Our society emphasizes the need to be sexy and physically attractive. We’re bombarded with messages that tell us we need to wear the latest fashions and use all kinds of cosmetics, lotions and potions to make ourselves more appealing.
Now don’t get me wrong. I really appreciate what mascara ... Views: 738
Looking for Love?
You’re in the right place.
I once heard that, “What you want wants you.”
It’s an encouraging thought.
Looking for Love means that you are seeking what you want to find.
But there’s a catch.
The Opposite of What You Want
It’s dangerously easy to confuse ... Views: 552
When I asked my best friend what she would want to learn at Love School, she quickly replied, ” Practical, day-to-day ways of being more Loving.”
Great answer.
It can feel like a big leap between understanding the IDEA of Love and APPLYING Love.
Really LIVING it.
Like any learning, ... Views: 667
Breathe it in.
Feel the Love with every breath.
There are so many wonderful, beautiful, loving things going on in the world today. We are all breathing the same air.
We are connected by the Love energy that made us. It flows freely throughout the Universe. The quality of life continues ... Views: 606
What is holding you back from achieving your goals?
Today’s Love Post will quickly explore some of the common causes of slow or no progress and explain how to use Love to overcome these challenges.
1. Fear.
This is a biggie. It’s so easy to be afraid of failure, of success, of standing ... Views: 596
At dinner tonight, something came up about my dear friend Rita, who inspired the book, Lessons From Rita.
She’s in heaven now, or wherever it is that we proceed to upon leaving this earthly realm. I am very thankful that she got to read the manuscript before passing on.
Back at the dinner ... Views: 579
I read this on a pillow once. “All Things Grow with Love.”
It is true now as it was true then.
Love is focused attention. Love is kind thoughts, words and deeds. Love is patience. Love is gratitude.
If you want more of something in your life, then Love it.
Do you want your garden to ... Views: 549
My friend and I had a great conversation the other day about understanding unpleasant interactions with other people.
Sometimes we have experiences that make us wonder...“Where’s the Love? ”
When we cross paths with someone who treats us unkindly, it’s easy to get upset and actually take ... Views: 1450
There may be days where we feel completely spent. Tuckered out and ready for bed . . . way before bedtime!
Days where we might be asleep before our head hits the pillow.
Or perhaps we find ourselves emotionally drained or wrapped up in some material world concern. Maybe on those nights ... Views: 521
Have you ever heard that you get what you expect?
Expecting something lets the Universe know that you have faith in its power to get you what you want. It also sends the message that you are ready to receive that which you desire
By feeling the excitement and joy that you will feel when ... Views: 1424
Sometimes I find myself more uptight than I’d like. Does that ever happen to you?
Well, the more and more I focus on Love, I hear it speaking to me more and more clearly. Usually, it seems to say something to the effect of, “Relax, Mary Anne!”
Wonderfully, it is a key phrase that my ... Views: 482
Love is right now!
Little Ones are fantastic teachers of this. They're still pretty close to the Source.
Free of convention and conditioning, they live each moment as if it's the only one. Because really, it is.
The truly amazing thing about this moment is that it's where all power and ... Views: 770
I know, you’re probably thinking that Love is passion and intense emotion. And it is.
Like everything though, it translates into daily thoughts and actions. If you want more Love in your life, you’ll want to adopt more loving habits.
It's our habits that create our lives on a day to day ... Views: 531
Everyone can say they’re right. Everyone can believe that they’re in the right . . . to defend their beliefs, their land, their way of life.
Yet this thinking doesn’t get us far in terms of the goals of peace and joy and a more Loving world.
So I want to draw attention to the fact that we ... Views: 1449
As you may know, I am big believer in The Love Diet.
This means that I do my very best to consume positive, Loving food and media. I focus on having joyful and peaceful experiences with kind and Loving people. And I stay aware of what I’m thinking, saying and doing in order to strive for my ... Views: 1282
Some people will tell you there’s no such thing . . .
No secret sauce even exists.
And you might’ve heard that “Success leaves clues”. So, in theory, you could follow these clues to victory without much trouble . . .
But if success were easy, everyone would be enjoying their ideal ... Views: 1296
Just a few simple ingredients, put together in a specific combination . . .
Maybe it sounds too good to be true. But as my experiments in Love continue, I discover more evidence that supports this idea.
Love is something that you experience when you create the proper conditions for it to ... Views: 1027