Cloud computing and software programs have significantly improved product tracking, with real-time updates on the movement of goods globally. It allows business firms to adjust production schedules and inventory levels on a real-time basis. Such systems are being used for diverse warehouse ... Views: 601
Content threat protection technology has become imperative for organizations to achieve compliance in many areas of business. Deep Content Inspection when coupled with Data Loss Prevention (DLP) functionality provides IT security teams with a 360- degree view of information flow across the ... Views: 530
Conflicts are a part of human life and have been the reason for co-existence of people throughout times. However, slightest bit of a wavy tone or a hint of aggression and things could go down hill from there. This could often happen under closed and restricted settings such as one’s workplace ... Views: 649
This has been said time and again that leaders are born that way. But this is a false statement and contradicts the actual meaning of leadership. A leader is a person who the masses look upto to lead them through the tough roads and a leader may or may not be born into leadership. Great leaders ... Views: 667
Business leadership throughout every department of the organizational ladder has been integral to the overall success of any given business. Effective leadership has always been about executing the company’s vision or redefining and improving it, and in some cases setting the tone and the ... Views: 616
We are a Global business authority platform where you can explore the perspective of Entrepreneurs, business owners, and innovators who drive business around the globe. We have an unvaryingly been at the front line for its honesty and genuineness acquiring acknowledgment from Business pioneers ... Views: 570
Ever since the digitization came into the picture, the integration of new technological advancements in the businesses has substantially rose. Though, various organizations are gaining benefits from such upgradations yet, many are still striving to attain a successful stature. Markets are filled ... Views: 572
Whenever a consumer buys a product, his/her whole experience depends upon the product’s quality. Just imagine, if someone buys earphones but the sound quality is poor. What kind of experience would that be for a user? The answer is obvious and the same applies to almost any product, be it a ... Views: 491
Customer Experience (CX) is a very important aspect in almost every business. As maintaining a comprehensive relationship with customers has often become a need rather than just a want, many businesses prefer to lean towards reliable CRM Solution Providers.
Meet SoftClouds, a leading ... Views: 582
Digital transformation is taking over businesses by storm. Over the course of last few years, the world has been witnessing a rush of companies looking to modernize systems and processes in an effort to keep pace with customer demands, regulatory requirements and shrinking budgets.
Meet ... Views: 547
Today’s unpredictable global marketplace makes supply chain systems much more complicated to quantify and control. For many organizations, this creates new, uphill challenges in supply vs. demand that require education and training in the art and science of best-practice supply chain planning. ... Views: 517
Those who lead health service organizations need to evolve from technicians to managers to leaders to entrepreneurs to leaderpreneurs in order to thrive. Some call it practicing at the top of one’s license. In addition, filling the C-suite with more physician managers just makes it harder to ... Views: 497
Our civil rights are the bindings that allow us to have political and social freedoms. When they function correctly, they allow an individual to exist while being free from discrimination. How do we obtain those rights, and are such rights practiced genuinely free from any discrimination? Many ... Views: 546
A native of Bay Area, Andrea Bloom the Founder and CEO of ConnectWell started the company with the intention to help people live better lives through empowering them to improve their health and well-being. The organization’s public-private partnership with the UC Berkeley School of Public Health ... Views: 613
In 2010, the McKay family home burned to the ground in a matter of minutes due to an electrical fire that started in the garage. Fortunately, it was during the daytime, and everyone escaped with their lives, albeit with little more than the clothes on their backs. For Todd McKay, MgO’s founder ... Views: 533
Work is changing rapidly. A study by Freelancing in America (“FIA”) finds that due to the impacts of automation, freelancers are better equipped for the future due to more frequent reskilling. Freelancers think more proactively about market trends and refresh their skills more often than ... Views: 547
The telecom industry has come a long way where its evolution has disrupted advanced IT and networking systems. These advanced technologies have enhanced the capacity of data storage and required strong networking systems making them more reliable and secure. Headquartered in Allen, Texas, C2XCEL ... Views: 551
Every successful healthcare leader needs a highly developed understanding of the industry, business competency and interpersonal skills in order to guide their businesses to success. A great leader knows how to build teams of talented employees with decision-making capabilities and how to ... Views: 611
Joanne M. Hackett, the CCO Genomics England, is an accomplished entrepreneur, scientist, and strategist with experience in the execution and management of complex business transactions. She has extensive management experience in the health and pharma industry which enables her to ensure the ... Views: 548
In an interview with CIO LOOK, Alejandra Guzman, Vice President, Performance Management and Strategy at New Orleans Business Alliance emphasizes on her impeccable contribution for her organization. Her unique ideologies and methods took her as well as the organization in achieving many ... Views: 538
Migration to the cloud, and the underlying security issues surrounding it, has long been a difficult process for federal agencies, contributing to a slow-moving cloud migration process. Government systems, in particular, face new persistent threats from malicious attackers and hackers, ... Views: 588
Comprehending capricious fluctuation in the markets and implementing necessary changes in business endeavors, defines an impeccable market leader. One such proven change-agent and evangelist is Gary Lyng, Chief Marketing Officer at VIOLIN SYSTEMS. His charismatic leadership in defining the ... Views: 508
The emergence of the Internet of Things(IoT) is driven by embedding electronic functionalities into all types of objects and environments. The key technological enablers of the IoT are enhancements in cloud computing infrastructure, wireless communications, microelectronics, and notably low ... Views: 532
Currently holding the position of Chief Marketing Officer at Cherwell, Scott Gainey earned his first leadership opportunity while working at NetApp in a combination product management/solutions marketing role. At the time, Scott was working within a small incubation team tasked with navigating ... Views: 541
The world is moving towards being “always-on” and forever connected in real-time. 3 billion people across the globe now have access to smartphones, most with virtually unlimited data. Most people use their phones to read content, watch videos, and send emails. Yet the most exciting uses of the ... Views: 571
The Internet of Things (IoT) market is growing, with the number of connected devices worldwide expected to grow to 64 billion by 2025 (CAGR of 21%). Despite such escalating market demand, the IoT space is marred by proprietary single-point solutions that do not consider flexibility across ... Views: 538
In this era of digitalization, we have witnessed unimaginable technological disruptions in various business sectors. We, as humans, have unfolded many technological facets including cloud tech which has brought a revolutionary change in the customary way businesses operate. One of the ... Views: 514
Nowadays organizations are evolving with proper planning and marketing strategies. To formulate these procedures the role of the marketing officer comes into the picture. To promote the company globally, the job of marketing officer becomes crucial. The marketing officer represents the ... Views: 565
Carolmarie C. Brown: An Accomplished Leader at Global Marketing
Leadership can occur at any age and within any level of an organization. Scientific Marketing Leaders are needed to drive the integration of applied chemistry into the broader world in a way that places science in a more ... Views: 522
ANTWORKS: A Global Leader in Intelligent Automation and AI
Achieving truly “cognitive” and “intelligent” process automation is a critical milestone on the roadmap to straight-throughprocessing. To consider a process automated end-to-end (without human touchpoints) some genuine thinking ... Views: 548
The Significance and Vitality of a Leader
One of the greatest things about leadership is that we all bring something different to the table but, leadership is not just about having extra-ordinary skills, like integrity, confidence, team management, etc. A leader is always admired as a ... Views: 532
Every leader must have patience, discipline, vision, opportunism, adaptability, calmness under pressure and steadfastness. Staying the course when the path seems difficult or unknown, but the willingness to explore and act as a pathfinder for the community. These traits are necessary for ... Views: 565
Franchising provides a relative safety net for small business entrepreneurs by providing experience, expertise, and a proven operating system, in exchange for an initial franchise fee and ongoing royalties. Currently, there are close to 800,000 businesses in North America which are franchised – ... Views: 536
The pharmaceutical industry discovers, develops, produces, and markets medicines for use as medications to treat patients to cure them, heal them, vaccinate them, or alleviate a symptom. The contribution of the pharmaceutical industry is extremely essential to the people in the world so as to ... Views: 484
Joseph Chan: Balancing Effectiveness and Efficiency
Innovative Entrepreneurship is about being ready to go beyond one’s comfort zone It is also about thinking outside the box or thinking like there is no box. One such entrepreneur with innovative mindset is Joseph Chan. As the Founder and ... Views: 522
Technology-based organizations need, more than ever, women’s talents, skills, abilities, and their valuable contribution. Women in tech play an important role in achieving success for technology oriented organizations.
CIO Look recognizes valuable women contributing largely to female ... Views: 535
Kore: Bringing Transformation in Businesses through Advanced IoT Solutions
IoT applications continue to proliferate, as companies become increasingly aware of how this powerful technology can support growth through digital transformation. Fundamentally, the ability to connect ... Views: 519
Marketing, being the integral part of business, demands skilled leaders with certain attributes, who are good at their work. The criteria also involve inspiring people and smartly getting work done from the them in order to achieve the desired goals of an organization. An avid leader, Aisling ... Views: 567
Datix: Enhancing Businesses with Integrated Software Solutions
With over 20 years of experience, Datix, a leading enterprise software consulting firm based in St. Louis, is transforming businesses through its quality solutions and services. The company is providing a wide range of ... Views: 542
ANALEC: Helping Broker-Dealers and Banks Drive High Value Engagement with their Customers
The investment research and related client servicing business model is under structural pressure. Technology innovation and service level differentiation are integral to the success of Broker-Dealers ... Views: 547
Allgress: Industry Proven Risk and Compliance Management
Imagine you’ve been asked to manage the compliance process, but what does that even mean? Compliance regulations are exploding, making it almost impossible to keep up, and you have to be able to provide evidence of your compliance, ... Views: 467
Amy Heymans: Innovative Design Inspired by Empathy
The ‘care’ in ‘healthcare’ symbolizes the significance of ‘care and empathy’ in the everevolving healthcare sector. The inclusion of “care” as part of our health process has become an essential element of the changing healthcare ecosystem. ... Views: 539
Ruslan Desyatnikov: When Passion and Courage Personify Altogether
The journey to success often starts with struggles accompanied by some unpredictable situations. In order to climb the ladder, one has to cope with various failures and face the inevitable circumstances. The entrepreneurial ... Views: 490
Fatima Al Shirawi: A Memorandum of an Emerging Gem
Being fierce in bringing out a change is rarely portrayed by any individual. Those with unique ideologies and clear vision, address the need of innovations and make it happen. One such leader is Fatima Al Shirawi. Meet the Founder of The ... Views: 556
Amber Schroader: An Accomplished Innovative Developer
Entrepreneurs with a touch of innovation are rarely to be witnessed in today’s scenario. Integrating technological innovations in most of market-based business ventures has become more of a requirement than a want. With a proper balance ... Views: 524
Disa Lee Choun: Using Technology to Improve Healthcare Services
Women comprise half of the world population and their contribution in every sector is essential for the overall development. Technology reduces the barriers and offers women solid opportunity to grow. Better representation of ... Views: 528
Todd Fein: An Exponential Leader
Leaders need to be empowering. Todd Fein, CEO of Green Diamond, LLC, exemplifies this quality and has used it to spur some profound transformations.
Below are highlights of an interview CIOLook conducted with Todd:
Kindly take us through your journey on ... Views: 559
Dreams for Sale!
And! CIOLook presents you, The Most Admired Companies to Watch 2019!
What? How could you shortlist few companies and tell that they are the most admired companies of 2019?
What makes them the most admired amongst billions of companies around the world?
Wait! the ... Views: 510
Leadership should be Respected, as it is Meant to Be!
Leader—this seven syllables holds strong meaning than on can expect., A leader is expected to posses all the necessary traits to overcome each and every obstacle in his or her. A person with all such traits portrays as a symbolism to ... Views: 521
Future of Digitization!
We live in a digital era, where technology is not only an industrial aspect but a part of every human life. Look around you, we are all surrounded by immense transitions of transmitted frequencies which are no visible to naked eye. Thus, we collectively can phrase ... Views: 490