Hallowe'en is right around the corner. All the kids are really excited, right? Wrong.
Not all children are as happy about Hallowe'en as you'd think.
Some of our more lavishly celebrated children's holidays are planned with extroverted children in mind. What about the remaining 30% who are ... Views: 1469
The phenomenon of unrequited love in the lives of infps, an MBTI introverted personality type (you know who you are) -- is so common maybe that's why it's gone without remarking. It remains part of the heartache and secret anguish of many infps.
I suggest reading or rereading Hans Christian ... Views: 19142
It’s been a bad year for British Lords and Businessmen. Earlier this year Edmund John Philip Browne, Baron Browne of Madingley, aka Lord Browne, approached his second Saturn Return (payback time). As it sometimes does at Saturn Return, his life began to unravel. Within months his brilliant ... Views: 2303
Times have changed! How do astrologers think today? Not much differently than they've always thought. But they could be better understood. Learn more ....
Russians think of their country as Aquarius ruled, according to Johnson's "Russia List". Johnson's List is a daily e-mail newsletter with ... Views: 1618
What makes Simon so critical? We mean Simon Crowell of American Idol of course. Why is Simon so mean?
Let's take a look at his chart.
I’ve seen some articles puzzling over this phenomenon -- a mean Libran -- when really it’s no puzzle at all. i think what seems confusing is his Sun in ... Views: 3416
Are you between 58-60 and basically just sitting around waiting to die?
Do you feel like your "real life" is over?
Are you between 58 and 60 years old? You're not putting yourself out to pasture, living vicariously through your adult children and basically just waiting to die are ... Views: 4565
Thanks to Sarbanes-Oxley and recent fraud trials like the one currently going on (Enron), we are entering INFJ heaven! There are no hotter topics in business today than "ethics" and "transparency". There are no issues nearer and dearer to the heart of any INFJ than "ethics" and "transparency". ... Views: 3590
As children, you rode in cars with no seat belts or air bags. Riding in the back of a pickup truck on a warm day was always a special treat. You drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle. You shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle, and no one actually died from ... Views: 9741
As the recipient of a classical education, I was intrigued with the movie "Troy" which came out this summer. When I sat down in the theater my heart skipped a beat and I realized that the characters in "The Iliad", the book on which "Troy" is based, were a greater part of my high school ... Views: 2500
It’s holiday time and we’re all so excited! We can’t wait for get togethers with the family and out of town guests, holiday shopping, coking and traditions, maybe a visit to Disneyland … tree trimming, carols and New Year’s celebrations with poppers and party hats! What a ball we’re going to ... Views: 1799
It’s the 21st century. We know about Indigo children and introversion is being accepted as a legitimate personality type! It’s a Brave New World.
If you’re not introverted yourself, you may not know how to anticipate the needs of your introverted child as they begin to make their way in the ... Views: 3571
Clarissa Pinkola Estes, the author of "Women Who Run with Wolves", has a wonderful tape on the life of the spirit called "The Red Shoes" (available through www.soundstrue.com). Estes, a Jungian analyst and Latina Cantodera (story teller) knows that the soul can never be harmed. There is a violet ... Views: 6456
I've been looking forward to writing this article because Sir Isaac Newton personifies some of the outstanding introvert characteristics that you can learn to prize in yourself, your introverted child or your introverted lover.
If you're an employer, you can also learn to identify two of these ... Views: 6979
If there’s one thing your introverted child would like for Christmas more than anything else in the whole world, it’s a room with a door that closes.
It’s not as simple as asking for one. And by the way, a closet will do and even a big box as you’ll see. That’s how strong the need is for an ... Views: 1510
I thought this would be an animal story. On his 59th birthday, Roy Horn of Siegfried & Roy was mauled by his seven year old 600 lb. white tiger, Montecore, in front of a sellout crowd at the Mirage where the show has been playing since 1990.
Roy Horn is having his second Saturn Return, which ... Views: 3028
You can tell for sure. Introverted babies and toddlers move away from lights, noise, motion and people. Extroverted babies move toward them.
If your baby moves away from people, it doesn't mean your little one is going to be unsociable, it just means he or she is going to be an ... Views: 10646
Actually the real name of this article is “Nancy’s Sure Fire Five Stage Introverts’ Recovery from Frenetic Over Activity at Holidays Game Plan”.
Here’s how I developed this plan. A reader recently wrote me:
“I love my family and my in-laws, but only in small doses. The string of holidays ... Views: 2233
Are you between the ages of 28 and 30? Will you have your Saturn Return in 2003 or 2004? Check the list at the end of this article to see if it applies to you. I have had so much response from my article on Saturn Returns, I’m making this information available so you can check online while ... Views: 4666
"You'll never guess what happened to me?" I'm a professional intuitive consultant and when someone says that to me on the phone, it's never good news. I'm one of the first people someone calls when they've been visited with a car accident by the fickle finger of fate.
Car accidents are ... Views: 25082
Please don’t shoot the messenger, but Suncorp Metway, Ltd., a multi-faceted Australian Financial Service, ranked car accident claimants by sun sign last year in a study of 160,000 accident claims over the previous three year period. This is what they found.
The number one worst drivers were ... Views: 1852
"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."
This is one of the most famous opening lines ever written. The author is a man consumed by horror and fascination with families and family life, a man who had 12 children and an intense relationship with his much ... Views: 3631
[graphic from www.clipart.com]"I asked these three adorable little guys here to model for me about introversion. 30% of the people in the world are introverts. 33 1/3% of the people in this photo are introverts. Introversion is a legitimate personality style. Are you wondering what it means to ... Views: 6012
Hallowe’en is right around the corner. All the kids are really excited, right? Wrong.
Not all children are as happy about Hallowe’en as you’d think.
Some of our more lavishly celebrated children’s holidays are planned with extroverted children in mind. What about the remaining 30% who are ... Views: 1606
Something very rare is going to occur next year – something no living human being has experienced. It’s time to prepare. Venus will be making a visible trip across the face of the Sun on June 8, 2004 and again in 2012 in a dyad of eclipses that occurs only once in a hundred years. You’ll be ... Views: 2195
Venus, the planet, goes retrograde (backwards) less frequently than Mercury, about every 18 months, and the cycle lasts 40 days. Because it is less frequent, it is more difficult to understand and wreaks more havoc than a Mercury retrograde transit. Mercury affects communication. Venus ... Views: 7116
Who doesn't want to be healthy? I've been fascinated with health ever since I can remember. My grandmother's best friend was bedridden with rheumatoid arthritis since she was in her early thirties. My own mother had chronic mental and physical illnesses (some would call it hypochondria). ... Views: 1713
There are a couple of different meanings for “metaphysics” in Dictionary.com:
• The “branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value”.
• The “theoretical or first principles of a particular ... Views: 3209
The planet Mercury is a complex and enigmatic planet that has much more to do with our lives than just “communication”, like faxes, emails, answering machines, telephones and media.
Mercury in ancient astrology was the Winged Messenger of the Gods. In the Iliad and the Odyssey when someone had ... Views: 4038
One of the biggest differences between introverts and extroverts is how they react to stress.
Some people don’t understand how introverts react to stress. Because of this, they think that all introverts are “neurotic” or mentally ill. Let me explain why this is a misperception.
When ... Views: 8234
(in no particular order ... they are all great!)
Who does not need a moment in life to reflect with the Self? I have searched the Internet for the best looking spiritual treats of all denominations, most are very reasonable in price and serve great food in a modest setting. Most are open to ... Views: 3490
Faith Burgess is a bright and charming stay-at-home mom. She has a toddler, Joshua. Faith is an introvert and so is her three year old son. I asked Faith to try and put into words what it was like to be an introvert so I could help get the idea across to my readers. This is the story she told ... Views: 1671
“There was once a velveteen rabbit, and in the beginning he was really splendid.”
There is a classic children’s book called “The Velveteen Rabbit” that beautifully describes the rich inner world of introverted children. The velveteen rabbit wants to become real but he doesn’t know how. ... Views: 2417
Parents who have introverted children wonder how to help them build a positive self image. We understand today that Introversion is a legitimate personality type. But not too long ago, introverts were labeled as “neurotic” or “loners”. Introverted children can be misunderstood at school and ... Views: 1823
Statistics indicate that introverts make up 10-30% of the general population but as IQ increases, the proportion of introverts rises dramatically. Since there is a correlation between intelligence and income, you target more introverts as buying power rises. The greater the price of the product ... Views: 11470
The great guru in my life in recent years has been by yard. No ordinary yard, I live in the foothills east of San Diego, abutting on the true wasteland between here and Mexico, where scrub brush, poison oak and rattlesnakes would scare away the most intrepid gardener. This is why I refer to ... Views: 1634
Let me ask you a question. Are you ashamed that your child is an introvert?
An honest answer to this question is a positive step toward improving your relationship with your introverted child, now and forever. How can you support your child in finding his or her place in this world if you ... Views: 11554