If you’re over the age of 40, you’re at an increased risk of rheumatoid arthritis. An autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis affects small joints like the ones found in your fingers and toes. Inflammation occurs between the joints often causing pain and swelling.
Because rheumatoid arthritis ... Views: 936
Feeling a little nauseous because you’re nervous about seeing your doctor? Really, who wants to be probed or prodded while wearing an ill-fitting gown? It doesn't rate high on our list of favorite things, either, although we know it’s important.
But how we feel about things can be revealed by ... Views: 667
The life expectancy rate in the United States sits just below 79-years-old. This is nowhere near the small state of Monaco, which has the highest life expectancy – 89.73 years. For years, people have been trying to unravel the secrets to living a long life. Thanks to new research, more light has ... Views: 927
Ladies, when you bat your eyelashes don’t you wish they fluttered like a butterfly? (Just admit it, there’s no shame in a little vanity!) Long, thick, healthy eyelashes are definitely something to be desired. And useful, too.
Eyelashes help to protect your eyes from particles in the air, like ... Views: 695
We are living, breathing creatures capable of self-healing in so many ways. Nothing brings this notion home more than human cell regeneration and a field of medicine exploring stem cells and the cell regeneration impact factor. What is regenerative medicine all about, anyhow?
Every single one ... Views: 2473
If you’re focused on weight loss, counting calories may be something that you’re familiar with. In an effort to limit calories, most people cut out fast food and junk food. Many people turn to artificial sweeteners such as aspartame instead of sugar as another way to reduce calories. Which is ... Views: 879
You forgot to pick up the dry cleaning. You left the stove on when you left the house. You completely forgot about a coming occasion and now triple-booked yourself! What do all of these things have in common? They all produce stress.
These are just some examples, among a slew of others, which ... Views: 758
Smoking leads to one thing and one thing only: Poor health.
Smoking cigarettes has been shown to impact all the body’s major systems – cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive – and lead to many forms of cancer. Smoking causes one in five deaths in America, according to the Centers for Disease ... Views: 1167
What’s really behind your bathroom troubles?
When it comes to our digestive system, we like to focus on the stomach. But the stomach is only the beginning of the digestive system. An often overlooked part of the digestive system is the colon, the final part of the process.
But the colon ... Views: 728
Up until now, causes of Alzheimer’s have only been speculated. Current ideas surround genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors. One thing is for certain, though, Alzheimer’s disease has a huge impact on the brain – killing brain cells which leads to memory loss and impaired ability to ... Views: 1190
If I were to ask you if you were healthy, you would answer based on how you’re currently feeling.
So if you weren’t coughing, sneezing, dizzy or have a headache, you would probably say you were quite healthy. But having symptoms to an illness isn’t necessarily the only way to measure your ... Views: 796
Who doesn’t enjoy warmer weather? You can get outside and play with the grandkids, or tend to your garden and watch your flowers bloom. Whatever your pleasure, there’s no doubt that warm days mean more time outdoors.
But as the temperatures begin to rise and the days get longer, you still ... Views: 706
Did you ever wake up in the middle of the night with the feeling that someone dumped a load of hot coals down your throat? Or do you get that stinging sensation when you try to swallow – you know, the signal that another cold is on the way? A sore throat is no picnic.
A sore throat and cough ... Views: 795
You get up in the morning and check your email, the latest news and the weather forecast. Then you spend your day on and off your smartphone and computer, and make time to relax in front of the TV. Well, all that screen time is taking a toll on your eyes.
The new epidemic in America? Computer ... Views: 853
Wake up, roll out of bed and head to the bathroom. Brush your teeth, floss and finish with some mouthwash. Stop right there! That last part in that sequence could be increasing your risk of heart attack, according to research.
But before we uncover possible harmful effects of mouthwash, let’s ... Views: 941
Numbness or tingling in your legs or feet? Are you more sensitive to touch these days? If you’re diabetic, these are symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. The condition is a type of nerve damage caused by high blood sugar. It can injure nerves throughout the body, but it’s most common in your ... Views: 848
Your pants won’t button, your stomach has grown in size and you just feel so sluggish you barely want to leave the house. What are we talking about? Bloating.
Maybe you ate too much or maybe something you ate just isn’t sitting right, whatever the cause, one thing is for sure – bloating is ... Views: 605
We all know we should be drinking water throughout our day, but a lot of us are still grabbing a can or bottle of soda. It’s no secret that Americans like their soda.
But sugary beverages – top-selling sodas included – have come under a lot of scrutiny in the last while because they’ve been ... Views: 752
Let’s set the record straight: Stroke isn’t just a health risk for men. According to the National Stroke Association, annually 55,000 more women are dying of stroke than men, making it the third leading cause of death for women.
This may seem alarming – men generally partake in unhealthy ... Views: 635
Magic mushrooms can do some amazing things. No, not just those kind of things! Some do contain natural psychedelic chemicals, but there are many mushrooms whose botanical magic lies in the amazing things they can do for your health. Even celebrities are using mushrooms as an anti-aging secret ... Views: 833
The buzz surrounding quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Quinoa has been hailed a superfood and for good reason, too. Its high protein and fiber content, along with being gluten-free, has given it quite the star power.
What is quinoa?
Quinoa, botanically speaking, ... Views: 805
There’s more to the necessities of life than food and water…
Oxygen is the most important gas our bodies require to function and for us to live. We breathe it in and oxygen is carried throughout the body through our cells so that we can keep breathing, keep our heart beating and carry on ... Views: 511
We all do it, and often we do it at some of the most inappropriate times, like when everyone else is quiet at weddings – you know just when the bride is about to say “I do” – out comes that loud bark of a cough from our mouth.
But why do we cough and what can we do about coughing? Taking a ... Views: 546
Dark chocolate, avocados, bananas, hot chilies…What you eat plays a large role in your sexual health. A healthy diet, along with certain food aphrodisiacs like the ones I mentioned here, can increase libido, promote blood flow and provide us with energy to get down to business.
However, diet ... Views: 696
Our busy lives take energy! We need energy to work, we need energy to perform activities, heck we even need energy for socializing. As you can seem a lot of our energy becomes depleted by outside sources.
Sometimes, we don’t have the time to sit down and have a nutritious meal and so we reach ... Views: 2465
Best part of your trail mix? Is it the nuts, seeds, shredded coconut (unsweetened, please!) or those plump juicy raisins?
We know the unsalted nuts, seeds and coconut are great for our health, but those delicious bites of chewy goodness – raisins – pack quite a nutritional punch as well. So ... Views: 787
MIND diet to reduce Alzheimer’s diseaseAs we age, the threat of developing Alzheimer’s disease increases. Although the cause of Alzheimer’s disease is still unknown, researchers are working diligently to uncover more information to combat this life-changing illness.
What we do know is there ... Views: 731
foods to detox your liverWhat performs 500 different functions, weighs about three pounds, can regenerate itself and ensure the body is toxic-free? Your liver! This highly important, but often overlooked organ is a powerhouse when it comes to the human body. With such a vital role, making sure ... Views: 729
Colorful, bit-size and oh-so sweet, berries are delicious and highly beneficial. They may be small in size, but berries really pack a punch when it comes to improving your health. And there is a berry out there for everyone, with different textures, flavors and dessert possibilities!
Some ... Views: 922
When you consider activities preformed in the bedroom, two come to mind: Sleeping and sex. They may not seem like they have much in common, besides the use of a bed, but the amount of sleep you get may actually determine how much sex you’re having.
There are many benefits of sleep, from ... Views: 736
Take it one breath at a time. Modern life is full of stress and there’s no escaping it. Some experts say stress is the root of all illness – our rapid-pace, high-expectation lifestyle takes a running toll on our immune system. Sooner or later, we’re bound to get sick.
We try to eat right, ... Views: 1160
When it comes to good health, there are some essentials we can’t live without. For example, for out body to perform all it needs to do, it requires these essential minerals: Potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine and phosphorus. When balanced, these seven essential minerals keep ... Views: 2292
What does your daily routine consist of? If you’re a woman, you may wake up, shower with some scented soap, apply a few layers of makeup and finish off with perfume. As a man, routines may be a bit simpler but still involve deodorant, body wash and other products.
Routine is routine, and you ... Views: 776
Looking for a fresh exotic fruit to add to your diet and take your salad bowl to the next level? Go tropical with the versatile papaya, the tender orange fruit with a soft, buttery consistency and a sweet, almost musky taste. Inside, you’ll also find the black, round seeds. They’re edible too, ... Views: 764
Warmer weather brings in-season fruits and vegetables – and trips to your local farmer’s market are a must.
Fruits, in particular, are an integral part of a healthy diet and when they are in season they are that much easier to enjoy. One fruit you should be eating more of is the humble and ... Views: 2392
Nuts are certainly having a moment! All the enthusiasm comes from an onslaught of studies over the past decade showing nuts are no longer just snacks for baseball games – nuts are bona fide health food. Their most salient effect is heart attack prevention, and some studies suggest they help ... Views: 2264
Feeling a little blue? Lonely, listless and in your pajamas until noon? I can’t blame you. In some parts of North America, we’re in a record-breaking deep freeze. The days are short, dark and pretty darn cold and I feel as though I need to take up ice fishing to make the most of the season – if ... Views: 785
I’ve often said that life is better shared. The things you do with family and friends can be the most memorable moments in your life. But there’s something to be said for carving out “alone time” or “me-time” to do something just for yourself. And as it turns out, alone time is good for your ... Views: 719
Our diet requires a few simple things: Fat, carbohydrates and protein. In a perfect balance you’ll feel great, energized and receive all the essential vitamins and minerals. But when we don’t eat in balance, having too much protein for example, is when our bodies can go awry.
Protein, found ... Views: 2188
How do you like your tea? If you’re English, you may enjoy it with milk and sugar. If you’re French, a slice of lemon is the custom. For the Chinese, tea ceremony is a cultural mainstay. No matter how you take it or how much you enjoy, tea has become quite the health beverage.
There are ... Views: 614
Let’s be honest with ourselves for a moment and acknowledge that at some point, or at many points in our lives, we’ve told a white lie.
Maybe you weren’t completely honest with your doctor about your daily habits, maybe you told a friend that their outfit was stylish (even if it wasn’t!) and ... Views: 514
Strep throat, tuberculosis, urinary tract infections (UTI) – when your immune system isn’t in top shape, you’re more prone to bacterial infections like these. For people with chronic illness with compromised immunity or for seniors, where aging alone means immunity isn’t as strong as it once ... Views: 613
Ever heard the phrase, “Too much of a good thing?” Well, it even applies to eating too much of what are deemed “healthy foods.” You may feel good that your diet consists of dark leafy greens, fruits and vegetables, but you can actually be overindulging in these healthy foods. In turn, they can ... Views: 567
With the warmer weather approaching, we start to reach for fresher, in-season fruits and vegetables. Often vibrant in color, these health foods not only entice our senses but offer us many health benefits as well.
One fruit that’s fresh and going to be popping up more so in the next few ... Views: 904
This is it. I’m committed. I’m going to start eating walnuts every day. Raw, maybe some days roasted, but definitely minus the salt.
That’s because, as you’re about to find out, the top health benefits of walnuts are far too convincing for me to keep munching on almonds or pistachios (which ... Views: 949
Although mental illness issues are becoming more openly talked about, there is still a heavy stigma that surrounds them. As news media portrays criminals as having some mental disorder, society associates mental illness with people who are harmful and dangerous. Learning more about mental ... Views: 878
Pain affects all of us at some point, but it seems the older we get the more pain we experience. Sure it’s easy to take a pill to combat this pain, but throughout the day you may be topping up to six pills! The damage these can do to your body isn’t good, so finding effective, natural ... Views: 1026
Do you remember your child’s second birthday? How about what you ate last week? If your memory is starting to fog, don’t hit the panic button! It’s not too late to give it a boost. In fact, there are many different things you can do every day to improve your memory.
With memory being so ... Views: 1183
Give your heart health some attention! The heart is like your engine room, pumping nutrient-and-oxygen-rich blood throughout the body and beating 100,000 times a day. That’s almost 40 million times a year. So if you don’t treat your heart right, with daily activity, good food and exercise – and ... Views: 1457
We like to think with age comes wisdom and life experience, and so many things to pass on to the generations to come. All this is true and worth enjoying. But age does bring its challenges, too, along with a body that’s weathered the years, the stress, and the toxins we’ve absorbed from our food ... Views: 1513