut
So back to the guy popping the pill to alleviate the symptoms of stomach problems. Chances are, he has a backed-up gut. And a pill is not going to fix the real problem.
Do you have belly fat, pain, heartburn, exhaustion, headaches, acid reflux, bad breath, constipation, sour stomach, gas, or diarrhea? If you do, you might have a backed-up gut.
Toxins from unexpelled fecal matter can back up into your belly and the tissue of your arms, legs, and your whole body, even your brain. Add to these your own naturally produced metabolic waste, and environmental toxins from food, air, water, and products you use on your body, and the backup can become quite poisonous. It can leak into your bloodstream, organs,
and glands.
Skin rashes and sores are often signs of toxins and poisons coming out onto the skin. It is difficult to have bowel movements when fecal matter hardens and the waste gets backed up.
Digestive diseases are rampant in our society, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, hemorrhoids, and many forms of cancer.
These are the top six ways to avoid digestive diseases:
• Chew food thoroughly.
• Don’t overeat. Ask your inner knower to tell you when to stop eating.
• Get plenty of fluids. Muscle-test to find out what your best fluids are and what amount of fluids is optimal for you.
• Eat foods that contain fiber. Muscle-test to find out if you need to eat more fiber-rich foods.
• Avoid aspirin, alcohol, and coffee, and don’t smoke.
• Exercise daily. Muscle-test to see what’s the best exercise for you and how often you should exercise; and maybe you actually need more rest.
Another way to minimize a backed-up gut is with the 30 Second Gut Flush. This is a simple process I created that has incredible results. To learn more visit my YouTube Channel at https://youtu.be/OsqLgVHCFGI.
It takes more than 30 seconds to get the pill out of the box, get a glass of water and pop the pill that masks the problem.
It takes less than 30 Seconds to have a real solution to a very common problem.
Lana Nelson is a Certified Emotion and Body Code consultant, Lana has developed one of the easiest techniques on the planet to help anyone discover what foods really are “good for you!”
Access her FREE eBook - The Food Codes™ Top 10 Energy Foods. https://thefoodcodes.com/top-10-energy-foods/
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